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View Full Version : Judge Jeanine Brings the Hammer Down on Sessions

09-01-2018, 09:51 PM
Classic opening rant to her show this weekend. I don't see anything happening before the elections especially with the Kavanaugh appointment still out there. But old Jeff better keep is head down or produce something big before Congress goes into its' holiday recess.:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2018, 10:24 PM
Classic opening rant to her show this weekend. I don't see anything happening before the elections especially with the Kavanaugh appointment still out there. But old Jeff better keep is head down or produce something big before Congress goes into its' holiday recess.:


She fried Sessions like a french fry. Nailed him about as good as I have ever seen a chump nailed!
Her every word so easily seen to be the truth. And Sessions is either himself corrupt, or a fool and coward.
I hope Sessions is investigated because what he has done and continues to do- makes no sense-except to blatantly protect guilty dem -operatives, politicians and the obama from being exposed for their criminal and corrupt actions..
Notice how in all of this ongoing Meuller fiasco-- the obama name rarely ever appears-- it is as if he was not the President and the man in charge of these corrupt federal departments and these maggots during the time of the supposed Russian collusion investigation.
And the immunity given by Mueller and his crew - very clearly points to preemptive shielding to cover up activities and serve as a future shield should a investigation attempt to unravel this damn farce!

That this farce orchestrated by the ffing dems be allowed to continue proves there is no true justice in this nation.
Proves there is a dominant and untouchable shadow government within the Federal government.
Sad, tragic, very alarming, very dangerous to this nation and a foreboding reality.--Tyr

09-03-2018, 01:37 PM
I don't know why Sessions wasn't fired the second he recused himself from the witch hunt. He is the freakin' Attorney General of the United States. The witch hunt is a special counsel appointed by the DOJ over which he is head. I consider it dereliction of duty, myself.