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08-06-2018, 01:24 PM
Can't even give Trump any credit. This guy and his little pet Mika are comical! :laugh: The hatred is very strong with those two!!

I really don't care what him and all the haters claim. I'm just going to continue to enjoy the economy, while smiling about the success of creating jobs and dropping unemployment so far and so quickly.


Joe Scarborough Praises Barack Obama for the Strong Economy

Joe Scarborough opened up Monday’s “Morning Joe’ on MSNBC by praising former President Barack Obama for the current state of the economy.

According to the self-proclaimed conservative, the strong economy is not the result of President Donald Trump, but rather the six to seven-year recovery started by Obama.

“[Y]ou just have to say it,” Scarborough began. “Things are going well out there. This isn’t the greatest economy ever. This isn’t close to being the greatest economy ever. Barack Obama had more people getting jobs his last 16 or 18 months than have had jobs during Donald Trump’s first 16 or 18 months.”

He added, “We’re in pretty an extraordinary six, seven-year recovery right now, and that’s a recovery we can all be grateful for. And, you know what? That’s something that we Republicans — now a conservative — we conservatives have always given credit where credit is due, and that’s the small business owners to people working hard.”


08-06-2018, 04:20 PM
He must have forgotten about... "those jobs just aren't coming back," and, "how is he going to bring back those jobs, just, wave a magic wand or something." Yes, spoken by the America hating kenyan muslim dog turd obama, who had the WORST economy in American HISTORY, DOUBLED our national debt, and worst GROWTH/GDP EVER. We owe ALL of the booming economy to president Trump, AAAAALLL of it, PERIOD.

These leftists on TV are nothing more than the propaganda wing for the democrat party, and they have such RAW HATE for president Trump, they have ZERO compulsion about LYING to make him LOOK BAD. I've just tuned them out, entirely. I won't listen to clips of them, I won't watch clips of them. As on twitter, now many are using the hashtag, "TuneThemOut, and #WalkAway.

08-08-2018, 09:12 PM
8 years under Obama was like running in quicksand economically. Obama's economy reminded me of the air right before a hurricane strikes. Just dead-ass still --not even the air moves.