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View Full Version : White House engages with Mueller

08-18-2018, 03:06 PM
So I wonder where does it go from here? Will Trump himself be interviewed? I think doubtful, as Giuliani said they would fight to the SC if they tried.


White House counsel has spent 30 hours sharing details for Mueller probe

White House counsel Donald McGahn has been cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller in his probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to an explosive New York Times report published Saturday.

McGahn has reportedly discussed accounts of multiple episodes at the center of Mueller's probe into whether President Trump obstructed justice. Sources told the Times that McGahn has had three voluntary interviews with Mueller's team totaling 30 hours.

Among the episodes McGahn reportedly discussed with investigators is Trump’s firing last year of former FBI Director James Comey and the president's repeated urging of Attorney General Jeff Sessions to claim oversight of the special counsel despite his recusal from Russia probes.

McGahn began cooperating with Mueller's team last year after Trump’s first round of personal lawyers decided to give investigators as much information as possible, believing the president had nothing to hide, the newspaper noted.

However, the Times reports that McGahn became concerned over his growing exposure in the investigation and began to suspect the president was setting him up to take the fall for any alleged obstruction of justice.

McGahn and his own lawyer, William Burck, then decided for the White House counsel to do as much on his own to cooperate with Mueller, the newspaper reported.

The Times reports that Trump's personal lawyers could have exercised attorney-client privilege to know what McGahn planned to tell investigators, but the president's lawyers did not go through that process.

McGahn has told investigators that the president attempted to control the investigation by giving a mixture of potentially damaging and favorable information concerning Trump, the newspaper reported. But the White House counsel told Mueller's team he never saw Trump overstep his legal authorities.

“The president and Don have a great relationship. He appreciates all the hard work he’s done, particularly his help and expertise with the judges, and the Supreme Court," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Times.

Trump has long maintained his innocence as investigators probe possible ties between his campaign and Russia amid alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, with the president repeatedly attacking the Mueller investigation and dismissing it as a “witch hunt.”

The Times report underscores the sprawling nature and depth of Mueller's probe, which has moved to scrutinize people closer to Trump's inner circle in recent months amid calls from Trump's personal legal team for it to wrap up before the November midterm elections.


Black Diamond
08-18-2018, 03:28 PM
He sure isn't acting like someone who is guilty.

Black Diamond
08-18-2018, 03:30 PM
They will get to the bottom of this and it will be similar to Geraldo Rivera with the Capone vault.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2018, 03:48 PM
Some of us that understand what this nation once was, want he entire lot of those dem traitors and corrupt bastards arrested and tried in court for this attempt at voiding the results a presidential election. And that includes the Mullbastrd and that entire damn cabal...
This is one of the sickest displays of injustice ever being tried in modern times, IMHO.
Already proven collusion, criminal acts by those now trying to destroy Trump--yet these same assclowns are treated as if they are above the law.
Trump should have them all arrested in my opinion. damn ffkking worms , not worth spit...-Tyr

08-18-2018, 04:10 PM
This entire FARCE of an investigation and the CORRUPTION that instigated it is like a man standing on a street corner PISSING in the gutter, and when people stop to ask him why he's PISSING in the street gutter, he tells them he's taking a SHIT. They can SEE him PISSING, yet he LIES straight to their face.

This investigation has been EXPOSED, OVER AND OVER, with HARD EVIDENCE, as being a SHAM, a FARCE, a WITCH HUNT predicated on LIES and CORRUPTION at the HIGHEST LEVELS, yet they CONTINUE it as if it actually had any credibility at ALL.

I'll tell ya, us poor saps out here in FLY OVER COUNTRY that watch this CIRCUS are just left scratching our heads wondering WHY this continues. I think President Trump has exhibited EXTREME patience and self control. If I was president, I'd have told them to ALL go POUND SAND and used every bit of power that came with the office to EXPOSE THESE PEOPLE AND PUT THEM IN PRISON, and you can BET YOUR ASS that if this was happening to OBAMA, that's EXACTLY what he'd do, and the demoCRAPS and their PROPAGANDA WING would be EXALTING him for it.

Washington is BROKEN. The democraps and the establishment are just UNHINGED with TDS. WE THE PEOPLE sent Trump there to "DRAIN THE SWAMP," and that's what he's trying to do, WITHOUT the help of the TOP LEADERS of his OWN PARTY, because they're as big a JACKOFFS as the demoCRAPS when it comes DRAINING THE SWAMP. I heard little RINO RYAN'S response to President Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance and it was PATHETIC. I'd like to kick that little fucker so hard in the nads that he'd have to lift his sack to brush his teeth. I'm ASHAMED that little TWAT is from Wisconsin.

This is the BIGGEST SCANDAL to ever hit politics in America, right behind obama ILLEGALLY being elected president, twice.