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09-07-2018, 11:07 AM
Oh, those wacky moonbats. Booker described himself as "Spartacus" and announced he was going to deliberately break Senate Rules by releasing a confidential document publicly, claiming that the document would show Kavanaugh as a -gasp!- racial profiler. He then dared the Senate to oust him for his daring.

The problem is that the email was already declassified - at Booker's request the night before, no less - and the document in question showed the reverse of what Booker was alleging.

Hilarity ensued.

Democratic senators put on quite a show Thursday at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing. Desperate for a "gotcha" moment that would disqualify the Trump nominee, the senators asked pointed questions and gave lectures about transparency. But, they embarrassed themselves in the process.

Sen. Cory Booker (NJ) got the loudest laugh.

Booker's theatrics came at the very beginning of the hearing. He interrupted Chairman Chuck Grassley's opening remarks to announce that he had broken Senate rules and released "committee confidential" documents about Kavanaugh's opinions on racial profiling. He even referred to himself as "Spartacus," as if he was some kind of martyr.

Well, two things. First, it turns out that those "confidential" documents he was talking about had already been cleared for release. Bill Burck, the former Bush administration lawyer overseeing the production of Kavanaugh's documents, said so in an email, adding he was surprised by Booker's histrionics.

"Yes, we cleared the documents last night shortly after Senator Booker's staff asked us to," Burck said. "I was surprised to learn about Senator Booker's histrionics this morning because we had already told him he could use the documents publicly."

So, his "sacrificial" heroics were all for show. Second, the document in question showed Kavanaugh was against racial profiling. So, just like that, both of his narratives were debunked.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reacted to Booker's display Friday morning on Fox News by giving his colleague some friendly advice.

"If you're gonna use a document to disqualify a nominee, read it," Graham suggested. "If you read the damn thing," he added, you'll see that Kavanaugh "was against racial profiling."


Rubio took the opportunity to kick Spartacus while he was down :

On this day in 71B.C. the Thracian gladiator Spartacus was put to death by Marcus Licinius Crassus for disclosing confidential scrolls. When informed days later that in fact the Roman Senate had already publicly released the scrolls, Crassus replied “Oh, ok, my bad”.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) September 7, 2018 (https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1038035237081632768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Orrin Hatch also couldn't resist :

“You know... I knew Spartacus.”

Abbey Marie
09-07-2018, 12:23 PM
Oh, those wacky moonbats. Booker described himself as "Spartacus" and announced he was going to deliberately break Senate Rules by releasing a confidential document publicly, claiming that the document would show Kavanaugh as a -gasp!- racial profiler. He then dared the Senate to oust him for his daring.

The problem is that the email was already declassified - at Booker's request the night before, no less - and the document in question showed the reverse of what Booker was alleging.

Hilarity ensued.


Rubio took the opportunity to kick Spartacus while he was down :

Orrin Hatch also couldn't resist :


Rubio: :cheers2::2up: :clap:

09-07-2018, 12:56 PM
Oh, those wacky moonbats. Booker described himself as "Spartacus" and announced he was going to deliberately break Senate Rules by releasing a confidential document publicly, claiming that the document would show Kavanaugh as a -gasp!- racial profiler. He then dared the Senate to oust him for his daring.

The problem is that the email was already declassified - at Booker's request the night before, no less - and the document in question showed the reverse of what Booker was alleging.

Hilarity ensued.


Rubio took the opportunity to kick Spartacus while he was down :

Orrin Hatch also couldn't resist :


Unfortunately , Democrat politicians KNOW just how stupid their voters are and so they deliberately lie knowing that there will be no consequences. Corey Booker could come out tomorrow and say "I have a secret video of Trump and Putin discussing hacking voting machines to win the 2016 election, I'd love to show it to the public, but it's classified so yall just have to take my word for it" and at minimum 70% of Democratic voters would buy it, and go all in that the video exists.

The solution, of course, is to start purging the voter rolls. This is simple computer logic here if you put garbage in, you get garbage out, if you let garbage vote, you will see garbage being elected.

09-07-2018, 01:17 PM
It is great theater to watch Sens. Kamala Harris and Corey Booker pimp their 'gravitas' for the camera. It's obvious that they have both been told they are golden as 2020 presidential favorites since they both hit the profile established by the Dear Leader. Black (light skin only, please), young, inexperienced, narcissistic, clean, articulate, accusatory, junior Senator from large liberal state...the list goes on and on. I'm sure Kamala believes that she is one up in the identity politics game due to the accident of her genitalia but these days Corey can easily address this by self identifying as a woman.

In the end, what will be the outcome of this week's activities? The will of the majority of this country will be recognized. Chaos and character destruction will be rejected, Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court and the fundamental re-transformation of America away from the authoritarian, collectivist dystopia of the previous administration will advance another step. How the main characters in this week's passion play believe that becoming cheap imitations of the last failed ruler will be the ticket to success in 2020 is beyond me.

09-07-2018, 01:46 PM
Is Booker the offspring of Maxine Waters? They sound an awful lot alike.

The shots taken by Rubio and Hatch are funny as Hell.

09-07-2018, 04:37 PM
Harris wishes she was BOOKER'S HOOKER! What a phony, wanna-be Obama jerk.

Guess he was convinced...nobody would notice...Those Documents had already been released.
Which is probably true...about Booker's constituents who, like Maxipad Waters, are as DUMB as a NEW JERSEY, BOX OF ROCKS too!

09-08-2018, 10:49 AM
I can't believe that pussy compares himself to a Roman gladiator. I can see him trying to TALK his way out of the Coliseum now :laugh2:

09-08-2018, 11:55 AM

BOOKER claimed he was SPARTACUS????

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWTlu5HjY6hfkLGC6R9XOPc1uLUxguo qFN-wQ1y2rxSrbdO73p

What else do we need to Know????:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

09-08-2018, 12:34 PM
Again, I just don't get it. Let's play "S'pose". S'pose I was a Democrat. I am going to sit and watch the theatrics on display throughout this confirmation hearing, most especially from Booker, and Feinstein off on Planet 9 about something, as elected officials who represent ME, and not go shoot myself? I would be so embarrassed I'd have to wear a paper bag over my head to walk the grandkid's half-chihuahua half-whatever.

As a conservative, some of the Republican't's are bad enough, but these Dems are a joke. If you're that far out of touch with reality there should be a clause to remove you from office. B

Booker's antic was an attempt at a stall tactic to sidetrack the hearing and stall it into an investigation of whatever BS he was blathering about. My granddaughter is less obvious.

09-08-2018, 12:46 PM
BOOKER claimed he was SPARTACUS????

What else do we need to Know????:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

All I can say on this one is: "Oh, Shit"!:laugh:

09-13-2018, 11:34 AM
Again, I just don't get it. Let's play "S'pose". S'pose I was a Democrat. I am going to sit and watch the theatrics on display throughout this confirmation hearing, most especially from Booker, and Feinstein off on Planet 9 about something, as elected officials who represent ME, and not go shoot myself? I would be so embarrassed I'd have to wear a paper bag over my head to walk the grandkid's half-chihuahua half-whatever.

As a conservative, some of the Republican't's are bad enough, but these Dems are a joke. If you're that far out of touch with reality there should be a clause to remove you from office. B

Booker's antic was an attempt at a stall tactic to sidetrack the hearing and stall it into an investigation of whatever BS he was blathering about. My granddaughter is less obvious.

Isn't it odd that we passed a Constitutional Amendment to provide a way to remove the President from elected office if it is believed that he has became incompetent to hold that office, but not for Congress critters? Let's just be hones here, some procedure should have been available to remove John McCain from office over a year ago when it became obvious that he was no longer fit to be a Senator. We don't even need to discuss the mentally ill Democrats and make it a political talking point. McCain was mentally incapacitated. There is no question of that.

09-13-2018, 08:23 PM
Isn't it odd that we passed a Constitutional Amendment to provide a way to remove the President from elected office if it is believed that he has became incompetent to hold that office, but not for Congress critters? Let's just be hones here, some procedure should have been available to remove John McCain from office over a year ago when it became obvious that he was no longer fit to be a Senator. We don't even need to discuss the mentally ill Democrats and make it a political talking point. McCain was mentally incapacitated. There is no question of that.I'll add this:


Never mind the politics up front. This "person" (Bader-Ginsburg) couldn't get a driver's license in the state of Texas. Yet, she remains on the highest court in this country. There should be means of removal for health reasons. Physical, mental or otherwise. There should also be means for removal for conduct unbecoming a person of "that" position.

In the case of McCain, I suspected but never posted out of trying to have a little bit of class on a difficult subject, that his brain cancer could have been affecting his judgment. I did not and do not consider myself an impartial judge however because I have ALWAYS questioned his judgment. It just seemed at the end he did nothing but participate in a pissing contest with Trump and use his position whenever possible to obstruct Trump.

I DO agree that it's a one-way deal for the legislature to pass a law that applies only to the President and not themselves. They do the same where pay is concerned. They get paid whether or not the government is shut down and no one else does. THEY get to vote for their own pay raise.

I personally have little to no regard nor respect for Congress at this point, and none at all for the bureaucracy itself.

09-13-2018, 09:06 PM
I DO agree that it's a one-way deal for the legislature to pass a law that applies only to the President and not themselves. They do the same where pay is concerned. They get paid whether or not the government is shut down and no one else does. THEY get to vote for their own pay raise.

I personally have little to no regard nor respect for Congress at this point, and none at all for the bureaucracy itself.

Probably only non partisan thing to pass with 100% YES.

09-18-2018, 07:56 AM
I'll add this:


Never mind the politics up front. This "person" (Bader-Ginsburg) couldn't get a driver's license in the state of Texas. Yet, she remains on the highest court in this country. There should be means of removal for health reasons. Physical, mental or otherwise. There should also be means for removal for conduct unbecoming a person of "that" position.

In the case of McCain, I suspected but never posted out of trying to have a little bit of class on a difficult subject, that his brain cancer could have been affecting his judgment. I did not and do not consider myself an impartial judge however because I have ALWAYS questioned his judgment. It just seemed at the end he did nothing but participate in a pissing contest with Trump and use his position whenever possible to obstruct Trump.

I DO agree that it's a one-way deal for the legislature to pass a law that applies only to the President and not themselves. They do the same where pay is concerned. They get paid whether or not the government is shut down and no one else does. THEY get to vote for their own pay raise.

I personally have little to no regard nor respect for Congress at this point, and none at all for the bureaucracy itself.

Not quite the same though Gunny, because much like the President, there IS a procedure for removing a sitting Judge, or in this case Justice, Congress CAN impeach a US Supreme Court Justice and remove him or her from office, it's only been done once in our history, but it CAN be done.

And while technically they CAN also impeach members of their own body, that's a different matter because that is of course asking them to be a check on themselves, which is different from every other body which has someone else who has the authority to remove them from office checking on them. ONE US Senator has been impeached in our history, ZERO members of the House, pretty amazing given the number of criminals who have served.