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View Full Version : Black Conservatives Speak Out Against NY Times Hiring ‘Racist,’ ‘Vulgar’ Sarah Jeong

08-06-2018, 06:58 PM
Wow, such language! Such hatred for the white man. How in the world does this woman get a job - and keep it?


Black Conservatives Speak Out Against NY Times Hiring ‘Racist,’ ‘Vulgar’ Sarah Jeong

The black leadership coalition Project 21 is speaking out against Sarah Jeong, the New York Time’s hire for its editorial board, calling her history of anti-white person slurs on social media “racist” and “vulgar” and the decision reveals “inconsistency” and “irresponsibility” in the media outlet’s handling of race issues.

“Ms. Jeong is the recipient of leftist privilege, which means that whatever she says can and will be forgiven no matter how vile or racist her actions may have been,” Project 21 Co-Chair Stacy Washington said.

“In response to the backlash over her addition to the New York Times editorial staff, the paper shared that they had discussions with her about the appropriateness of her tweets,” Washington said. “This is within their purview, but the double-standard is glaring.”

“Roseanne Barr was blacklisted for one tweet,” Washington said. “Even after she showed remorse and apologized profusely, there is no path of redemption for her.”

“In the freest nation on the planet, we are witnessing jackbooted political thuggery,” Washington said.


“Sarah Jeong’s comments are antithetical in an age when we should be moving beyond racism to embrace our greater American identity,” Project 21 member Rich Holt said in a statement distributed to the media. “This racist liberal engages in a divisive anti-white narrative that is just as damaging as black codes and segregation were in the past.”

“As Americans, we need to erase the hyphens that divide us and embrace our unity under the red, white and blue,” Holt said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/08/06/black-conservatives-times-hiring-racist-vulgar-sarah-jeong/

Far Left Editors at Wikipedia Refuse Mention of Sarah Jeong’s Seething Racism on Her Bio Page

The New York Times announced this week that Sarah Jeong would be the newest member to their editorial board.


Sarah Jeong went to The New York Times from The Verge.

It wasn’t hard to discover that Sarah Jeong has a Twitter page littered with racist filth.


— professional twiter name (@sarahjeong) November 18, 2014

In fact, her page is FILLED with racist white-hating garbage.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/far-left-editors-at-wikipedia-refuse-mention-of-sarah-jeongs-seething-racism-on-her-bio-page/

08-07-2018, 10:20 AM
I gotta wonder what the hell that the NY Times is thinking, and how this piece of garbage remains employed? And why is the mainstream media treating her nicely in comparison to how others are treated?

And the NYT is admittedly aware, and doesn't care.

More Tweets By New NYT Hire That Would Get A Conservative Fired Come To Light

The growing trend of companies firing people for regrettable social media posts is troubling and ultimately unsustainable. We can only hope that at some point the trend reverses — or that at very least the same standard applied to liberals on past social media offenses will begin to be applied to conservatives. Prime example of the glaring double standard: The New York Times' new hire Sarah Jeong, whose list of extreme tweets is apparently endless.

The Washington Times has unearthed a few more tweets by Jeong, that, if the ideological and political situation were reversed, would have given the New York Times more pause about hiring her. Jeong is the self-described frontrunner of the "Trump is Hitler" mantra, extreme rhetoric for the violence-prone among the #resistance and an absurd trivialization of the horrors of the Holocaust.

Here are some of the tweets in chronological order that if they were about, say, Barack Obama, the New York Times would probably not have been so enthusiastic about hiring Jeong:




Among the other extreme posts by Jeong the New York Times found forgivable are tweets declaring "oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men" and "Dumbass f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants." Two other gems: "cops are a***holes" and "kill more men."


In response, the New York Times defended its decision to hire Jeong, and admitted that it was well aware of her offensive posts. "We had candid conversations with Sarah as part of our thorough vetting process, which included a review of her social media history," the Times said in a statement last week.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/34140/more-tweets-new-nyt-hire-would-get-conservative-james-barrett

08-07-2018, 10:58 AM
Once again... repeat with me now... DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH. They have no morals, they have no conscience, they have no shame, they have no remorse.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.

08-07-2018, 11:01 AM
Once again... repeat with me now... DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH.

Remember it, say it often.

It doesn't even get condemned here. Yet anyway. But the MO over the years is/was to ignore the wrongdoings of anyone on the left.

Being a racist is ok when it's geared towards white men. Even more so if it's a christian white man.

08-07-2018, 11:07 AM
It doesn't even get condemned here. Yet anyway. But the MO over the years is/was to ignore the wrongdoings of anyone on the left.

Being a racist is ok when it's geared towards white men. Even more so if it's a christian white man.
I condemn it. I condemn the entire democrat party.

This is just IN YOUR FACE, by HER, and by the NYT. It's PURE, RAW, BLATANT, UNADULTERATED RACISM and HATE, IN YOUR FACE, and the NYT is saying... "FUCK YOU WHITE PEOPLE, WE DON'T CARE, WE KNOW WHAT SHE SAID BUT SINCE SHE'S A FLAMING RADICAL LEFTISTS... WE, DON'T, CAAAAAARRRRRE." Not to mention, many of the radical leftist democrat trash at the NYT probably AGREE with her HATE and RACISM.

Yes I honestly hate these people, with a passion. It's just illogical to LIKE anyone that HATES you.

08-07-2018, 11:16 AM
I condemn it. I condemn the entire democrat party.

This is just IN YOUR FACE, by HER, and by the NYT. It's PURE, RAW, BLATANT, UNADULTERATED RACISM and HATE, IN YOUR FACE, and the NYT is saying... "FUCK YOU WHITE PEOPLE, WE DON'T CARE, WE KNOW WHAT SHE SAID BUT SINCE SHE'S A FLAMING RADICAL LEFTISTS... WE, DON'T, CAAAAAARRRRRE." Not to mention, many of the radical leftist democrat trash at the NYT probably AGREE with her HATE and RACISM.

Yes I honestly hate these people, with a passion. It's just illogical to LIKE anyone that HATES you.

I know you do bro! I'm referencing leftie leaning types that don't care about stuff like what she wrote.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 11:18 AM
She will write a book and make millions.

I doubt the New York Times will lose many readers. Aren't are all democrats anyway?

08-07-2018, 11:25 AM
I know you do bro! I'm referencing leftie leaning types that don't care about stuff like what she wrote.
Yeah I figured that, pard, I just had to say it.

I honestly do think the democrat party is just one huge conglomeration of disgusting trash. If it's BAD for America, if it's pro illegal alien, if it's corrupt, racist, fascist, violent or PERVERTED, and the list goes on of course, the democrat party is FOR IT. They are ALL IN. You are ONE OF THEM, and they'll circle the wagons around you and defend anything you do, even if you're shitting on the sidewalk in San Franqueerco, shooting up heroine leaving your dirty needle in the gutter, harassing passers by for money and smell like a gob of fresh dog shit, if you vote D, you're their hero. They LOVE you.