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09-03-2018, 11:35 PM
Meghan McCain Is A Cancer On Her Dad’s Legacy

Meghan McCain — who without nepotism would be smacking gum behind the cash register at an outlet mall — used her dad’s death as a chance to level smug, lazy attacks at President Trump.
And thanks to her dad’s cowardly devotion to the Washington D.C. swamp, that’s all anyone will remember about him.

https://lovebreedsaccountability.com/2018/09/03/meghan-mccain-is-a-cancer-on-her-dads-legacy/ (https://lovebreedsaccountability.com/2018/09/03/meghan-mccain-is-a-cancer-on-her-dads-legacy/)

09-04-2018, 11:53 AM
What Trump said about John McCain's military service was indefensible the McCain family has every right to hate Trump and badmouth him.

Which is ENTIRELY different than John letting his anger at Trump dictate how he voted as a Senator, that was as unacceptable as Trump's words.

09-04-2018, 02:55 PM
What Trump said about John McCain's military service was indefensible the McCain family has every right to hate Trump and badmouth him.

Which is ENTIRELY different than John letting his anger at Trump dictate how he voted as a Senator, that was as unacceptable as Trump's words.
Where have you been? Trashing people in Washington is an art form, and it's been elevated to a new level no one even knew could exist with all the trashing of President Trump, including the fake dossier about him that the DNC and Hitlery campaign paid for, and then Juan McLame sent an aide to Europe to retrieve. It's no wonder to me at all why Trump said a few nasty things about McLame, I would have too. If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

His daughter is a fuckin' bimbo. She's been riding on daddy's coat tails since she was old enough to know how.

09-04-2018, 07:23 PM
I can only attribute her diatribe against Trump, as an expected sign of her pain. To be expected.

On the other hand. Watching her sadness, instantly turn into anger, told me...She was merely trying to keep her Job on the VIEW, and appease her phony friends Whoopy-doodle, and that Old Battle-axe of a dummy, and ignorant example of GOD'S sense of Humor...allowing her to get by without being ABORTED.

09-04-2018, 08:30 PM
What Trump said about John McCain's military service was indefensible the McCain family has every right to hate Trump and badmouth him.

Which is ENTIRELY different than John letting his anger at Trump dictate how he voted as a Senator, that was as unacceptable as Trump's words.Trump's remark is easy to defend. AND ... before you go accusing ME of being on the Trump bandwagon and causing a few folks around here to choke ... DON'T.

Minus the over-use and misuse of the word "hero" until it means nothing anymore and the emotional, knee jerk reactions, what Trump stated about McCain is factually correct.

Audie Murphy was a hero. He held off a battalion of Germans then took half them prisoner single-handedly.

Sgt John Basilone was a hero. He held off a battalion of Japanese with .30 cal Browning, single-handedly. Then like a good Gunny he bitched his ass off about being put on some in the rear war bond drive BS until they sent him back to the Pacific. He was killed on Iwo Jima. THAT is a "hero".

Cpl Alvin York took a company of Germans hostage during WWI with P08 (Luger) after firing off all his ammo for both his Springfield and his M1911A1. THAT is a hero.

John McCain crashed two Navy jet fighters before being shot down in his 3rd one. By factual assessment, he did not accomplish his mission, he did NOT bring back Uncle Sugar's multi-million dollar weapon, he did NOT bring himself back for a duty thereby depriving Uncle Sam of his services that Uncle Sam invested at least a mil in.

He allowed himself to be captured and was ineffective an asset for the US Military for the remainder of hostilities. All in all, THAT is a failure.

John McCain served honorably in the US Navy and for that should be recognized the same as anyone else who served. Being a POW means he served honorably and should be recognized for it the same as anyone else who served.

He was not only an embarrassment as a Senator, he turned to thwarting Republican policy at every chance. He should have been gone long ago.

All I have to say to his daughter is: Sorry for your loss. If you were sorry for your loss, you wouldn't be politicizing it.

09-04-2018, 09:44 PM
Trump's remark is easy to defend. AND ... before you go accusing ME of being on the Trump bandwagon and causing a few folks around here to choke ... DON'T.

Minus the over-use and misuse of the word "hero" until it means nothing anymore and the emotional, knee jerk reactions, what Trump stated about McCain is factually correct.

Audie Murphy was a hero. He held off a battalion of Germans then took half them prisoner single-handedly.

Sgt John Basilone was a hero. He held off a battalion of Japanese with .30 cal Browning, single-handedly. Then like a good Gunny he bitched his ass off about being put on some in the rear war bond drive BS until they sent him back to the Pacific. He was killed on Iwo Jima. THAT is a "hero".

Cpl Alvin York took a company of Germans hostage during WWI with P08 (Luger) after firing off all his ammo for both his Springfield and his M1911A1. THAT is a hero.

John McCain crashed two Navy jet fighters before being shot down in his 3rd one. By factual assessment, he did not accomplish his mission, he did NOT bring back Uncle Sugar's multi-million dollar weapon, he did NOT bring himself back for a duty thereby depriving Uncle Sam of his services that Uncle Sam invested at least a mil in.

He allowed himself to be captured and was ineffective an asset for the US Military for the remainder of hostilities. All in all, THAT is a failure.

John McCain served honorably in the US Navy and for that should be recognized the same as anyone else who served. Being a POW means he served honorably and should be recognized for it the same as anyone else who served.

He was not only an embarrassment as a Senator, he turned to thwarting Republican policy at every chance. He should have been gone long ago.

All I have to say to his daughter is: Sorry for your loss. If you were sorry for your loss, you wouldn't be politicizing it.

People who are not, and who have never Served in Uniform...called civilians...have been using the word HERO for nearly everything. And, as you said...and me. It's frequent use for nearly everything that takes place..has become BASTARDIZED, by the Press, Politician, and Civilians.
Hero's...to be honest with America...are those Americans who GAVE ALL.
In other words. The REAL HERO'S are never around to be thanked.
A little boy, or girl who rescues a kitty cat from a tree, or a sewer.....IS NOT A HERO!
Far from it. But the civilians around that little boy, or girl...reward him, or her, calling them a HERO. That's totally wrong, and disrespectful to...for example...58,000 names on a wall in Washington. And all of the names...engraved on Tombstones, around the World of those who NEVER CAME HOME.
McCain was a hero to his family. PERIOD. I agreed with the President on that.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-05-2018, 06:11 AM
When I was a child of nine I was severely admonished by my aunt to never speak ill of the dead because it is not nice!!
Taking umbrage, I replied. Well, I was not doing it to be nice and everything I said was true. If not then correct my error not my speaking my mind.
I was then told to walk over to her to get a spanking.
I refused....
Now my dad was in the room and my refusal was to get him to intervene..
And true to form he did.
First he looked at her and said, is Robert your child? You must think so attempting to correct him and then spank him for speaking his mind.
This is my home not yours. You had best remember that.
In addition, can you refute any part of what he stated about the person that he was SPEAKING ABOUT?
HE GOT ONLY SILENCE. (Which to all showed he was dead on the mark)..
Then he looked at me and said, Son speak your mind when you know the TRUTH, and do so without fear.
Any that object are either ignorant, just plain wrong or doing so because they dislike honesty.
When you see that reaction from others , best mark it in your mind and judge them accordingly....
Also , never give yourself over to such a person for any form of correction being it mere words or a physical assault(spanking).
Doing such , you will always get my full support and my admiration.
Then he looked back at my aunt and said, he told the truth in his own home, never, I repeat never you dare to try to stop any of my kids from doing so.
The dead man he spoke about was everything he said and even worse.
I say even worse because I know the man better than my son does. at that more silence from her and she left our home in a huff.
It was 7 years before she visited again and that was one year after my father's death.
Folks, this Southern man was taught right- never back down if you know you are right.
Never fear others if such fear has any mark of cowardice.
Always stand you ground come hell or high water.
I've lived this all my life, and tho' it is correct --the world constantly and faithfully punishes such honor and bravery .
That is because the world is dark and evil.
McCain is dead, but speaking the truth about him be it praise or be it criticism is not wrong.
The truth, he did great harm to this nation and did so to advance his own career. That is truth...
Any that do not like me saying that TRUTH - I say fffkk you..... you are likely already marked in my book..
Gunny nailed it in his reply.... McCain was no hero- at least not by the standard that I judge heroism by..-Tyr

09-05-2018, 08:32 AM
Trump's remark is easy to defend. AND ... before you go accusing ME of being on the Trump bandwagon and causing a few folks around here to choke ... DON'T.

Minus the over-use and misuse of the word "hero" until it means nothing anymore and the emotional, knee jerk reactions, what Trump stated about McCain is factually correct.

Audie Murphy was a hero. He held off a battalion of Germans then took half them prisoner single-handedly.

Sgt John Basilone was a hero. He held off a battalion of Japanese with .30 cal Browning, single-handedly. Then like a good Gunny he bitched his ass off about being put on some in the rear war bond drive BS until they sent him back to the Pacific. He was killed on Iwo Jima. THAT is a "hero".

Cpl Alvin York took a company of Germans hostage during WWI with P08 (Luger) after firing off all his ammo for both his Springfield and his M1911A1. THAT is a hero.

John McCain crashed two Navy jet fighters before being shot down in his 3rd one. By factual assessment, he did not accomplish his mission, he did NOT bring back Uncle Sugar's multi-million dollar weapon, he did NOT bring himself back for a duty thereby depriving Uncle Sam of his services that Uncle Sam invested at least a mil in.

He allowed himself to be captured and was ineffective an asset for the US Military for the remainder of hostilities. All in all, THAT is a failure.

John McCain served honorably in the US Navy and for that should be recognized the same as anyone else who served. Being a POW means he served honorably and should be recognized for it the same as anyone else who served.

He was not only an embarrassment as a Senator, he turned to thwarting Republican policy at every chance. He should have been gone long ago.

All I have to say to his daughter is: Sorry for your loss. If you were sorry for your loss, you wouldn't be politicizing it.

We simply have a difference of opinion on whether someone who survives being a POW is a hero. Especially given how brutal the Vietnamese were in their treatment of American POWs. As for "he let himself be captured" come on man, he had two broken arms, and a broken leg. What was he supposed to fight the Vietnamese like he he was the Black Knight ? LOL

I am just saying, the family had reason to hate Trump after those remarks. That is not saying McCain was a good Senator, he wasn't. That's simply saying it was an asshole remark and the McCains had right to be offended by it. I also have clearly stated that those feelings shouldn't have translated into affecting McCain's votes as a US Senator, and I think they did. For that, he deserves scorn, regardless of his military career.

09-05-2018, 08:23 PM
We simply have a difference of opinion on whether someone who survives being a POW is a hero. Especially given how brutal the Vietnamese were in their treatment of American POWs. As for "he let himself be captured" come on man, he had two broken arms, and a broken leg. What was he supposed to fight the Vietnamese like he he was the Black Knight ? LOL

I am just saying, the family had reason to hate Trump after those remarks. That is not saying McCain was a good Senator, he wasn't. That's simply saying it was an asshole remark and the McCains had right to be offended by it. I also have clearly stated that those feelings shouldn't have translated into affecting McCain's votes as a US Senator, and I think they did. For that, he deserves scorn, regardless of his military career.

The "asshole remark" was made in response taking a shot at Trump first. As was previously mentioned, this is US politics and the velvet gloves came off LONG ago. Add to that, Trump has no filter; which, is one thing I can completely relate to. You say shit about him and there's no telling WHAT is coming back. If you're going to play hard ball, no crying when it gets 'line-drived' back in your face.

McCain acted like a baby from the second Trump slapped him until he drew his last breath. He bashed Trump at every turn and stood against him in Congress over his personal pissing contest rather than looking at the substance of what was being done and whether or not it was good for the country. The people he was supposed to serve. Instead he served his own bruised ego.