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View Full Version : Same old Islamic jockeying for power ...

08-24-2018, 08:42 AM
Is what I'm posting here actually worthy of debate ? Arguably .. not. After all, all I'm providing here is just more evidence of what many if not most of us accept to be true.

AUSTRALIA. Seems they have their own Islamist problem(s) ... and it follows a totally familiar pattern ... this is part-news, part-commentary ...


Australia’s first Muslim Senator, Mehreen Faruqi has used her maiden speech to warn against the normalisation of racism in Australia.

According to Ms Faruqi, migrants no longer feel welcome in Australia because “bigotry and xenophobia have been allowed to flourish.”

Ms Faruqi admitted that racism, sexism and discrimination have always existed, but claims these things are now legitimised, normalised and even encouraged by our media and politicians.

An example Ms Faruqi appealed to was Senator Fraser Anning’s maiden speech in which he described the Muslim culture as being the least capable of assimilation.

And of course, according to Ms Faruqi, the other perpetrators of this flourishing racism, sexism and discrimination are none other than — you guessed it — the dreaded straight white male.

“A culture of online harassment, bullying and toxicity now targets everyone who is not a straight white man,” Ms Faruqi said.

Wait. Did she just discriminate against people based on their sexuality, race and gender all in the same sentence?

Ms Faruqi went on to say, “Far too little attention is paid to the implications this political racism has for our lives, our mental health and our families. We cannot be expected to ignore sustained abuse or be told to hide the fear and the gut wrenching pain that it causes… We will not be silenced, we will speak out.”

The thing is, even if Ms Faruqi is correct, what course of action is she actually proposing? Shutting down criticism of multiculturalism? Silencing people who are opposed to Islamic ideology?

As we’ve noted before, there’s no virtue in shutting down free speech you don’t like. That’s why the idea of ‘hate speech’ was invented. It provides a way of silencing your opponent and claiming the moral high ground in doing so.

Call any negative opinion about multiculturalism or Islam “racism” and you can silence your opponent without having to engage with his arguments.


Council workers were reportedly abused and spat on when they confronted a Muslim organisation over illegal tree clearing and buildings. The organisation seemingly believes they are exempt from Australian law by claiming charity status.

Australian Charities and Non-for-profits Commission has said, “No charity is above the law. All charities must act lawfully and reasonably in the pursuit of their charitable purpose. Charities cannot have a purpose of engaging in or promoting unlawful activity – this can be grounds for the revocation of charity status.”

Senator Fraser Anning shared a video of the report on his Facebook page saying, “I have been called a racist and denigrated by the left for calling for a ban on Muslim immigration.”

Muslim tactics in Australia are identical to those employed on the other side of the planet. The experiences are therefore shared experiences, one for one, in any comparable society, anywhere.

The Left's responses likewise mirror each other. Facilitators, ALL ... wherever you may be.

Of course.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-24-2018, 08:57 AM
Is what I'm posting here actually worthy of debate ? Arguably .. not. After all, all I'm providing here is just more evidence of what many if not most of us accept to be true.

AUSTRALIA. Seems they have their own Islamist problem(s) ... and it follows a totally familiar pattern ... this is part-news, part-commentary ...



Muslim tactics in Australia are identical to those employed on the other side of the planet. The experiences are therefore shared experiences, one for one, in any comparable society, anywhere.

The Left's responses likewise mirror each other. Facilitators, ALL ... wherever you may be.

Of course.

Reality-- Satan protects his own by blinding those he and his muslim followers, target for destruction.
That those destined and koran(cult book) commanded to be enslaved and/or murdered are blinded to help in their own destruction bears truth to this dark and tragic reality!
Giving any muslim any political office is akin to arming and then giving permission for that armed person to rob and/or shoot you and/or anybody that they care to shoot.
Islam is a curse, a plague, a cancer--that is truth, reality and easily seen if one does not fall for the Satanic lies that support it and are put out to deceive we infidels.
Our own culture, government and mainstream media, traitorous dem party all conspire to advance Islam.
All those, conspire to destroy law biding , innocent citizens.. A sad and tragic reality....