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08-07-2018, 08:32 PM
Maxine Waters. Don Lemon. Obama. Lebron James. Well, maybe not as much Obama, but he was open for critique as Prez, and MANY many asked about his creds and what not, and they weren't all labeled racist for doing so.

All of these folks and more, have all stepped in and trashed Trump in many ways first, and then Trump finally responds. For example, Lebron has been trashing Trump for a long long time now. Waters has been all over Trump since the day he was elected.

Also, it's not race. Even in the campaign mode, he was labeling people low IQ, lazy and dumb and all that other crap. It may be an asshole writing things like that, but it wasn't because of someone's race. He's just an equal opportunist insult idiot at times.

But CNN is still full of shit, and there is no disturbing pattern, at least not one they are willing to admit.


Trump's attacks on LeBron fit a disturbing pattern

(CNN)There's no disputing that Donald Trump's pattern of attacking well-known African-Americans as having "low IQs" or being of low intelligence is parroting the white nationalist view that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites. The only question is whether Trump was intentionally espousing the views of white supremacists.

Well, given Trump's history, there's only one reasonable conclusion: Trump knows exactly what he's saying.

Just take a look at Trump's history of ridiculing the intelligence of prominent black Americans. In March, Trump first began his baseless claim that frequent Trump critic, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters from California, has a "very low IQ." He was doubling down on his insult in July when he said, "I mean, honestly, she's somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe that." Apparently, to Trump, repeatedly smearing a black critic as having a low IQ is an effective way of delegitimizing her to his political base.

And on Friday, Trump escalated this line of attack on well-known African-Americans. This time, the leader of the nation took to Twitter to mock the intelligence of both NBA great LeBron James and CNN anchor Don Lemon: "Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do. I like Mike!" (The "Mike" in the tweet was NBA legend Michael Jordan, who issued a statement in response standing with LeBron James.) Despite Trump's twitter attack, Melania Trump praised the NBA superstar's charity work less than a day later.

But Trump's practice of demeaning the intelligence of black Americans pre-dates his time in the White House. In 2011, he publicly claimed, with zero evidence, that then-President Barack Obama had been a "terrible student" and questioned how he could have been accepted at Columbia University or Harvard Law, both schools from which Obama graduated.

Trump then suggested that Obama release his school records to prove that he was intelligent enough to get into these Ivy League schools.

The claim that blacks have "low IQs" is taken right from the white nationalist playbook. For decades, bigots have used what's been dubbed "race science" to support the assertion that whites have inherently higher IQs than blacks.

Charles Murray, who the Southern Poverty Law Center has rebuked for "using racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor," co-wrote a book in 1994 where he claimed that poor people, especially blacks, are inherently less intelligent than white or Asian people. Murray has also claimed that people with low IQs are more often found in nonwhite communities.

Over time this "scientific racism" slowly crept into more mainstream right-wing thought. For example, in 2012 a long-time contributor to the National Review, John Derbyshire, penned an article for the right-wing outlet Taki's magazine arguing that blacks inherently have lower IQs than whites.

In the article, Derbyshire stated that intelligent black Americans are "something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets." Derbyshire was fired from The National Review after that article was published.

And today we're seeing this same view espoused by a younger generation of white nationalists known as the alt-right. For example, an August 2017 academic paper studied the mentality of alt-right activists by having both alt-right individuals and a control group respond to questions such as "What are your thoughts when people claim the alt-right is racist?" In response to this prompt, one alt-right activist stated, "Is it racist to not want your community flooded with 3,000 low IQ blacks from the Congo?"

If that sentiment sounds familiar it's because Trump reportedly made a similar comment months later in January 2018 that he didn't want immigrants from "Sh**thole" countries like Haiti but would prefer more from European nations like Norway.

Clearly, Trump shares some of the same bigoted sentiments as these alt-right racists. After all, this is the same Trump whose real estate company was sued by the federal government in the 1970's for refusing to rent to black people. At the time, Trump held a press conference slamming the Department of Justice for, as he put it, trying to force his company "to rent to welfare recipients", claiming that renting to black people would cause a "massive fleeing from the city of not only our tenants, but communities as a whole."

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/05/opinions/trump-lebron-pattern-opinion-obeidallah/index.html

08-07-2018, 08:47 PM
I'll be the racist. I find it a disturbing patern that both Maxine Waters and Lebron James look like gorillas. Sorry, gorillas. Homo sapienist of me, I know :rolleyes:

I don't see Trump as a racist. It doesn't fit.

08-07-2018, 08:54 PM
I'll be the racist. I find it a disturbing patern that both Maxine Waters and Lebron James look like gorillas. Sorry, gorillas. Homo sapienist of me, I know :rolleyes:

I don't see Trump as a racist. It doesn't fit.

He's done things like they point out, but as I said, these folks have hounded him, and his words aren't "racist" to them. And over his career, he's done much good for the black community, and individuals he has hired. And even black folks in various communities today are stating they are better off today then they have been in a long long time, and feel like Trump is the reason, and has paid more attention to their needs.

Maxine is more like a James Brown type, with the wig and all. :)

08-07-2018, 08:57 PM
Simply HATE being told the truth. If Trump says it...it's racist. If Maxipad Waters says it...That's just proving she failed all IQ tests to be President.

08-07-2018, 09:02 PM
He's done things like they point out, but as I said, these folks have hounded him, and his words aren't "racist" to them. And over his career, he's done much good for the black community, and individuals he has hired. And even black folks in various communities today are stating they are better off today then they have been in a long long time, and feel like Trump is the reason, and has paid more attention to their needs.

Maxine is more like a James Brown type, with the wig and all. :)Lebron James wouldn't remember poor if he ever was and he sure doesn't go home to East Cleveland at night. Maxine is a straight up moron.

It just has been my observation, and is my opinion that Trump is not a racist. I think his favorite color is green and he doesn't care what color the people are making it. The new tax code went into effect for minorities the same day it did for us wonderful white folk, didn't it?

This is just one of those cases where the left has to prove how unhinged and out-of-touch with reality it is. The accusations are just baseless BS to the point of ridiculousness.

I don't think James Brown likes you much. You think he bequeathed that wig to Maxine?:laugh:

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 09:15 PM
Trump is such a racist he won an award from Al Sharpton for renting to so many minorities.

And LeBron giving a rats ass what trump
says about the guy who is supposed to be his arch rival says a lot about sports these days.

08-07-2018, 09:21 PM
Trump is such a racist he won an award from Al Sharpton for renting to so many minorities.

And LeBron giving a rats ass what trump
says about the guy who is supposed to be his arch rival says a lot about sports these days.I don't like Lebron James, period. I'm for any team whipping his team's ass. I love his loyalty to Cleveland. Remember just a few short years ago when he was "going home"? Now he wants out.

I could care less what he has to say. And Waters? She might as well not bother speaking for any affect it'll have on ME. She's always questioning Trump's sanity when I'm thinking a 5 years old would question hers. She's a nutcase.

Black Diamond
08-07-2018, 09:28 PM
I don't like Lebron James, period. I'm for any team whipping his team's ass. I love his loyalty to Cleveland. Remember just a few short years ago when he was "going home"? Now he wants out.

I could care less what he has to say. And Waters? She might as well not bother speaking for any affect it'll have on ME. She's always questioning Trump's sanity when I'm thinking a 5 years old would question hers. She's a nutcase.
I've hated Lebron ever since he left Cleveland the first time. That "Decision" special was despicable. He has no loyalty. I believe Jordan when he says he would never thought of calling magic or bird to go play there.
I hate 3 players in NBA history: Bill Laimbeer, Isiah Thomas, and Lebron.

08-08-2018, 06:12 PM
Funny how president Trump being such a RAAAAAYYYCIST and all has GAINED so much support from the black community... bad news for those calling him RAAAAAYYYYCIST, and even worse for the new radical democrats and their imaginary blue wave... :laugh:


POLL: Black Support For Trump Nearly Doubles Since Last Year
