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View Full Version : The Atlantic Explains Why Sarah Jeong’s Brand of ‘White-Bashing’ Is on the Rise

08-07-2018, 07:12 PM
While everyone else is getting fired for even decades old use of the "N" word, and racism claims rampant - it's aok in today's age to bash whites, and more so bible thumping whites!

Quite frankly, this Jeong woman, is a slimy piece of dog crap. I can't seem to understand why the NYT is ignoring her 'background' and obvious feelings.


The Atlantic Explains Why Sarah Jeong’s Brand of ‘White-Bashing’ Is on the Rise

A new column published by the Atlantic this week attempts to explain why condemning white people has become popular in American culture.

Atlantic contributor Reiham Salam thoughtfully explained the rise of “white-bashing” in a column that was published this week. (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/08/the-utility-of-white-bashing/566846/) Salam explains that “white-bashing” has become increasingly popular with elite whites who want to signal their enlightened views on racial issues.

To state the obvious, Jeong is hardly alone in colorfully expressing anti-white sentiment, and it is this broader phenomenon I find most interesting. Honestly, I’ve been around this sort of talk, most of it at least half-joking, for most of my life. (Years ago, I even affectionately parodied it.) The people I’ve heard archly denounce whites have for the most part been upwardly-mobile people who’ve proven pretty adept at navigating elite, predominantly white spaces. A lot of them have been whites who pride themselves on their diverse social circles and their enlightened views, and who indulge in their own half-ironic white-bashing to underscore that it is their achieved identity as intelligent, worldly people that counts most, not their ascribed identity as being of recognizably European descent.

Salam is writing in the aftermath of the Sarah Jeong controversy, which erupted last week after the New York Times announced her hiring. Users on Twitter discovered that Jeong had a history of bizarre anti-white bigoted tweets.



Salam also argued that Asian-Americans engage in “white-bashing” allows them the opportunity to bond with “enlightened” elite whites who engage in “white-bashing” themselves.

But that doesn’t exhaust the universe of possibilities. In some instances, white-bashing can actually serve as a means of ascent, especially for Asian Americans. Embracing the culture of upper-white self-flagellation can spur avowedly enlightened whites to eagerly cheer on their Asian American comrades who show (abstract, faceless, numberless) lower-white people what for. And, simultaneously, it allows Asian Americans who use the discourse to position themselves as ethnic outsiders, including those who are comfortably enmeshed in elite circles.


08-07-2018, 07:29 PM
I like making fun of stupid women on the highway who hate Old White Men so much, by laughing at them as I drive by....Blowing the horn, stopping, asking her what the problem is, then DRIVING AWAY laughing. Especially if she brags about being an Ignorant, Racist, NYT's SLUT!

My most sincere apologies to other SLUTS.


08-07-2018, 09:11 PM
M-A-N !!! do I EVER know some Asian racial slurs ......

08-07-2018, 09:58 PM
M-A-N !!! do I EVER know some Asian racial slurs ......

Wanna guess how many NAM vets I know, and grew up with? They still use the familiar names, and slurs everybody heard from movies....but then....We don't need to get Jim SHUT DOWN here.

One of the Cleanest most people know is "GOOK", or "CHARLIE". Many Nam vets will tell you, are just the beginning of "Fightin' Words".

I can only imagine what that NYT's Slut's EYES make them say!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

08-08-2018, 05:56 AM
Wanna guess how many NAM vets I know, and grew up with? They still use the familiar names, and slurs everybody heard from movies....but then....We don't need to get Jim SHUT DOWN here.

One of the Cleanest most people know is "GOOK", or "CHARLIE". Many Nam vets will tell you, are just the beginning of "Fightin' Words".

I can only imagine what that NYT's Slut's EYES make them say!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Sooooo true.

08-08-2018, 12:34 PM
She's a DEMOCRAT. Have you seen little pete condemn her? No... neither have I.https://image.ibb.co/k40XTn/democrats_kkk.jpg

08-08-2018, 08:48 PM
She's a DEMOCRAT. Have you seen little pete condemn her? No... neither have I.https://image.ibb.co/k40XTn/democrats_kkk.jpg
I've seen this before and don't care much for it. DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. It is both misleading and historically inaccurate.

The Republican Party was the progressive/liberal party while the Democrats were conservative during that period of time. Blacks elected to office during Reconstruction was "punishment" for the South. Southerner's who fought in the war were disenfranchised of their Rights to hold office and vote.

Two trains of thought on the original KKK. It was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest as a "fraternity". Once it got out of hand he disbanded the original Klan.

The other point, which is logical and valid is, white Southerners had ZERO protection from occupying Union forces and or freedmen, and had no legal recourse with the occupation Union military governments. Night riders did their own "policing" and did it at night so they didn't get strung up by a kangaroo, Union military court. Again, they had no recourse.

The first black Congressman was from MS, during Reconstruction and he was a Republican. Blacks fled the Republican party during the Depression in favor of FDR's New Deal.