View Full Version : Trump's support, numbers and polls

08-27-2018, 01:47 PM
Look at what he dealt with in the election, the amount of lying and attacks, unprecedented. And yet he still beat the left, and then we find out about even more, the scale of what they went through to ensure he didn't win - and it still didn't work.

And now, he deals with daily attacks, perhaps hourly. The MSM, which of course leans far left, he has to deal with daily. He gets crap for support from Democrats, before he even thinks of what the question may be. The attacks, and the bombardment numbers from the negative crap from the media, also still unprecedented at this time.

And yet he's getting shit done left and right and has upheld many of his promises, and now even his numbers look good. Even better than the Messiah himself who wasn't dealing with this crap when he had lower numbers.


Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% — Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

President Trump tweeted out his approval numbers Sunday night after a brutal week of constant media attacks.

According to the latest poll President Trump has a 90% approval rating within the Republican Party and a 52% approval overall.

President Trump’s approval rating in the Wall Street Journal poll is 44% not 52% which is stunning considering the constant beating by the liberal media on an hourly basis.

And as we reported earlier President Trump’s approval rating is still higher than Barack Obama despite the media’s constant praise of the Democrat’s failed policies.

Despite the brutal anti-Trump hysterics this past week including charges against his former campaign manager and personal attorney President Trump’s approval rating continues to hold.

This is after the liberal media repeated the word “impeachment” 222 times in one day this week!

President Trump’s approval rating is currently at 46% on Rasmussen Reports.

Media darling Barack Obama had an approval rating of 44% on August 26, 2010.

President Trump is still two points ahead of Barack Obama at a similar point in his presidency.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/trump-approval-with-gop-voters-hits-90-overall-approval-still-higher-than-obama-at-same-time-in-his-presidency/

08-27-2018, 03:09 PM
They still aren't smart enough to understand...when they find something else to pick on Trump about, or make up something new, every day. That THEY ARE BUILDING their own WALL that separates the Wise, Smart, Honest Americans...from the Dumbest, Easily-led, Political Snowflakes who call themselves...Democrats.

Purely, another WINNING plan...just like the one they had for Hillary????