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View Full Version : A Side of Pres. Trump People Do Not See

08-26-2018, 10:35 AM
"You get the hell out of here, and get back to your son":


08-26-2018, 04:14 PM
I like Trump, period. Can he be a cad? Sure, but so can I. Nobody is perfect, and I think that's what most Americans realize.

I remember Bubba Clinton cheating in the Oval Office cigar dipping a little intern getting BJ's and what not, and I also remember the democrats telling us... THAT'S NOT ANY OF OUR BUSINESS.

08-26-2018, 06:11 PM
I like Trump, period. Can he be a cad? Sure, but so can I. Nobody is perfect, and I think that's what most Americans realize.

I remember Bubba Clinton cheating in the Oval Office cigar dipping a little intern getting BJ's and what not, and I also remember the democrats telling us... THAT'S NOT ANY OF OUR BUSINESS.

Yes. He is bombastic, but I think it is way past time someone that direct stood up and spoke his mind .

GWB could be at times but in a more folksy way.

08-26-2018, 06:28 PM
That's very typical Trump. But he's done a lot nicer and kinder things before and throughout his life, much of it not known about until long after the fact - as in he didn't do things for notoriety or anything at the time. He's still a bit of a bastard of course, but he's got decency inside of him. And don't forget, he doesn't smoke, drink, gamble or any of, some of the negative things that grab so many others. And he kept his life this way, raised his kids that way, and as far as I know they all live similarly. None of them perfect, don't misread me, but decent and kind folks. Of course the liberals and liberal media will tell you tidbits of absolute crap to tell you otherwise. Trump's idiotic ways of communicating, especially on social media, shows a different side, the arrogant side. But a person can still be a decent person & an asshole. :) I like the decent person, with less negative influences, and also with little influence necessary from others, he's not sold to anyone, so shit gets done.