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View Full Version : Even half of democrats want Pelosi gone!

08-10-2018, 11:52 AM
When will she get the hint? Last I read she still thinks she'll lead things again. :rolleyes:

She's been all over the map and having trouble even speaking in the past few years. I think it's time to bring her to the vet...


Poll: 73% of Americans, and 49% of Democrats, Want to Dump Nancy Pelosi

A new poll, conducted by American Barometer and released Thursday by Hill.TV and HarrisX, shows that 73% of Americans — and 49% of Democrats — want the Democratic Party to dump House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

If Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in November’s midterm elections, Pelosi will re-take the gavel as Speaker.

Pelosi confirmed in an interview in May: “We will win. I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too.”

However, nearly three out of four registered voters said “no” when asked: “Should Democrats in the House of Representatives keep Nancy Pelosi as their leader or should they elect someone else?”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/california/2018/08/10/poll-73-of-americans-and-49-of-democrats-want-to-dump-nancy-pelosi/

Black Diamond
08-10-2018, 11:54 AM
Give it to the Latina from the Bronx.

08-10-2018, 01:07 PM
Democrats opposing Pelosi

Here's the list of 51 Democratic candidates and incumbents who won't support minority leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for Speaker if the party takes the House in the November elections.


1. Ken Harbaugh (D-OH-7) McClatchyDC (8/3/2017)

“We have a remarkable opportunity in front of us, and it’s going to take new thinking and new leadership to capitalize on it.”

2. Aftab Pureval (D-OH-1) Cincinnati Enquirer (7/11/2018)

"Will I support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker? The answer is 'no,' " Pureval exclusively told Politics Extra on Wednesday. “I’m running for Congress because I genuinely believe we need a new generation of leadership. Washington is Brooklyn ken. It’s toxic, and it’s on both sides."

3. Dan McCready (D-NC-9) Charlotte Observer (3/20/2018)

Dan McCready said, “The fact is leaders of both parties have let us down… It’s time for a change,” he said. “And that starts at the top.”

4. Danny O’Connor (R-OH-12) Politico (3/14/2018)

Danny O’Connor, who is running in a special election this summer to replace former Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio), told POLITICO in an interview this past weekend that he won’t support Pelosi because he believes “we need changes in leadership on both sides of the aisle.”

5. Brendan Kelly (D-IL-12) The Southern Illinoisan (3/26/2018)

Brendan Kelly (D-IL) [said] should he win in November, he would not support Nancy Pelosi… as Speaker of the House.

6. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY-22) Syracuse.com (5/03/2018)

“I believe it's time for new leadership on both sides of the aisle.”

7. Ben McAdams (D-UT-4) AP (5/3/2018)

Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams said… he would not vote for Pelosi to lead the party if Democrats regain control of the U.S. House.

8. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ-11) New Jersey Globe (5/23/18)

Sherrill announced that she would not vote House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi into a House leadership position if she was elected to fill retiring Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen’s seat.

9. Jared Golden (D-ME-2) Sun-Journal (6/4/2018)

State Rep. Jared Golden of Lewiston told a forum that he “has no intention of voting for Nancy Pelosi. None at all.”

10. Clarke Tucker (D-AR-2) Campaign ad (06/12/2018)

“I’ve said from day one that I won’t vote for Nancy Pelosi.”

11. Max Rose (D-NY-11) Politico (6/20/2018)

“If the Democratic Party is going to earn back the trust of the American people then we need to show them that we are serious about changing our politics — and that means we need a change in leadership.”

12. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ-1) Press of Atlantic City (6/21/2018)

"We need to change the leadership in Washington. After more than a decade of leading House Democrats as Speaker and Minority Leader, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi will not have my support as leader in the next session," Van Drew said in a statement.

13. Gil Cisneros (D-CA-39) San Francisco Chronicle (6/21/2018)

“While I respect Leader Pelosi’s years of advocacy on behalf of California and the Democratic Party, it’s time for new leadership.”

14. Andrew Janz (D-CA-22) NBC News (3/28/2018)

"I'm not supporting Nancy Pelosi…. I think she's done a lot of good for the party; I think she's done a lot of good for the country…. However, I think it's time for a new generation of leaders to go to Washington, and this is with respect to both Democrats and Republicans."

15. Andy Kim (D-NJ-3) New Jersey Globe (6/23/18)

“As I’m now working to help my community here in New Jersey, it’s time we have new leadership on both sides of the aisle in Washington to get the job done.”

16. Richard Ojeda (D-WV-3) The Atlantic (3/15/2018)

“I don’t think she relates to the working class,” Ojeda said of Pelosi.

17. Joe Cunningham (D-SC-1) Twitter (June 21, 2017)

“The Democratic Party needs new leadership now. If elected, I will not vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker. Time to move forward and win again.”

18. Mel Hall (D-IN-2) Campaign statement (7/25/2018)

“I do not currently support and will not support Nancy Pelosi for leadership in the next Congress…. Washington is broken – and career politicians in both parties are to blame.”

19. Liz Watson (D-IN-9) WTTV CBS 4 (7/29/2018)

“I won’t vote for Nancy Pelosi because we need new leadership in Washington.”

20. J.D. Scholten (D-IA-4) The Hill (7/26/2018)

“I definitely think it’s time for new leadership…. You look at who the [Democratic] leaders are right now ... in the Senate it’s someone from New York and then in the House it’s someone from California.”

21. Kathleen Williams (D-MT-AL): Campaign ad (7/18/2018)

“I won’t be voting for Nancy Pelosi for leader. Instead, I’ll push to find a new leadership team that ensures Congress works for all of us.”

22. Janet Garrett (D-OH-4) Vox (7/11/2018)

“I look at the leadership, I think we should vote them all out,” Garrett said.

23. Theresa Gasper (D-OH-10) Dayton Daily News (7/10/2018)

“Although this discussion is premature, I would support new leadership in the House,” Gasper said through a spokeswoman.

24. Josh Welle (D-NJ-4) New Jersey Globe (6/22/2018)

“Speaker Pelosi has been a strong public servant.… But, it’s clear that Congress is not working for everyday people, and now is the time for new leadership in Washington with fresh ideas on moving our country forward and united.”

25. Kathy Manning (D-NC-13) Medium (7/4/2018)

"I cannot vote for more of the same, and I cannot support Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan to lead Congress. We need fresh faces and bold ideas leading both parties."

26. Jason Crow (D-CO-6) Denver Post (7/23/2018)

“I won’t be supporting Nancy Pelosi…. I want new leadership to set up and move this country forward.”

27. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-7) Statement to NBC News (7/31/2018)

"We need new leadership in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, and at every level, from first-term members to Congressional leadership, and for this reason, under no circumstances, would I vote for Nancy Pelosi to again be Speaker of the House."

28. Ron Dinicola (D-PA-16) Meadville Tribune (4/17/2018)

“I respect the contributions that have been made by the Democratic leadership in the past, but I think it's time for a change on both sides of the aisle.”

29. Kara Eastman (D-NE-2) Facebook post (3/15/2018)

“I believe it's time to bring fresh perspectives to Washington. Democrats must have term limits like the Republicans have for their Congressional leaders. I would support a new House leader in 2019!”

30. Joseph Kopser (D-TX-21) Statement to NBC News (8/3/2018)

"Both parties need a new generation of leaders who will put country ahead of party. I'm not supporting Nancy Pelosi as leader in any vote because I believe there are people who can better take the Democratic Party and our country forward."

31. Jess King (D-PA-11) Statement to NBC News (8/4/2018)

"Congress already has too many career politicians in leadership, and too often leaders in both parties fail to stand up to wealthy special interests. That's why I would vote for new leadership, not Nancy Pelosi. We need to make Washington D.C work for all of us, instead of just working for the political establishment.”

32. Ammar Campa-Najjar (D-CA-50) “Kasie DC” (8/5/2018)

KASIE HUNT: Would you support Nancy Pelosi to lead the Democrats if you're elected?

CAMPA-NAJJAR: Honestly, no. I think we need new leadership.

33. Mac Schneider (D-ND-AL) Grand Forks Herald (6/10/2018)

“I will not be voting for Ms. Pelosi. I think we need a change, and more than that, I think we need someone who can deliver an economic message — someone who can come out to North Dakota and talk to farmers and ranchers and explain why Democratic policies are better for their pocketbooks.”

34. Tim Bjorkman (D-SD-AL) Campaign website (3/13/2018)

“My first pledge is one I have spoken of since the day I announced my candidacy… that as South Dakota’s lone Congressman, I will not support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House or any other leadership position.”

35. Jill Schiller (D-OH-2) Statement to NBC News (8/6/2018)

“I plan to vote for a new generation of leaders…. I've heard one consistent theme on the campaign trail: we need change in Washington, and I want to be a part of that change.”

36. James Thompson (D-KS-4) Twitter (6/21/2018)

“I do not support Nancy Pelosi returning as leader.”

37. Paul Davis (D-KS-2) Kansas City Star (8/15/2017)

“This is a broken Congress right now, and I think the leaders of both political parties bear responsibility for that…. And I think that we need new leadership in both political parties.”

38. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-8) Washington Post (5/1/2018)

“I think it’s clear that on both sides of the aisle, people are seeking new leadership, and I’m going to be looking for someone who best represents my district and what we care about here. And I believe that’s a new generation of leaders.”

39. Nate McMurray (D-NY-27) Buffalo News (6/14/2018)

"I think it's time to move on…. If this blue wave really does happen, it's a request to go a different way, a mandate to do things differently."

40. Haley Stevens (D-MI-11) Detroit News (7/31/2018)

All but Skinner say they wouldn't vote for U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California as speaker if Democrats win the U.S. House this fall — an indication they feel a new generation should have a seat at the leadership table.

41. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) CNN (8/9/2018)

“No, probably not… Supporting big banks and supporting efforts that I don’t think put the people first is troubling…. She doesn't speak about the issues that are important to the families of the 13th Congressional District, and they are a priority for me.”

42. Dr. Danielle Mitchell (D-TN-3), in a statement to NBC News (8/10/2018):

“I admire Pelosi and deeply appreciate all she has accomplished, but I wouldn’t back her for another term as Speaker of the House. Limiting terms in Congress shows that we have faith in the ability of others to step up and serve.”


1. Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY-4) CNN (6/22/2017)

"She has been a great leader, but like every leader, time immemorial, it's time for people to know when to go.... I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi believes that she is the one that can lead this party. I happen to have a different opinion, and I think it's important for people in my position to not be afraid to speak truth to power."

2. Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-CA-38) C-SPAN (10/5/2017)

“I do think it's time to pass a torch to a new generation of leaders.... I think there comes a time when you need to pass that torch. And I think it's time.”

3. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ-9) Statement to NBC News (8/9/2018)

“I am looking for someone will return us to regular order – in procedure, and with legislation. The institution is not working. Chairmen must be given their power back.… It’s time to turn the corner. I have never been an advocate of a coup. Coups only divide caucuses.... We will need unity. Our caucus has very capable people, and I look forward to hearing from my colleagues.”

4. Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA-18) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (1/8/2018)

“I think we need new leadership on both sides.”

5. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA-6) Roll Call (5/1/2018)

“I think there’s a strong desire out there in America for new leadership in Washington, not just getting rid of Republicans but getting new leadership in the Democratic Party.”

6. Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY-26) Buffalo News (6/14/18)

Rep. Brian Higgins of Buffalo said… that he will not back House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California for another term as the top Democrat in the House.

Rest - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/democrats-opposing-pelosi-n899536