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08-07-2018, 09:33 AM
They are voting to remove the Trump star. And my God, there are SO SO many other actor and actresses on that walk that are criminals and worse. What a cheap excuse. I wouldn't want to be associated with 98% of the Hollywood idiots anyway. And Spacey remains, an accused Pedo type, pointed out in the article. But as we know, Hollywood isn't filled with innocence, so that walk is filled with a ton of numbskulls.


West Hollywood Fascists Vote Unanimously to Remove Donald Trump’s Star on Walk of Fame… But Guess Whose Star Remains?

In July a far left activist destroyed Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pick axe.

The man who destroyed the Trump Star on the Walk of Fame was later arrested.

Tonight the West Hollywood City Council is voting to remove President Donald Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame.

They voted unanimously to remove Donald Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame.
He’s a Republican.

BREAKING: West Hollywood City Council voted unanimously to remove President Trump’s star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. https://t.co/pQ6KrFbi06

— DCHomos (@DCHomos) August 7, 2018

Guess whose Hollywood star they won’t be voting on?

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/hollywood-fascists-vote-to-remove-donald-trumps-star-on-walk-of-fame-but-guess-whose-star-remains/

08-07-2018, 10:11 AM
Another version, and some more names still on there in comparison... And Cosby! One they don't like how he supposedly treated or spoken about women - the other only raped like 50 of them. :rolleyes:


Here's A List Of People Who STILL Have Stars On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame Despite Scandals

City of West Hollywood has voted to remove President Trump's star

The Hollywood Walk of Fame has never removed a star once it has been approved and set in cement.

Despite scandals new and old — the walk began in the 1950s — it's never happened.

But now the powers that be want to jackhammer President Trump's star out of the ground (even though a vandal completely destroyed Trump's star with a pickaxe last month).

The city of West Hollywood on Monday voted to remove the star. They don't have the final say, so their proposal has been sent to the mayor and city council of Los Angeles who, along with the chamber of commerce, will decide.

West Hollywood officials cited "treatment of women" for the removal of Trump's star. "Similar to how certain members of the entertainment community have been removed from the Academy of Motion Pictures, due to their actions toward women, reflecting a stance on their values by the Academy, this is an opportunity for decision-makers to take a stand on their values in support of women and against disturbing treatment of women," the West Hollywood City Council said ahead of the vote.

"The members also noted Trump’s policies, including a decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a ban on transgender military officers and the separation of families at the U.S. border with Mexico, among reasons for the removal," ABC News reported.

But guess who still has a star on the Walk of Fame?

Actor Kevin Spacey for one — in fact, it's right next to Trump's. Spacey fell from the stars last year after repeated allegations emerged that he acted in a sexually predatory manner toward men — sometimes underage. Anthony Rapp, an actor on "Star Trek: Discovery," told BuzzFeed that Spacey made sexual advances in 1986, when he was just 14. In all, 15 men came forward.

Bill Cosby also still has a star on the Walk of Fame. In April, the comedian was found guilty on three charges of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home in a Philadelphia suburb in 2004. There was a move to remove Cosby's star back in 2015, but Hollywood Chamber of Commerce CEO Leron Gubler refused, saying, "Once a star has been added to the Walk, it is considered a part of the historic fabric of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Because of this, we have never removed a star from the Walk."

Arnold Schwarzenegger still has one. "In 2003, six women came out alleging that Schwarzenegger had groped them in incidents dating back to 1975," LA Weekly reports. He also secretly fathered a child with the family housekeeper. Schwarzenegger has denied the groping allegations.

Brett Ratner, a film producer and director, has his star. In 2017, Ratner was accused of rape by a former talent agency employee. Then six more women, including actresses Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge, accused Ratner of sexual misconduct and harassment. Ratner has filed a counter lawsuit.

Michael Jackson still has a star on the Walk of Fame. In 2005, Jackson was charged with child molestation, but he was eventually acquitted. Many still believe that Jackson was a pedophile.

Randy Quaid, brother of fellow actor Dennis Quaid, still has a star. Quaid and his wife were arrested in 2009 and charged with defrauding an innkeeper in Santa Barbara on a $10,000 bill (which they eventually paid). Since then, the pair has had more run-ins with the law, fled to Canada, sneaked back in to Vermont (but were caught), and claimed they were refugees fleeing "starwhackers" — killers believed to target the famous.

Charlie Sheen, the former star of the hit show "Two And A Half Men," has kept his star through all of his scandals. After he was kicked off the show in 2011, he went on a slew of bizarre and increasingly angry rants, which he posted on social media. In 2009, he was accused of beating his wife and eventually charged with felony menacing, third-degree assault and criminal mischief.

Don Cornelius, the creator and host of "Soul Train," has a star, even though he was arrested in 2008 on a felony domestic violence charge for beating his estranged wife. He eventually pleaded guilty and got three years probation. He killed himself in 2012.

Jerry Lee Lewis, a musician who wrote "Great Balls of Fire" and "Whole Lotta Shakin'" in the 1950s, still has a star. At 22 years old, he gave a wedding ring to 13-year-old Myra Gale Brown. "A few years later, Lewis began physically and emotionally abusing his wife," LA Weekly reports.

Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle also still has a star on the walk. The silent film star in 1921 was accused of brutally raping and killing actress Virginia Rappe. After three trials, he was acquitted of the charges, but like O.J. Simpson, the scandal killed his career and he never worked in Hollywood again.

Getting a star on the Walk of Fame is not very hard, at least not if you're somewhat well-known. Anyone can submit a nomination to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame Committee. Then, upon approval, just fork over $40,000 and the star's yours.


08-08-2018, 06:42 PM
President Trump is better off NOT having a star on that walk of SHAME.

I'd be HAPPY they voted to get my name off that SHIT.

08-08-2018, 06:59 PM
Getting a star on the Walk of Fame is not very hard, at least not if you're somewhat well-known. Anyone can submit a nomination to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame Committee. Then, upon approval, just fork over $40,000 and the star's yours.
l (https://www.dailywire.com/news/34142/heres-list-people-who-still-have-stars-hollywood-joseph-curl)

So it sounds like the people that voted to get rid of Trump's star should be obligated to all chip in their own money to refund Trump's $40,000.