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View Full Version : If you met Obama face to face

08-13-2018, 09:49 AM
Oh boy, if I were able to speak freely, I would have a nice little list of things to ask him about, to condemn him about. I might ask him his thinking behind some of his decisions and words over the years. Of course this would likely be over a beer, even if my intent isn't to go and make a new best friend. But a good conversation over some beers, and hopefully some answers behind the scenes.

But what if folks on the left were to meet Trump face to face? How would they respond and what would they ask him?

If I met Obama, even if he had no SS protecting him, and as much as I hated his sorry ass in office, I couldn't imagine myself want to "beat him up". :rolleyes:


I asked leftist protesters what they would do if they met Trump - their answers horrified me

One year ago, President Trump told the American people that there was “violence on both sides” during the Charlottesville riots that pitted neo-Nazis against Antifa and other progressive groups. The powder keg was lit. The riots left many injured and one activist lost her life when one of the white supremacists rammed his car into a crowd. Trump was attacked for the “both sides” comment in the wake of the violence.

However, in the year since, the Left’s violent tactics have been on full display in multiple arenas across the country. Riots and death threats have targeted Trump officials, ICE agents, police officers and children. A former Bernie Sanders staffer opened fire on a group of Republican congressmen after learning they were Republicans.

Sunday afternoon, on the one year anniversary of the Charlottesville riots, progressives, anarchists, black bloc thugs gathered together as so-called “Antifa” again to counter protest a gathering of white supremacists in Washington DC. The leftist protesters far outnumbered the white supremacists and masked members of the violent Antifa group could be seen everywhere.

Many still in fact marched under the banners of ‘Peace’ and ‘Love Trumps Hate while chanting ‘Love, not hate. That’s what makes America Great.’ The armed, masked Antifa members and the chants of “peace and love” seemed antithetical.

So I decided to ask the protesters what they would do were they to meet president Trump. Specifically, I asked “If Donald Trump showed up here, what would you say or do?” The answers I received stunned me. In my short time at the rally, approximately one hour, half a dozen protesters looked into my camera and threatened to physically harm or “murder the president.

Some said they wanted to “do him like Gaddafi” in reference to the Libyan leader that was dragged into the street, beaten and murdered by his own people.

"We gotta take him down"
"I would murder him for the people"
"Beat his ass"
"I'd throw the fucking bell at him"
"I'd piss on his leg"
"If I get a chance to fuck him up I would"

Some protesters were armed as well. The masked man above had a visible knife tucked into his pants.

Others made violent slapping or hitting motions, demonstrating what they would do to Trump while laughing.

The actions mirror those of progressive protests around the country Sunday – where journalists were attacked, property was vandalized and cops were arresting progressive protesters by the dozen for violent behavior. There is violence on both sides.

You can watch the responses below:

(video at site/link)


08-13-2018, 12:00 PM
I'd ask him to fly with me to Hawaii so we could see this fabled birth certificate.

08-13-2018, 12:02 PM
Oh boy, if I were able to speak freely, I would have a nice little list of things to ask him about, to condemn him about. I might ask him his thinking behind some of his decisions and words over the years. Of course this would likely be over a beer, even if my intent isn't to go and make a new best friend. But a good conversation over some beers, and hopefully some answers behind the scenes.

But what if folks on the left were to meet Trump face to face? How would they respond and what would they ask him?

If I met Obama, even if he had no SS protecting him, and as much as I hated his sorry ass in office, I couldn't imagine myself want to "beat him up". :rolleyes:


I asked leftist protesters what they would do if they met Trump - their answers horrified me

One year ago, President Trump told the American people that there was “violence on both sides” during the Charlottesville riots that pitted neo-Nazis against Antifa and other progressive groups. The powder keg was lit. The riots left many injured and one activist lost her life when one of the white supremacists rammed his car into a crowd. Trump was attacked for the “both sides” comment in the wake of the violence.

However, in the year since, the Left’s violent tactics have been on full display in multiple arenas across the country. Riots and death threats have targeted Trump officials, ICE agents, police officers and children. A former Bernie Sanders staffer opened fire on a group of Republican congressmen after learning they were Republicans.

Sunday afternoon, on the one year anniversary of the Charlottesville riots, progressives, anarchists, black bloc thugs gathered together as so-called “Antifa” again to counter protest a gathering of white supremacists in Washington DC. The leftist protesters far outnumbered the white supremacists and masked members of the violent Antifa group could be seen everywhere.

Many still in fact marched under the banners of ‘Peace’ and ‘Love Trumps Hate while chanting ‘Love, not hate. That’s what makes America Great.’ The armed, masked Antifa members and the chants of “peace and love” seemed antithetical.

So I decided to ask the protesters what they would do were they to meet president Trump. Specifically, I asked “If Donald Trump showed up here, what would you say or do?” The answers I received stunned me. In my short time at the rally, approximately one hour, half a dozen protesters looked into my camera and threatened to physically harm or “murder the president.

Some said they wanted to “do him like Gaddafi” in reference to the Libyan leader that was dragged into the street, beaten and murdered by his own people.

"We gotta take him down"
"I would murder him for the people"
"Beat his ass"
"I'd throw the fucking bell at him"
"I'd piss on his leg"
"If I get a chance to fuck him up I would"

Some protesters were armed as well. The masked man above had a visible knife tucked into his pants.

Others made violent slapping or hitting motions, demonstrating what they would do to Trump while laughing.

The actions mirror those of progressive protests around the country Sunday – where journalists were attacked, property was vandalized and cops were arresting progressive protesters by the dozen for violent behavior. There is violence on both sides.

You can watch the responses below:

(video at site/link)


Notice we don't see little Pete or any other leftist on here DEFENDING this stuff. No... they wait until there's some new moronic reason to BASH president Trump, then pop in with some bull shit to add.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2018, 02:53 PM
I have absolutely no desire to ever met that scum face to face.
First because as a former President he is untouchable in regards to any justice being delivered except in a legal way in a court of law.
If that POS doesn't deserve to be in prison nobody in this nation does! The reality, the fact that he has Not and will not ever face justice for his crimes, corruption and treason should tell you exactly where this nation is headed. As glaringly obvious as the hypocrisy of his being treated as a genius, a peacemaker, a great orator, a personality that unites America, a magnificent author, etc. etc. etc.
All damn lies..
Greatest con ever ran on this nation, and the canary in the coal mine on the future of this nation.
When we look at who-what entities fostered that con , we can only come to the conclusion that the cancer is now too far gone, IMHO.
The rot too damn deep for recovery unless it is completely and irreversibly cut out all at once..
A drastic action none will ever take, not even Trump....... yes this nation will fall.
We are a nation that is in reality an empire and history shows every empire rises and then falls- we are not an exception.
That obama can and will walk free , enjoying great wealth, the fame, the fruits of his evil, his corruption , his treason- should tel even the severest critic that we are to far gone to turn back the clock. That some extremely powerful outside force is in this nation and running an agenda to destroy it by using the Dem party as its destructive agent, IMHO.

08-14-2018, 12:04 AM
I would face him down.

Glad he did not sign my retirement certificate.

08-15-2018, 06:12 AM
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

08-15-2018, 08:22 AM
I would shake his hand and say "Nice to meet you, Mr President." Then pose for a photo.

If I was meeting him to have a meeting I'd have a list of questions...would ask why he thought some of the programs would work - what lead him to his choices. I'd ask him if he'd prosecute Hillary if he had the choice. I'd ask him 'What really is so bad about President Trump'?