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View Full Version : Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'

08-24-2018, 10:59 AM
Liberals cried AGAIN when Trump made mention that he thought the markets would crash if he were ever impeached. And now this from Giuliani. And you know what, for better or worse, this would likely be the outcomes. And if it were Obama still in office, and the left was somehow magically still responding as they do today, I would predict the same thing if someone on the left were impeached.

You don't just get to impeach a sitting president because he paid some women to shut their traps. Outside of his issues with women, they have nothing, other than MORE ammo on the left than they do the right, when it comes to anything involving Russia, and that's a fact. Some may not recall the endless actions of the left in all of this, but mysteriously those threads and posts often go ignored by some that, for whatever reason, don't want to believe it.

And if they do go for the jugular, as I do in fact predict the dems to take the house in november, it better be for legitimate reasons that must not have been released yet, as NOTHING released thus far even comes within the same universe as something deserving to be impeached for.


Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'

(CNN)If President Donald Trump were impeached, "the American people would revolt," the President's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in an interview with Sky News.

"You'd only impeach him for political reasons, and the American people would revolt against that," Giuliani said Thursday.

When asked about whether Trump was destined for "inevitable" impeachment, Giuliani replied, "Hardly," and went on to say things have, in fact, "turned very much in the President's favor."

"I think it's inevitable that he won't" be impeached, Giuliani said. "President Trump is completely cleared. You have this Cohen guy, he doesn't know anything about Russian collusion, doesn't know anything about obstruction."

Michael Cohen used to serve as Trump's personal lawyer, but has recently found himself in a whirlwind of legal battles.


08-24-2018, 11:10 AM
I think it’s interesting that the current narrative seems to be becoming ‘you can’t impeach me because....’ it’s clearly a deliberate narrative, but I don’t think it’s one that oozes confidence.

The news that Trumps long term CFO Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity will no doubt be another concern for him.

08-24-2018, 11:29 AM
I think it’s interesting that the current narrative seems to be becoming ‘you can’t impeach me because....’ it’s clearly a deliberate narrative, but I don’t think it’s one that oozes confidence.

The news that Trumps long term CFO Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity will no doubt be another concern for him.

Trump's being impeached would undoubtedly have an effect, though; and since, in Trump, the US has a President utterly determined to fight for America's betterment, it follows that his removal will silence a powerful figure well known to be doing America good.

This would do WHAT to the money markets, to confidence in America's future, that it has forces within it that successfully neutralise a force for good ?

You may not like it -- but Trump is right. A successful impeachment would be, in national terms, an act of self-harm. Perhaps an act of utter insanity.

You think that THIS would somehow ADD to world confidence ? Hardly.

08-24-2018, 11:29 AM
And The National Inquirer CEO Pecker just got immunity who bought and killed bad Trump stories. Trump and Trump Org are going down hard and Trump is at his last defense. He said yesterday "If I am impeached the economy will tank and people will be poor". That is it. Nothing more he can say. Trump has been a criminal his entire life. Time to meet justice.

08-24-2018, 11:31 AM
I think it’s interesting that the current narrative seems to be becoming ‘you can’t impeach me because....’ it’s clearly a deliberate narrative, but I don’t think it’s one that oozes confidence.

The news that Trumps long term CFO Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity will no doubt be another concern for him.

I think he's confident, and OF COURSE he is responding, as these nitwits have been talking about the maneuver since BEFORE he was even elected!

And I don't think folks getting immunity necessarily scares him. If one doesn't do wrong, then there's nothing to worry about. We've also been hearing that stuff for well over 2 years and yet nothing has proven true yet.

There have been tons already granted immunity to speak, and that hardly means anything bad for Trump. If I were a lawyer, or a client, I too would demand that from Mueller, even knowing I didn't remotely come close to being involved in any crime. And that's why so so many have already been granted the immunity. That just makes legal sense when it comes to such a case, with a team with so much power to do pretty much whatever they want at this point.

Besides, thus far, what we know is that he was granted immunity in the case against Cohen. That's not to say that it's all his info will be used for, but that's why he was initially granted immunity. He has been hitting other folks, like Manafort and some 'little' guys, and then also granting other folks immunity against them. I think Manafort had like 6 or 7 granted immunity against him alone. Nothing from anyone this far, not even from democrats. It IS POSSIBLE that something is found, or already found and not announced. But they have been sharing as they go along, and even the Dems have been coming out of major intelligence meetings that only a few have access to, and each time their sad little faces admit that absolutely nothing has been found on the Russia crap.

And as far as him and his "you can't do this and that" crap, is something he's also been saying since before he was even elected. I'll be the first to say that the man is a complete idiot when it comes to speaking, and even with a teleprompter! He LOVES to tell people what they CAN'T do to him, or trying to brag about what he DID DO. He's a loudmouth, and has a serious issue in responding to pretty much anyone who talks negatively about him, or makes claims of some sort of prosecution.

My opinion, since you asked! :) I think they try to get him to interview, but he smartly refuses, all the way to the SC if necessary. He would be dumb to have anyone outside of his lawyers talking to them. I think they're searching and searching for some sort of obstruction charge. I am unsure at this point if they have enough, but I'm of the belief of "no". And now, the campaign finance violations, of which they are going to nail Cohen with. And he is likely singing like a canary to reduce his sentence. It will, if it does, it will come down to proof. Can and will he get nailed with campaign finance violations? It's quite possible, and especially so if his own lawyer has the goods and flips on him. But even if, and that hardly means guilt by simply addressing it, I don't think he'd get more than a slap on the proverbial wrist. Perhaps impeachment as in the way Clinton was impeached, but I doubt it would ever pass the senate.

08-24-2018, 11:32 AM
Trump's being impeached would undoubtedly have an effect, though; and since, in Trump, the US has a President utterly determined to fight for America's betterment, it follows that his removal will silence a powerful figure well known to be doing America good.

This would do WHAT to the money markets, to confidence in America's future, that it has forces within it that successfully neutralise a force for good ?

You may not like it -- but Trump is right. A successful impeachment would be, in national terms, an act of self-harm. Perhaps an act of utter insanity.

You think that THIS would somehow ADD to world confidence ? Hardly.

And this will be his base's rationalization. IMO insanely dangerous and unpatriotic. Overlook all of Trump's crimes and wrong doing just because the economy is in good shape. That is not a nation of laws or justice. No one is above the law.

08-24-2018, 11:36 AM
Trump's being impeached would undoubtedly have an effect, though; and since, in Trump, the US has a President utterly determined to fight for America's betterment, it follows that his removal will silence a powerful figure well known to be doing America good.

This would do WHAT to the money markets, to confidence in America's future, that it has forces within it that successfully neutralise a force for good ?

You may not like it -- but Trump is right. A successful impeachment would be, in national terms, an act of self-harm. Perhaps an act of utter insanity.

You think that THIS would somehow ADD to world confidence ? Hardly.

No, impeachment’s are not good for market confidence, atleast certainly short term, but I don’t think that’s his place to say.

The narrative being built is ‘even if you could impeach me, you shouldn’t want to because x/y/z’ which IMO is pretty weak.

08-24-2018, 11:37 AM
And I don't think folks getting immunity necessarily scares him. If one doesn't do wrong, then there's nothing to worry about. We've also been hearing that stuff for well over 2 years and yet nothing has proven true yet.

Trump not ding anything wrong his entire business life, lol, good one. Proof will come. How long did we wait for Benghazi again? How long was watergate? Somehow you want a complex investigation to be wrapped up in weeks. Next time we're investigating the next big serial killer we should just stop and give up after a few weeks?

08-24-2018, 11:41 AM
And The National Inquirer CEO Pecker just got immunity who bought and killed bad Trump stories. Trump and Trump Org are going down hard and Trump is at his last defense. He said yesterday "If I am impeached the economy will tank and people will be poor". That is it. Nothing more he can say. Trump has been a criminal his entire life. Time to meet justice.

Again, immunity granted in the Cohen case. If he was in fact granted immunity to somehow give the goods against Trump, they haven't announced as much, but have announced it in the Cohen case.

Did you ever think that perhaps in all of their digging to try and nail Trump, that they found things like this, and Manafort in the process - and the dems and yourself, each and every darn time anything at all negative happens, seem to think "Oh lucky day, this is the end!" and yet it's never happened, or even come close.

An opinion of yours is noted, but I don't see any hard facts, evidence or really anything at all reported to be the case.

And thus far, and the opposite of you replying to ANYTHING negative Trump - he hasn't come into the same universe yet when it comes to illegalities, of the likes of a one Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The laws & evidence against have been posted here MANY times and 99.99% of the time you read the threads and don't reply. Or you do and laugh about it. YOU don't care about the law truthfully, and it being upheld equally. You simply don't, no matter how you come back and try to make lame excuses.

I'm glad Manafort got nailed. And if all turns out true against Cohen, I hope he does even longer time, but appears he's making a great "deal" for 8 felonies. I hope and pray that ANYONE from EITHER side involved with the DOJ or FBI, gets their comeuppance. You know the list of names on the left that I have posted evidence about, no need to repeat any of that. I assume you believe me when I say that I hope they get prosecuted and held accountable for their proven crimes. And the same applies to anyone on the right. ANYONE on this board knows my stance on crimes since 2002 - which is I'm AGAINST it, and don't support criminals, left or right.

You somehow think Trump has been a criminal his entire life, which simply said I find laughable, so I won't go there. But my God, the hypocrisy! The fact that you can't support ANYTHING against someone like Hillary, nothing at all but laughter, shows that you aren't for the law, aren't for upholding it and aren't for equality of the law. So in a nutshell, it's pretty hard to understand, believe or generally give a shit when it comes to YOU talking about potential crimes of the right.

08-24-2018, 11:42 AM
And this will be his base's rationalization. IMO insanely dangerous and unpatriotic. Overlook all of Trump's crimes and wrong doing just because the economy is in good shape. That is not a nation of laws or justice. No one is above the law.

Coming from YOU, after what I just wrote about you and your own history with crimes and the left, and specifically Hillary - shows the above statement to be one of the most hypocritical things you have ever written on this board.

08-24-2018, 11:45 AM
No, impeachment’s are not good for market confidence, atleast certainly short term, but I don’t think that’s his place to say.

The narrative being built is ‘even if you could impeach me, you shouldn’t want to because x/y/z’ which IMO is pretty weak.

Should he ignore it? Should he admit guilt to something he didn't do? Claim that everything in the world will be peaches and strawberries should he get impeached? You're saying it's weak because you simply don't like him, that's solely my opinion of course. Because he kind of has to respond, and he is an idiot like I said. So he speaks his mind without a filter. Big deal. Again, he is FAR from being pc, and this is one of those ways, in speaking like an outsider, not "presidential" like all the time.

08-24-2018, 11:51 AM
Trump not ding anything wrong his entire business life, lol, good one. Proof will come. How long did we wait for Benghazi again? How long was watergate? Somehow you want a complex investigation to be wrapped up in weeks. Next time we're investigating the next big serial killer we should just stop and give up after a few weeks?

Think as you will. Usually with crimes that take so so so dang long, you usually know the majority as you go along. It's been 2 years now, and NOTHING against Trump. Hell, everyone knows it's a witch hunt, and it went from investigating Russian collusion, to investigating everything and anything against anyone.

Now let me ask a serious question for a moment, if you allow. You started off your reply with "Trump not ding anything wrong his entire business life, lol, good one.".

I'll ask - why? Did I make mention of such? Did I make any such claim? I even stated the length of the last 2 years in the post you replied to. Kinda like Revelarts, you kinda like to make things up a little as you go along and place words in folks mouths. Cutting paragraphs of a discussion down to a sentence, since that is all you can generally muster, is a sentence or 2. And now that you write your minimal crap - you have to invent that little nugget. Kinda pathetic, even for you, Pete. :rolleyes:

08-24-2018, 11:54 AM
Should he ignore it? Should he admit guilt to something he didn't do? Claim that everything in the world will be peaches and strawberries should he get impeached? You're saying it's weak because you simply don't like him, that's solely my opinion of course. Because he kind of has to respond, and he is an idiot like I said. So he speaks his mind without a filter. Big deal. Again, he is FAR from being pc, and this is one of those ways, in speaking like an outsider, not "presidential" like all the time.

He should be letting economists detail that impeachments are bad for market confidence, if people think that’s important.

08-24-2018, 12:03 PM
He should be letting economists detail that impeachments are bad for market confidence, if people think that’s important.

The economists, the ones that the majority claimed that Trump would destroy our economy, and many said his plans would be met with a major recession?

I'm confident, that with Trump's business experience, that he is qualified to make projections about our economy, no different than he did when he spoke about it on the campaign trail. You're reaching.

Abbey Marie
08-24-2018, 03:07 PM
I do not know if we would revolt. We tend to be rules followers, and have jobs to go to.
Plus, we would then have Mike Pence, and I don’t mind that at all.

08-24-2018, 03:18 PM
I do not know if we would revolt. We tend to be rules followers, and have jobs to go to.
Plus, we would then have Mike Pence, and I don’t mind that at all.

Same here. Myself, I could live, so long as it's Pence in office, and at least not Hillary. It seems more like the opposite would be true in today's climate, that I think it would be the left that would revolt of sides swapped. Just from years and years of observation I base that on. The left is more aggressive, while the right is similar in supporting stances/agendas, they're more quiet in real life. Less marching, not a lotta rioting. :rolleyes: The demands for jobs, boycotts and everything else. They are simply more aggressive. And this works for them at times, the squeaky wheel I guess. But don't underestimate the resolve of the right either. Maybe quieter, but....

And who has all the guns?

The conservatives:


The liberals:



08-24-2018, 03:19 PM
[QUOTE=LongTermGuy;916321][QUOTE=Abbey;916320]I do not know if we would revolt. We tend to be rules followers, and have jobs to go to.
Plus, we would then have Mike Pence, and I don’t mind that at all.[/QUOTE

Oh...Americans will revolt...Mike Pence is fine...but no Trump and no good Magic ( pazzazas) like Trump has...Thank you dear lord for Donald Trump!

Thank Godhttps://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f64f.pngfor President Trump and not the Democrat party!!!

08-24-2018, 05:57 PM
And this will be his base's rationalization. IMO insanely dangerous and unpatriotic. Overlook all of Trump's crimes and wrong doing just because the economy is in good shape. That is not a nation of laws or justice. No one is above the law.

... Sorry, what ? Silencing and disempowering a patriot is ... PATRIOTIC ?


Tell me of the 'justice' in punishing someone for being good for your country.

08-24-2018, 06:00 PM
He should be letting economists detail that impeachments are bad for market confidence, if people think that’s important.

Translation: he, himself, needs to be silent, if his message isn't one you wish to hear ?

He can speak. 'Let him'. His talking about the effects his Presidency has, is as legitimate as it gets.

08-24-2018, 06:04 PM
And The National Inquirer CEO Pecker just got immunity who bought and killed bad Trump stories. Trump and Trump Org are going down hard and Trump is at his last defense. He said yesterday "If I am impeached the economy will tank and people will be poor". That is it. Nothing more he can say. Trump has been a criminal his entire life. Time to meet justice.
Very telling that your worthless, partisan hack ass would be just fine with the economy hitting the shitter just to get at Trump.

I figure immunity for testimony is about as honest as you are. Not at all.

08-24-2018, 08:58 PM
I think American's would revolt. I think you'd finally see the giant come awake like never before... there'd be mass demonstrations, states would begin to secede, and there'd probably be calls to clean out Washington and a convention of states convened. It wouldn't be pretty. I think you can push the silent majority just so far, but impeaching the people's president for no good reason would push them too far. President Trump still has the support of the majority of Americans. You get outside of the leftist city cess pools and there's a whole different America.

Black Diamond
08-24-2018, 08:59 PM
There would be but trump will not be removed anyway

08-24-2018, 09:18 PM
Michael Hayden Warns: Impeachment Would Be Viewed as ‘Soft Coup’

Michael Hayden, the former director of the National Security Agency (NSA), warned Thursday that impeaching President Donald Trump would have unintended consequences and could further delegitimize the intelligence community.
Hayden, a frequent critic of President Trump, told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton that he believes “impeachment would be a bad idea.”

“If President Trump is somehow forced to leave office before the end of his first term, one-third of America will believe it was a soft coup conducted by people, well frankly like everybody here at the table would be their view,” Hayden said. “I think the only way we move beyond this in any way that’s healthy for our democracy is we vote,” the Obama-era intelligence official added.


Black Diamond
08-24-2018, 09:27 PM
Michael Hayden Warns: Impeachment Would Be Viewed as ‘Soft Coup’

Michael Hayden, the former director of the National Security Agency (NSA), warned Thursday that impeaching President Donald Trump would have unintended consequences and could further delegitimize the intelligence community.
Hayden, a frequent critic of President Trump, told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton that he believes “impeachment would be a bad idea.”

“If President Trump is somehow forced to leave office before the end of his first term, one-third of America will believe it was a soft coup conducted by people, well frankly like everybody here at the table would be their view,” Hayden said. “I think the only way we move beyond this in any way that’s healthy for our democracy is we vote,” the Obama-era intelligence official added.

When are congressional and senate debates taking place? I can't imagine the subject of impeachment won't come up. Any moderator would ask it.

08-24-2018, 10:21 PM
When someone comes up with something real and concrete to impeach him for, THEN I suggest is the time to bring it up.

As far as what he did with women prior to becoming President, can't say I respect it but it IS his business. Only one talking lawsuit, if anyone, should be Melania.

As far as some low-level puss selling out and saying anything he was told to in order to get a deal ... saw that one coming and it's been discussed before. We all knew Mueller was going to find something on someone and pressure them to say what he wants them to.

What does ANY of this have to do with Russian collusion? Oh yeah, the dossier Hitlery bought from Steele .... I need to start compiling dossier's. Must be easy since facts and truth don't matter.

Black Diamond
08-24-2018, 11:38 PM
When someone comes up with something real and concrete to impeach him for, THEN I suggest is the time to bring it up.

As far as what he did with women prior to becoming President, can't say I respect it but it IS his business. Only one talking lawsuit, if anyone, should be Melania.

As far as some low-level puss selling out and saying anything he was told to in order to get a deal ... saw that one coming and it's been discussed before. We all knew Mueller was going to find something on someone and pressure them to say what he wants them to.

What does ANY of this have to do with Russian collusion? Oh yeah, the dossier Hitlery bought from Steele .... I need to start compiling dossier's. Must be easy since facts and truth don't matter.
I do remember Charles krauthammer saying when mueller was appointed that he now has the authority to investigate ANYTHING. Not just Russia/collusion. And this was all brought on by trump firing/ embarrassing Comey. I still think mueller being friends with Comey is a conflict of interest.

Black Diamond
08-24-2018, 11:43 PM
Trump must really think he's got nothing to hide the way he fired Comey in the manner he did and the fact his lawyer (per trumps instruction imo) is giving all this info to mueller. It would be very trumpian to welcome the mueller interview.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2018, 09:48 AM
Whether or not people would revolt should Trump be impeached is debatable but what is not debatable is the glaring truth --that if such is allowed to happen- the fact that --They should revolt!!!
This impeachment fiasco /farce is nothing more than a totally corrupt action taken by a totally corrupt political party(the dems)....
If the citizens allow the dems to do this and then take no major punitive action against them-- this nation will fall-- would just be a question of time- as in how soon.
True, decent, honest, patriotic, informed citizens are fed up with the dem party and rightly view that party as a very dangerous enemy of this nation and the future welfare of their families, IMHO..
Cold , hard and naked truth is hard to swallow but I just presented that truth...
The democrat party is an enemy to this nation as it was founded--and that reality will one day have to be addressed properly..
Question is-- will we wait until its is just too damn late--which by the way -we are getting very,very close to that time, IMHO..
If any think not-- take a look at the federal government under 8 years of obama , the corruption, open treason, etc . and then consider how they got away with it and how they will never be brought into court to answer for their crimes/corrupt actions..
Study the fall of the Roman Empire, history is a great teacher!! Its truths reveal patterns that are repeated throughout mankind's history. -Tyr

08-25-2018, 08:42 PM
I do remember Charles krauthammer saying when mueller was appointed that he now has the authority to investigate ANYTHING. Not just Russia/collusion. And this was all brought on by trump firing/ embarrassing Comey. I still think mueller being friends with Comey is a conflict of interest.Think about it. This investigation is a year and a half old give or take? In the information age? And all Mueller has to show for it are some gophers' process crimes and one selling out for a deal. Predictable from the start.

It hasn't been for 18 months an "if"; it's been "when" and "what concocted BS". Mueller can't afford to go home with nothing. At this point that will reflect not only on him, but the left because this has been made a left/right issue, and a do-or-die for the DOJ rather than a legal one. After all the time and money he's wasted? He BETTER come up with something and he knows it.

I have NEVER liked making a deal with criminals for testimony. Long before Mueller and Trump. It's basically coercing someone to lie to save his own ass. The odds are against at least one person not caving given the number of people Mueller has involved. I guarantee you whatever Mueller pulls is going to be 110% pure bullshit. He's a shyster and typical bureaucrat and should never been given his position given his conflict of interest. He's a leftwingnut and out to save the soiled name of the DOJ.

As far as a revolution goes? I doubt it. The only difference between the right and the left these days is the right hasn't fallen quite as far left as the left has. Look no further than our elected, Republican :representatives" in DC for proof. Let me know if find more than the every-so-often coincidental set of balls.

08-25-2018, 08:45 PM
I have NEVER liked making a deal with criminals for testimony. Long before Mueller and Trump. It's basically coercing someone to lie to save his own ass. The odds are against at least one person not caving given the number of people Mueller has involved. I guarantee you whatever Mueller pulls is going to be 110% pure bullshit. He's a shyster and typical bureaucrat and should never been given his position given his conflict of interest. He's a leftwingnut and out to save the soiled name of the DOJ.
I've heard comments that they think this "flipping" business should be illegal, because it's a well known fact that when it's the government after you and they have unlimited power and money behind them, you either make a deal or they crucify you. That SHOULD be illegal. Hell Cohen plead guilty to things that WEREN'T EVEN ILLEGAL.

08-25-2018, 10:20 PM
I've heard comments that they think this "flipping" business should be illegal, because it's a well known fact that when it's the government after you and they have unlimited power and money behind them, you either make a deal or they crucify you. That SHOULD be illegal. Hell Cohen plead guilty to things that WEREN'T EVEN ILLEGAL.I agree. Here's another thing no one's mentioned:

No matter what they are threatened with by Mueller, Trump can pardon. He STILL holds the "trump" card (pun intended, of course)

08-25-2018, 11:58 PM
I agree. Here's another thing no one's mentioned:

No matter what they are threatened with by Mueller, Trump can pardon. He STILL holds the "trump" card (pun intended, of course)

This is true to a point. The president can pardon those convicted of federal crimes. The New York DA, Cyrus Vance, is looking into filing state charges against people in the Trump organization to try and nail them with campaign finance violations based on Cohen's guilty pleas. People found guilty by majority liberal NY juries could only be pardoned by a Governor who believes that America was never great and personally despises anyone and anything connected with the name of Trump.

This is the whole point behind the Eric Holder led, George Soros funded project to elect liberal AG's and state supreme court justices throughout the country. Criminalization of conservative policy throughout the nation on a state level led by AG's who determine which crimes to pursue or ignore based on what party one belongs to. Why do you think that Xavier Becerra left a safe congressional seat to become the AG of California and file suit after suit against the Trump administration to halt or delay implementation of his policies. Why do you think Keith Ellison is doing the same in Minnesota? The #2 man in the DNC leaving Washington for the AG seat in Minnesota? Be aware of what is happening and vote accordingly in November.

08-26-2018, 01:42 AM
I agree. Here's another thing no one's mentioned:

No matter what they are threatened with by Mueller, Trump can pardon. He STILL holds the "trump" card (pun intended, of course)

Yep, because no one is above the law, or something.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2018, 04:48 AM
Yep, because no one is above the law, or something.

Where was such a statement when the subject was either hillary or Bill Clinton??
Did I somehow miss those?
If I did not miss those and such were never presented-- then this one you presented now rings hollow and extremely hypocritical..
Please do correct me if I have this all wrong..--Tyr

08-26-2018, 06:14 AM
Where was such a statement when the subject was either hillary or Bill Clinton??
Did I somehow miss those?
If I did not miss those and such were never presented-- then this one you presented now rings hollow and extremely hypocritical..
Please do correct me if I have this all wrong..--Tyr

Bill, Hillary, Obama etc have all acted outside of the law and should be brought to justice for it.