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View Full Version : Abolish ICE, No borders, Close prisons

08-10-2018, 11:45 AM
Yeah, let's all protest for a society filled with criminals, because you know, they have rights and all too. As do foreigners, so close any type of borders. And with that, no need for ICE. Hell, why not just close down our entire justice system? :rolleyes:


Antifa to Protest ‘Alt-Right’ in D.C.: Abolish ICE, No Borders, Close Prisons

Law enforcement and city officials are preparing for protesters and counter-protesters to descend on Washington, DC, this weekend.

According to the shutitdowndc.org website, the Antifa side of the equation has purposes far beyond responding to the Unite the Right 2 demonstration set to take place on the Charlottesville, Va. rally anniversary on Sunday at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The National Park Service has issued a permit to Jason Kessler for his Unite the Right 2 rally from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the park and its website has a list of instructions, including warning people not to bring weapons and to resist taunts from “provocateurs.”

The permit states that as many as 400 people may show up for the event, which has a stated purpose, according to the permit, of promoting “white civil rights.”

The Antifa counter-protest website, calling the event “Shut It Down DC” and “Trans and Queer #ResistDance Against White Supremacy,” states a much broader purpose and is supported by a long list of left-wing organizations, including Black Lives Matter, Anarchist Agency, Fredrick Socialists, D.C. Antifascist Collective, Millenials for Revolution, Occupy Wall Street, and Philly Antifa.

The website calls for a “mass mobilization” in Washington, DC, from Friday through Sunday with the group assembling at Freedom Plaza — just blocks from the Unite the Right 2 location.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/08/10/antifa-to-protest-alt-right-in-d-c-abolish-ice-no-borders-close-prisons/

08-10-2018, 12:31 PM
Two words: Stupid and Ignorant.

Read it. How the hell is Trump implicated in Heather's death?
The driver of the G**Damned car is at fault.

These people are morons.

08-12-2018, 05:21 PM
The rest of America...at least the Americans with Brains, are watching these animals. YES....I CALLED THEM ANIMALS. I'd prefer to call them ROAD KILL, but that would be an insult to Innocent animals who are hit crossing the roads of America....AT THEIR OWN RISK!:laugh::laugh:

08-12-2018, 06:22 PM



Border Patrol:


Homeland Security!