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View Full Version : Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Hate Preacher Jeremiah

08-24-2018, 01:06 PM
I guess it was different back then somehow? I know he was nailed from the right for a long long time. But it happens. And with the stuff that was coming out, I likely would have tried my best to hide it was well. But I post this to point out the hypocrisy. Go back and look, at anywhere you can, and you'll have your memories revived of the left not giving a shit. And now they do about such things. Kinda like how they went nutso in talking about illegal immigration and what needed to be done. And now, you're a nazi if you think or attempt the same things.

Thing is, for better or worse, hush money, and around elections, are an unfortunate byproduct. It DOES NOT mean any of these folks are in the clear or that they were perfect folks. There's a reason they will spend such amount of money, and it's usually not to have folks remain silent about good deeds one has done.

Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Hate Preacher Jeremiah Wright

The Mueller Special Counsel and New York District Attorney’s Office seek to destroy President Trump for paying out $130,000 in hush money to two former paramours.

The New York District Attorney’s office has picked up the case because New York state crimes can not be pardoned by a president.

Most experts believe paying hush money is not a crime.
The media believes the alleged bribe ranks as one of the worst criminal act in US history.

Now this…

Barack Obama also offered hush money to a close associate before the 2008 election.
Barack Obama’s crackpot anti-Semitic and anti-American pastor caused a stir in the summer of 2008 after video was released of the pastor screaming, “Goddam America” from his church pulpit.

Obama’s “closest friends” sent Reverend Wright an email offering him $150,000 in hush money to go silent before the election.
And he did.
Years later Jeremiah Wright admitted to author Ed Klein that he had been offered the $150,000 bribe to go away.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/flashback-obama-spent-150000-in-bribe-to-silence-crackpot-hate-preacher-rev-jeremiah-wright/

08-24-2018, 01:19 PM
Dershowitz: Trump 'Absolutely' Did Nothing Wrong With Payments

President Donald Trump "absolutely" did nothing illegal if he gave Michael Cohen money to make $280,000 in hush payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"That has been disputed, but if the president gave the money out of his own pocket he can give a billion dollars," Dershowitz told Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "He could have put a billion dollars in the campaign and paying 100 million to women who accused [him] falsely...it wouldn't be a violation of any campaign law as long as [the campaign] reported it."

If Cohen paid the women from his own pocket, effectively making a campaign contribution of $280,000, that would be "on Cohen and not President Trump," said Dershowitz.

Trump said in an interview airing Thursday that he does not see the payment as illegal, and compared the matter to when former President Barack Obama's campaign did not report contributions and had to pay a fine.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/donald-trump-michael-cohen-stormy-daniels-alan-dershowitz/2018/08/23/id/878382/