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View Full Version : Democratic Congressional Candidate from Minnesota Divorces Her Brother

08-10-2018, 12:37 PM
Some odd stuff! At least I fully hope it was about immigration fraud.... they should also eliminate her as a result of this information, IMO.


Democratic Congressional Candidate from Minnesota Divorces Her Brother

Ilhan Omar won a historic victory over 44-year incumbent DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn.

Ilhan Omar built a vast coalition of East African voters to defeat the incumbent in Minneapolis.

The liberal media forgot to mention Ilhan was married to her brother.

Power Line reported:

A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/democratic-congressional-candidate-from-minnesota-divorces-her-brother/