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View Full Version : One More EPIC Reason WHY I am NOT a Registered Republican...

08-23-2018, 05:28 PM
I quit even even trying to figure out WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with the republican party, but this is a perfect example why I registered as an INDEPENDENT years ago...


Republicans Block Senator Rand Paul’s Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood

Senator Paul was attempting to add an amendment to the appropriations bill funding the departments of Labor and Health and Human Services, to stop Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding.

There are a limited number of amendments that can be added to a bill, so to fill up space, GOP leadership inserted a useless amendment that would change funding in a program by $1.

“One of the top priorities for a Republican Congress that professes pro-life values on the campaign trail should be to stop taxpayer funding for abortion providers,” Senator Paul said in a statement. “This is our chance to turn our words into action, stand up for the sanctity of life, and speak out for the most innocent among us that have no voice.”

The March for Life issued a statement thanking Senator Paul for his efforts.

“March for Life is grateful to Senator Paul and to those who voted in favor of an amendment to the appropriations bill that would have banned funding to abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider and subject of Department of Justice investigation into the trafficking of aborted baby body parts. Unfortunately, many Senators who claim to be pro-life defied their constituents and the consensus of the American public by giving the abortion industry a pass. Almost two-thirds of Americans say they do not want to fund abortion with their tax dollars. Disentangling American taxpayers from the abortion industry is long overdue. Our elected representatives should join the national consensus and put an end to taxpayer funding of abortion, or risk being voted out of office,” March for Life President Jeanne Mancini said.


08-23-2018, 05:40 PM
I found out I was literally voting in Virginia for RINO's, all of whom say what you want to hear...in order to get you to vote. Then, after being a fool for voting. We learn...He really wasn't being serious. Consequently...the reminder....Most Politicians...from either party, are only in it for the Power, and the Big Bucks that come with being a liar.

As I have repeated here, so many times...(Donald Trump not included), Politicians are all LIARS.
That's why Trump is having so much trouble...WITH BOTH PARTIES. He tells the TRUTH, and EXPOSES THE LIARS...every time he speaks.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2018, 07:27 PM
That’s upsetting.

08-23-2018, 07:45 PM
That’s upsetting.

How can we continue to deny the truth? WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE for voting those people into their office. There's a reason they are called "CONgres" and not "PROgress".

Hate to make light of the reality here on this. But, the rest of the World is laughing at us. We tell them how wonderful living in America is, and they see all of the BAD stuff first.

The one great thing ALL OF US can be proud of, despite all the problems.

VERY FEW people from around the World want to go anywhere else, but to AMERICA!

08-23-2018, 08:00 PM
"Planned Parenthood" SHOULD be defunded!

I don't get these liberals...they stand and protest, whine, and cry about capital punishment,
but want to government to sanction the murder of an unborn child.

Except in extreme circumstances (rape, incest, gross deformity, or low chance of survival of
mother/child) I am totally against funding legalized murder.