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08-11-2018, 03:32 PM
Ya know, I looked around, read some articles, posted some more and more, and then read some more. I've read the accusations and the explanations and some with no explanation. I see the banned members and/or members that lose traffic, and some pay for it.

And it seems to be all conservatives or republicans or their supporters. Why? Why now suddenly?

The election.

Why not? Why not all get together as they did, and shut folks down, mostly without explanation. How and would this help the election? Of course! Less word getting out, less folks getting together, perhaps less support. These are huge tools in "getting the word out" - even if we don't like any/all of them individually or collectively. Each has a voice and a message, some different than the other.

And why not, it's their site, right? And that's the technical catch here, and over the years, folks slowly but surely started depending on these services, and a few of them have the market on social media cornered.

So, for example only, if you were Hillary Clinton, and you can have a Soros led company handle the work and get someone 86'd across the board at the same time more or less, why not do so? :rolleyes:

Look what happened in August of last year:


Paypal bans conservative sites after Soros funded group attacks them

PayPal banned Jihad Watch and the American Freedom Defense Initiative from receiving online donations using their platform because of the site’s “activities” after being designated as “hate sites” by left-wing groups.

Jihad Watch was reportedly banned from PayPal on Saturday after ProPublica – a George Soros funded investigative group – targeted the site and its director Robert Spencer (not to be confused with white nationalist Richard Spencer) in a hit piece that claimed the site was guilty of “extreme hostility toward Muslims.”

The assault on Jihad Watch began on Friday when Spencer received an email that he described as a “threatening” from ProPublica journalist Lauren Kirchner.

The email informed Spencer that she was including his site among a list of hate sites identified as such by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – both widely considered to be left-leaning organizations.

The purpose of the hit piece published by ProPublica was clear: put pressure on tech companies that offer their platforms to sites that it deems as “hate sites.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/21/paypal-bans-conservative-sites-after-soros-funded-group-attacks-them/

As far as social media, and conservatives - this article is from back in April of this year

Soros-funded Media Matters moves to force policy changes at social media giants to ban and silence conservative voices

The Soros-funded hate group Media Matters means to force policy changes at Tech Companies to silence and ban conservative news. Media Matters is getting desperate after the Democrats’ catastrophic defeat in 2016, which, of course, the left still hasn’t accepted and will probably never forget. These sinister forces are moving now to make sure it doesn’t happen again in 2018 by labeling everyone who dissents from the leftist agenda as “fake news” and banning them. The only voices that anyone will hear all through the campaign will be those of the leftist media.

If this isn’t stopped, it could be the end of our republic.

“Media Matters: Force Policy Changes at Tech Companies to Fight ‘Fake News,’” by Joe Schoffstall, Washington Free Beacon, April 19, 2018:

A group founded by liberal operative David Brock spoke of the need to force policy changes at Google, Facebook, and YouTube to combat the “proliferation” of “fake news” at the left’s largest dark money donor conference, according to an agenda obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Confidential documents previously obtained by the Free Beacon showed that Media Matters refers to right-leaning news sites when discussing “fake news” and that they had already consulted with a number of social media giants.

The Democracy Alliance, a secretive group of deep-pocketed donors who each push hundreds of thousands of dollars to progressive groups approved by the network, held their spring investment conference this week at the five-star InterContinental Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta.

Top Democrats such as Terry McAuliffe, who is often floated as a potential 2020 candidate for president, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, and billionaire “Need to Impeach” campaign leader Tom Steyer were in attendance.

The conference featured a heavy security presence and only members of the Democracy Alliance could enter the hallways where the sessions were being held. Free Beacon reporters, who were on site throughout the gathering, obtained the group’s agenda and other documents that shed light on their discussions at the event.

Media Matters President Angelo Carusone spoke on the “New Tactics for a New Challenge” panel at the conference where he was joined by Bradley Beychok, the president of American Bridge, another group founded and led by Brock.

Carusone spoke to Democracy Alliance members about forcing social media giants to change their policies to combat fake news.

“Media Matters President Angelo Carusone will describe the importance of mapping and understanding the fake news ecosystem and how forcing policy changes at Google, Facebook, and YouTube, can prevent the proliferation of fake news and suppressive tactics online in the lead up to the midterms,” the event’s description reads.

While Media Matters did not return a request for comment about what was said on the panel, the Free Beacon obtained confidential documents last year that laid out details on how the group would approach this agenda.

“Media Matters will continue our core mission of disarming right-wing information, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation: The proliferation of fake news and propaganda now threatening the country’s information ecosystem,” the group’s documents read. “Utilizing our capacity as the nation’s premier progressive media watchdog and rapid-response research center, Media Matters will further increase our visibility in the ecosystem, strengthen the ability of our supporters and partners to influence it, and improve the infrastructure on which it rests.”

Within Brock’s agenda, Media Matters said that over the next four years the group would focus on exposing “serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists inhabiting everything from social media to the highest levels of government.”…


08-11-2018, 04:05 PM
I know I've said it here before, but our FORMER FRIENDS/Neighbors, directly across the street from our home....STOPPED talking to us....after more than 15 years, the day Trump won.

Multiply this, by the thousands across the nation, and you can understand how HATRED really works to the FEEBLE MINDED, and UNINFORMED, EASILY LED.
Prior to Trump winning. WE NEVER discussed politics because we knew where they stood.

08-11-2018, 07:11 PM
Jim ... shutting down conservative voices started years ago.

IRS ... Tea Party for starters.

Black Diamond
08-11-2018, 07:29 PM
Jim ... shutting down conservative voices started years ago.

IRS ... Tea Party for starters.
Per Obama's request