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08-24-2007, 02:14 PM

08-24-2007, 02:45 PM
And this matters because?

08-24-2007, 02:52 PM
EVERYBODY who is SANE wants the troops home. However, Spineless, weak bastards want the troops home before the job is done.

08-24-2007, 03:10 PM

Hagbard Celine
08-24-2007, 03:22 PM
what is the Job discription?

Exactly. It seems that the "job description" is to occupy Iraq indefinately.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 03:37 PM
Exactly. It seems that the "job description" is to occupy Iraq indefinately.

I think this "occupier, open ended" strategy is NOT the answer. I think that has lulled the Iraqis into a state of dependency on the American military, and that just can't be.

We need a brand new way to deal with "terrorists," and it's got to be mean and bloody, "shock and awe" style. Not this patty cake were playing with them now. It isn't working. We've been doing it for FIVE YEARS, and not damn thing has changed.

Hagbard Celine
08-24-2007, 03:48 PM
I think this "occupier, open ended" strategy is NOT the answer. I think that has lulled the Iraqis into a state of dependency on the American military, and that just can't be.

We need a brand new way to deal with "terrorists," and it's got to be mean and bloody, "shock and awe" style. Not this patty cake were playing with them now. It isn't working. We've been doing it for FIVE YEARS, and not damn thing has changed.

Does anyone here know exactly what our military is doing in Iraq? I mean, exactly. Are they patrolling the streets daily like police? Are they training Iraqis? Are they accumulating intelligence and conducting weapons raids? All of the above? What? If so, why isn't what they're doing working? Is it because they don't have the proper equipment? Or there aren't enough of them? More importantly, what's the possibility of achieving a political peace looking like? Independent terrorists aside, what is the possibility of getting the Shi'a and the Sunni sects to at least live in peace?

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 03:58 PM
Does anyone here know exactly what our military is doing in Iraq? I mean, exactly. Are they patrolling the streets daily like police? Are they training Iraqis? Are they accumulating intelligence and conducting weapons raids? All of the above? What? If so, why isn't what they're doing working? Is it because they don't have the proper equipment? Or there aren't enough of them? More importantly, what's the possibility of achieving a political peace looking like? Independent terrorists aside, what is the possibility of getting the Shi'a and the Sunni sects to at least live in peace?

It's like, well... these sons a bitches have been KILLING each other for CENTURIES, so lets go in there and make them just all of a sudden stop. We can't. That is an unrealistic goal.

We do need to define what "job done" means. What the fuck do we have left to do there? Stop the killing? WE - WILL - NEVER - DO - THAT... PERIOD! Someone needs to stand up and say, "well, we've done all that we can, let's get the fuck otta here." Because frankly, what we're doing now, we COULD be there another FIVE HUNDRED YEARS DOING THE SAME THING!

I swear, I'm almost inclined to agree with Ron Paul on this war. This country should only be at war WHEN ATTACKED. This invading countries and nation building is something this country SHOULD NEVER BE INVOLVED IN. I don't agree with it.

08-24-2007, 04:01 PM
Mainly, there are trying to keep the various "green zones" secure, while trying to secure "red zones", and build helpful infrastructure. they are doing some training, but since we have bother with wartime production, which by now would have saved thousands of lives, thousands of our own troops. Everyone talks about supporting them, I would say that providing them with bomb resistant vehicles, proper body armor and health care would be a good start.

The problem is that Bush never planned for after shock and awe (which was a very good tactic, and, had there been a post-strategy, would have sealed things up a long time ago). Due to the fumble, we're now stuck. Our best hope at this point, is to divde up Iraq into states, according to sects, so that they can feel safe, and learn how to deal with each other at a distance before trying to get them to integrate with each other. You do the same thing with cats, and your kids, I don't see why it's so difficult to grasp. Neutral corners, and set up a federal government that is central, much like DC, that does exist in any of the three states, and have the federal government concern itself mainly with rebuilding for the first few years, then go ahead and work on integrating the states at a slow, manageable rate.

That is alls that needs to happen, but it isn't being done, and so we're continuing to waste our troops lives fighting a battle with no outcome, no plan for victory.

08-24-2007, 04:04 PM
It's like, well... these sons a bitches have been KILLING each other for CENTURIES, so lets go in there and make them just all of a sudden stop. We can't. That is an unrealistic goal.

We do need to define what "job done" means. What the fuck do we have left to do there? Stop the killing? WE - WILL - NEVER - DO - THAT... PERIOD! Someone needs to stand up and say, "well, we've done all that we can, let's get the fuck otta here." Because frankly, what we're doing now, we COULD be there another FIVE HUNDRED YEARS DOING THE SAME THING!

So you're leaning more toward the Ron Paul ("They're fighting us over there cause we're there". Absolutely loved the look on the faces of everyone else at that debate when he suddenly went off script)/ Joe Biden (The basic line of the plan up above) route, where we have a clear objective, which is to give them the structure they need to build a stable nation upon, and then leave them to it. Yes, leave behind some troops to train the new Iraqi military, and such, but by and large, pull the hell out of that morass.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 04:06 PM
Mainly, there are trying to keep the various "green zones" secure, while trying to secure "red zones", and build helpful infrastructure. they are doing some training, but since we have bother with wartime production, which by now would have saved thousands of lives, thousands of our own troops. Everyone talks about supporting them, I would say that providing them with bomb resistant vehicles, proper body armor and health care would be a good start.

The problem is that Bush never planned for after shock and awe (which was a very good tactic, and, had there been a post-strategy, would have sealed things up a long time ago). Due to the fumble, we're now stuck. Our best hope at this point, is to divde up Iraq into states, according to sects, so that they can feel safe, and learn how to deal with each other at a distance before trying to get them to integrate with each other. You do the same thing with cats, and your kids, I don't see why it's so difficult to grasp. Neutral corners, and set up a federal government that is central, much like DC, that does exist in any of the three states, and have the federal government concern itself mainly with rebuilding for the first few years, then go ahead and work on integrating the states at a slow, manageable rate.

That is alls that needs to happen, but it isn't being done, and so we're continuing to waste our troops lives fighting a battle with no outcome, no plan for victory.

They've had PLENTY of time to do all that and THEN some ALREADY. The Iraqis apparently are NOT capable of complying with ANY plan. All they know is fight. Well, then let them do it. We need to get our asses out of there.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 04:09 PM
So you're leaning more toward the Ron Paul ("They're fighting us over there cause we're there". Absolutely loved the look on the faces of everyone else at that debate when he suddenly went off script)/ Joe Biden (The basic line of the plan up above) route, where we have a clear objective, which is to give them the structure they need to build a stable nation upon, and then leave them to it. Yes, leave behind some troops to train the new Iraqi military, and such, but by and large, pull the hell out of that morass.

Just to say it again, "this country should only fight when attacked. This invading, occupying and nation building is NOT something this country should be involved in."

I'm for Tancredo for President, but Paul is the closest to what I believe we should do in Iraq.

08-24-2007, 04:11 PM
Actually, we haven't tried that, it sounds stupid, but how many other stupid things have been done in the course of this war?

That's why I'm saying break them up into their corners, keep them the hell away from one another (again, we're trying to force integration, which worked so wonderfully back in the 60s.), and let them get used to each other that way. We pull out, but leave them something they can build or destroy on their own merits then, as opposed to just yanking the troops, and letting the Civil War fully blow up.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 04:36 PM
Actually, we haven't tried that, it sounds stupid, but how many other stupid things have been done in the course of this war?

That's why I'm saying break them up into their corners, keep them the hell away from one another (again, we're trying to force integration, which worked so wonderfully back in the 60s.), and let them get used to each other that way. We pull out, but leave them something they can build or destroy on their own merits then, as opposed to just yanking the troops, and letting the Civil War fully blow up.

Actually yes, it has been proposed. No one liked it or thought is would work.

08-24-2007, 05:34 PM
EVERYBODY who is SANE wants the troops home. However, Spineless, weak bastards want the troops home before the job is done.

Hands down, one of the best statements ever made.

08-24-2007, 05:43 PM
Pale Rider;110745]It's like, well... these sons a bitches have been KILLING each other for CENTURIES,

This is true. Islam is a real threat to world peace, do you agree? And lets be honest, "these sons a bitches" you speak of are muslim, right?

so lets go in there and make them just all of a sudden stop. We can't. That is an unrealistic goal.

Probably not. However, even Islam has eventually pacified the territories it has occupied. Not that we are like Islam, but, in the beginning some things are rough. These nutjob islamists are actually doing a great job and winning in their purpose, that is to change the tide of public opinion of the american/western population. Would you agree this is their first goal? They know they cannot win in a fight, only with scare tactics.

We do need to define what "job done" means. What the fuck do we have left to do there? Stop the killing? WE - WILL - NEVER - DO - THAT... PERIOD! Someone needs to stand up and say, "well, we've done all that we can, let's get the fuck otta here." Because frankly, what we're doing now, we COULD be there another FIVE HUNDRED YEARS DOING THE SAME THING!

You are right. But that is not all the "job" is about over there Pale.

War is ugly. The enemy has declared war and refuses to define borders, uniforms or rules. Saddam had to go. No muslim denies this. So you see, their Iraq argument is a strawman argument. They will use any excuse to kill you and I, unless we submit to their religion. It is not a joke when people say that Islam's ONLY goal is the world.

Pale, I know you would fight against that.

08-24-2007, 05:45 PM

08-24-2007, 05:51 PM
What is the Job yurt?

Don't play coy. I know you understand. Tell you what, why don't you give an honest "guess" as to what the job is. If you give me an honest "guess" then I have no problem discussing this issue with you.

08-24-2007, 05:57 PM
Does anyone here know exactly what our military is doing in Iraq? I mean, exactly. Are they patrolling the streets daily like police? Are they training Iraqis? Are they accumulating intelligence and conducting weapons raids? All of the above? What? If so, why isn't what they're doing working? Is it because they don't have the proper equipment? Or there aren't enough of them? More importantly, what's the possibility of achieving a political peace looking like? Independent terrorists aside, what is the possibility of getting the Shi'a and the Sunni sects to at least live in peace?

Rome wasn't built in a day. There are a lot of things that just look like a pile of shit until the last few important pieces are added. I think it's doing everyone a great disservice to say that nothing has been accomplished.

On the other hand we could just auction Iraq off to any dictator for the right price. "France? You interested in an oil rich region?"

08-24-2007, 06:14 PM
Rome wasn't built in a day. There are a lot of things that just look like a pile of shit until the last few important pieces are added. I think it's doing everyone a great disservice to say that nothing has been accomplished.

On the other hand we could just auction Iraq off to any dictator for the right price. "France? You interested in an oil rich region?"

i bet paul allen could buy the place..

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 06:39 PM
This is true. Islam is a real threat to world peace, do you agree? And lets be honest, "these sons a bitches" you speak of are muslim, right?
Arabs. Middle east.

Probably not. However, even Islam has eventually pacified the territories it has occupied. Not that we are like Islam, but, in the beginning some things are rough. These nutjob islamists are actually doing a great job and winning in their purpose, that is to change the tide of public opinion of the american/western population. Would you agree this is their first goal? They know they cannot win in a fight, only with scare tactics.
That's all they need, and there's minions of young that are already trained and brain washed to take up the cause. We could fight this war from now to eternity.

You are right. But that is not all the "job" is about over there Pale.
Then tell me... what is our "job" over there? When is going to be "done?"

War is ugly. The enemy has declared war and refuses to define borders, uniforms or rules. Saddam had to go. No muslim denies this. So you see, their Iraq argument is a strawman argument. They will use any excuse to kill you and I, unless we submit to their religion. It is not a joke when people say that Islam's ONLY goal is the world.
That's why I say I'm tired of playing patty cake with these assholes. "THEY" are running this war, not us. "THEY" dictate the rules of engagement, not us. "THEY" say when it's over, not us. THAT is why I say, lets get the fuck otta there and let it implode. What the fuck do we care? Terrorism? Terrorism following us home? Our military needs a rest. Our equipment is falling apart. We need to regroup. They can outlast us in this fight. It takes BILLIONS, and can get to TRILLIONS to keep our Army going. It takes these terrorists and insurgents a micro fraction of that to keep going, and believe me they know it.

Pale, I know you would fight against that.
I'd kill a terrorist in his tracks and kick in his fucking dead skull, with pleasure. I want to see a war where we FUCK EVERYTHING up. No more of this limited engagement shit. No small patrols getting blown up and shot to shit. Go in like a mother fucking gang buster, do the job, level fucking EVERYTHING, KILL fucking everything, let God sort them out, and then, WE GET THE FUCK OUT.

08-24-2007, 06:45 PM
Don't worry a bunch of troops will come home right before the 08 elections. Not all or enough albiet but enough to make the guys that stay lives even tougher.

As for winning the peace not so possible. I personal think our goal should have been to establish a US friendly government democratically elected or not. The best we can hope for now is to get a government after the current so called government is overthrowned that isn't filled with muslim who'd rather plot to kill us over each other.

08-24-2007, 06:56 PM
Pale Rider;110814]Arabs. Middle east.

Who are "A" religious right? Or do you really believe it is not about their religion, but about their ethnicity?

That's all they need, and there's minions of young that are already trained and brain washed to take up the cause. We could fight this war from now to eternity.

So you agree then that they cannot win this and that their first goal is scare tactics. I am "assuming" because you did not directly counter my statement.

My question: Could WWII have been fought from now to eternity?

Then tell me... what is our "job" over there? When is going to be "done?"

Do you in freedom? Sure, a philosophical debate rages as to what this is and how to spread to it. But, the fact remains, that the area over there is a hotbed for our enemies. Saddam, as I have said repeatedly is NOT cherished by the arab/muslim world. Pale, if you want to talk about the job, then our job is done, that is to remove Saddam. If you want to discuss the islamo sickos, then the job is NOT done. Iraq did not "inspire" them, I know you know that. They have wanted us conquered for some time. Imagine if we gave up with germany and japan.

That's why I say I'm tired of playing patty cake with these assholes. "THEY" are running this war, not us. "THEY" dictate the rules of engagement, not us. "THEY" say when it's over, not us. THAT is why I say, lets get the fuck otta there and let it implode. What the fuck do we care? Terrorism? Terrorism following us home? Our military needs a rest. Our equipment is falling apart. We need to regroup. They can outlast us in this fight. It takes BILLIONS, and can get to TRILLIONS to keep our Army going. It takes these terrorists and insurgents a micro fraction of that to keep going, and believe me they know it.

On this I tend to agree. If we are at war with this a holes, the eff em, and their "rules." We are weak because we try to keep to civilized standards of war. NO MATTER the libs/idiots who cry otherwise, because if we did not, the place would be leveled right quick.

Money Pale? We are off the gold standard, money is no problem. Right or wrong, that is a fact.

I'd kill a terrorist in his tracks and kick in his fucking dead skull, with pleasure. I want to see a war where we FUCK EVERYTHING up. No more of this limited engagement shit. No small patrols getting blown up and shot to shit. Go in like a mother fucking gang buster, do the job, level fucking EVERYTHING, KILL fucking everything, let God sort them out, and then, WE GET THE FUCK OUT.

Hm, seems my para above agrees somewhat. Though I would not fuck everything up, I do agree that our rules of engagement greatly hinder us.

And btw, the "......god sort em out....." it is kinda repulsive.

You are a christian, imagine a non christian seeing that and wondering what kind of "god" we worship.

08-24-2007, 07:11 PM
The question was asked, what are the troops actually doing over there. It depends on there job. The combat troops are setting up operating bases. They then patrol out from there. The set up check points on roads. They conduct raids on buildings or areas. They do sweeps of areas to flush out enemy forces. A squad size patrol may go out trying to draw fire from enemy forces and then call in the big guns. They work in conjunction with iraqi forces. Raids on houses and to get individuals who are wanted are usually carried out by special forces.

The additional troops now allows them to move combat troops into an area and secure it. Those troops are replaced with other troops who hold the area and the various other specialized troops come in to start the rehab process. The original combat troops move on to capture other areas. A leap frog operation.

Other troops carry out operations like road clearing. They have special equipment just for this. Others are involved in helping set up infrastructure, such as electricity and water. Also building schools. Medical units do medcaps. treating the sick and injured in communities with no access to a regular doctor. There's a large team that does nothing but provide protective service for VIPs.

The jobs are many and varied. Not all jobs in the military are combat related. In fact most are not.

I am and have always been a firm believer in preemptive strikes. I don't believe in waiting to be attacked when I can take action before it happens. It not only prevents an attack and the loss of innocent lives but it makes the rest of the world sit up and take notice that if they want to saber rattle we will take them seriously and prepare to take action as needed.

A victory in iraq would be if, after pacifying the country, they have a stable democratic government that is secular. Without that they are doomed and we will eventually have to return. You can't trust muslims to run anything.

08-24-2007, 07:14 PM
EVERYBODY who is SANE wants the troops home. However, Spineless, weak bastards want the troops home before the job is done.


Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 07:21 PM


08-24-2007, 07:23 PM

It was a great comment, there was nothing to add except for a clap damnit.

Hugh Lincoln
08-24-2007, 07:40 PM
Bring the troops home and put them on the border.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 07:52 PM
Who are "A" religious right? Or do you really believe it is not about their religion, but about their ethnicity?

So you agree then that they cannot win this and that their first goal is scare tactics. I am "assuming" because you did not directly counter my statement.

My question: Could WWII have been fought from now to eternity?

Do you in freedom? Sure, a philosophical debate rages as to what this is and how to spread to it. But, the fact remains, that the area over there is a hotbed for our enemies. Saddam, as I have said repeatedly is NOT cherished by the arab/muslim world. Pale, if you want to talk about the job, then our job is done, that is to remove Saddam. If you want to discuss the islamo sickos, then the job is NOT done. Iraq did not "inspire" them, I know you know that. They have wanted us conquered for some time. Imagine if we gave up with germany and japan.

On this I tend to agree. If we are at war with this a holes, the eff em, and their "rules." We are weak because we try to keep to civilized standards of war. NO MATTER the libs/idiots who cry otherwise, because if we did not, the place would be leveled right quick.

Money Pale? We are off the gold standard, money is no problem. Right or wrong, that is a fact.

Hm, seems my para above agrees somewhat. Though I would not fuck everything up, I do agree that our rules of engagement greatly hinder us.

And btw, the "......god sort em out....." it is kinda repulsive.

You are a christian, imagine a non christian seeing that and wondering what kind of "god" we worship.

I'll tell ya Yurt, I don't want to get into a massive, drawn out, nit picking, semantics twisting discussion over this. To me it's simple. We're in a quagmire. Sure there's improvements, but they have ALL been on the back of the American military and American taxpayer, and after five years, it's still a dismal failure my book. But when is enough going to be enough? When is the "job" going to be done? What is the "job?" Nation building? Since WHEN did this country get into the business of nation building?

We're stuck with no way out, and that's what pisses me off. To think that we could still be there in ten more years, even five more years is bullshit. The cost of this war alone should piss people off, but what pisses me off more is how the military is treating our troops. They're really getting fucked in this shitty war. Their separations are being help up, they're deployments are being doubled and trippled, and they're getting their asses shot off for a bunch of fucking rag heads that largely could give a fuck less. We got rid of their dictator, now let them pick up the pieces. If they have to fight it out to work it out, so what.

Pale Rider
08-24-2007, 07:55 PM
It was a great comment, there was nothing to add except for a clap damnit.

It was a canned comment with nothing to explain why it made any sense.... damnit.

08-24-2007, 08:10 PM
It was a canned comment with nothing to explain why it made any sense.... damnit.

It doesn't need explination.

08-24-2007, 08:52 PM
It doesn't need explination.


08-24-2007, 09:27 PM
Pale Rider;110831]I'll tell ya Yurt, I don't want to get into a massive, drawn out, nit picking, semantics twisting discussion over this. To me it's simple. We're in a quagmire. Sure there's improvements, but they have ALL been on the back of the American military and American taxpayer, and after five years, it's still a dismal failure my book. But when is enough going to be enough? When is the "job" going to be done? What is the "job?" Nation building? Since WHEN did this country get into the business of nation building?

It is not simple. How can you say it is simple?

If it were simple, we would not be what "you" call a quagmire.

Pale, what is this "job" you keep speaking of? We removed Saddam in order to free up the area over there, liberate it. We should have taken him down when cigar boy was president. He broke all the rules of the cease fire.

If you are now talking about islamo fascists, then the war, my friend, will never be over until that religion is wiped out or we are wiped out. It is ugly, but IT IS true. Muslims know it, we don't.

We're stuck with no way out, and that's what pisses me off. To think that we could still be there in ten more years, even five more years is bullshit. The cost of this war alone should piss people off, but what pisses me off more is how the military is treating our troops. They're really getting fucked in this shitty war. Their separations are being help up, they're deployments are being doubled and trippled, and they're getting their asses shot off for a bunch of fucking rag heads that largely could give a fuck less. We got rid of their dictator, now let them pick up the pieces. If they have to fight it out to work it out, so what

The treatment of troops is totally different. I agree that it is wrong, period.

Do you really want them to pick up the pieces?

Pale Rider
08-25-2007, 12:01 AM
It doesn't need explination.

Oh... I see... and that's why you didn't even try?

Pale Rider
08-25-2007, 12:27 AM
It is not simple. How can you say it is simple?

If it were simple, we would not be what "you" call a quagmire.
It's a quagmire alright pard. If we can't just pick and leave, then it's a quagmire. But it's simple to me because pick up and leave is exactly what I'd do. Whatever happened after that is what happens. It shouldn't be our business, unless were attacked by them at some point. If that region of the world is so damn important, than by God, the rest of the world better get their troops in their to help out.

Pale, what is this "job" you keep speaking of?
That's what "I" keep asking. What is our job? And why isn't it "done" yet? What more do we "have" to do? No one ever seems to answer those questions, not even the President.

We removed Saddam in order to free up the area over there, liberate it. We should have taken him down when cigar boy was president. He broke all the rules of the cease fire.
Right, we took out Sadam. We should have left after that. If chaos and genocide is how that country and those people work it out after that, so what. Then maybe we had no business in there in the first place.

If you are now talking about islamo fascists, then the war, my friend, will never be over until that religion is wiped out or we are wiped out. It is ugly, but IT IS true. Muslims know it, we don't.
Fine. I have no problem with fighting terrorists. Fight them to win, AFTER they attack us. Make their damn training camps glow like a green laser. Go in like a crazed monster and kill everything that moves, then get the hell out. We can do that. This looooooonnnnggg drawn out occupying, nation building stuff is bullshit. That's not our job, and our military isn't big enough to handle it. Just realise this, if got hit right now by ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TROOPS OR EQUIPMENT TO EVEN AMOUNT MUCH OF A RESPONSE. ALL OUR STUFF IS TIED UP IN IRAQ, AND IT'S WEARING OUT. Clinton GUTTED or military, and Bush hasn't done enough to build it back up. All he's done is send them into war ill equipped. We need a wake up call. If we ARE to continue this war in Iraq, and were to say, "well hell, we just don't have any idea what so ever when we'll get out of there," then were going to have to DOUBLE our military budget, and DOUBLE the amount of troops we have, AS A START. That means yours and my taxes are going up, and we're going to need a draft. The cost of this war will go into the TRILLIONS. You ready for that?

The treatment of troops is totally different. I agree that it is wrong, period.

Do you really want them to pick up the pieces?
Yes. It's their country. They need to do it. As far as I can see right now, they've come to depend on us, just like a fat ass, welfare pig, mama popping out babies to keep on the government tit. We DO need to start pulling out troops. Those Iraqis need to know, we're going to leave. This is your chance to get it together WHILE WE'RE STILL HERE. If you can't, well then, you're going to have a shitty time when we leave.

We've got problems right here in THIS country we can't handle, like the worlds largest mass land invasion from one country into another. We ought to have our damn military HERE on OUR border, instead of on the other side of the world dying for a people that doesn't even want us there.

08-25-2007, 12:44 AM
Oh... I see... and that's why you didn't even try?

Yup, you have to be an ignorant dumbass to think that the Taliban is still the Government over there.

Pale Rider
08-25-2007, 03:13 AM
Yup, you have to be an ignorant dumbass to think that the Taliban is still the Government over there.

I never said I did think the taliban was the government, and for calling me an ignorant dumbass for nothing, forget me getting you into anything that the American Legion does, mother fucking smart ass bitch.

08-25-2007, 09:05 AM

08-25-2007, 10:05 AM

Yeap they will pull some troops right before the election to help some Rs keep thier seats and to make Iraq a REAL f@#king mess right as a Dem admin takes over.

They want to blame as much of this wholely Republican created fiasco on the Democrats as they can.

Its what I have seen R admins do for decades.

Run on the Government cant do anything right platform, get elected , then screw things up (and make it so the corps can make a killing) then leave the mess to the dems to get cleaned up, Then blame them for not fixing EVERYTHING in one term, repete cycle.

You haven't been around that many decades. In 1950 there was Korea. A dem was president. A repub ended the war. In the 60's there was Vietnam. A dem was president. A repub eneded the war. In the 70's there was iran. A repub ended the hostage situation. 80's Granada, Panama, cold war. All repub efforts and endings. 90's iraq started with a repub. Continued through next 8 years with a dem. Still ongoing as new repub takes over.

I lived through all of these decades, how about you? Show me where a dem "fixed" anything. Your usual tinyurl lists of leftwing news sites and editorials is sure to follow. But try reading some real history.

08-25-2007, 11:03 AM
Yup, you have to be an ignorant dumbass to think that the Taliban is still the Government over there.

The Taliban still rules many parts of Afghanistan especiall the all important areas along the Pakistani border.

Do not attempt to argue against this, its fact.

08-25-2007, 11:11 AM
I never said I did think the taliban was the government, and for calling me an ignorant dumbass for nothing, forget me getting you into anything that the American Legion does, mother fucking smart ass bitch.

I was reffering to Swarm. I never said you were an ignorant dumbass, re-read your last couple posts and it will make sense.

08-25-2007, 11:14 AM
The Taliban still rules many parts of Afghanistan especiall the all important areas along the Pakistani border.

Do not attempt to argue against this, its fact.

They do control a couple small parts by the boarder, but not many like you tend to think. They are insignifigant. They do not run the whole country anymore or even the majority of it.

08-25-2007, 11:18 AM
They do control a couple small parts by the boarder, but not many like you tend to think. They are insignifigant. They do not run the whole country anymore or even the majority of it.

You don't pay much attention do you?


Pale Rider
08-25-2007, 03:19 PM
I was reffering to Swarm. I never said you were an ignorant dumbass, re-read your last couple posts and it will make sense.

Could have fooled me. You quoted "me" and then said that. What else am I supposed to think?

08-25-2007, 03:22 PM
Could have fooled me. You quoted "me" and then said that. What else am I supposed to think?

It's obvious that I was talking about him. I had no reason to attack you, im not like OCA I don't go off unprovoked.

Could have fooled me. You quoted "me" and then said that. What else am I supposed to think?

If you took it that way then I apologize but it wasn't ment for you.

08-25-2007, 08:21 PM
Warner's Iraq proposal roils White House
