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View Full Version : Trump Ends PLO Support

09-10-2018, 10:58 AM
This has been long overdue.

Giving US taxpayer money to a committed group of terrorists is freaking insane - and then providing offices here in the USA for them, to boot?
Definitely headed in the right direction. :salute:

I think it's funny that the first instinct of the PLO SpokesTerrorist was to demand the UN make us continue to shovel money at them. I don't think the little jihadist has been paying attention to who is behind the wheel in the last 18 months. Are the fumes from the C4 addling his logic circuits?

The Trump administration will take steps to close the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington, D.C., a senior Palestinian diplomat confirmed Monday.

Senior diplomat Dr. Saeb Erekat demanded the international community to intervene in what he argued were U.S. “attacks against the international system as a whole” to defend Israel.

“We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian Mission to the US. This is yet another affirmation of the Trump Administration’s policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people, including by cutting financial support for humanitarian services including health and education,” he said in a statement.

CBS News and the Wall Street Journal both reported the decision early Monday morning.

It comes after the Trump administration cut about $25 million in aid on Saturday originally allotted for Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals.

National Security Adviser John R. Bolton will formally close the PLO’s doors on Monday until they join the negotiation table with Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported. Mr. Bolton’s speech will also reportedly threaten to sanction the International Criminal Court if it agrees to a Palestinian request that the U.S. and Israel be investigated.


09-10-2018, 01:12 PM
"Is been long over due...No more helping terrorist that want to kill us and Israel...by miss-managing the money sent to them"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2018, 02:45 PM
Another step towards the light taken and another blow delivered towards the dems and the dark and evil allies.
Now watch how the dems and their terrorist allies go crazy about this small bit of justice and sound reasoning. -Tyr

09-10-2018, 05:06 PM
This one of his BEST moves!:clap:

A very long time coming! Let those terrorists that were supported by Obama
find a new means of support! I would bet, in a heartbeat, Iran!

09-10-2018, 05:47 PM
Note the way the Palestinians react when they learn their funds will dry up. Note the belligerent tone taken.

These are 'people' who don't appreciate anything. Instead, they immediately show their true colours.

Besides which, I've never understood why terrorists get any funding at all. Who's naive enough to suppose that NO money given to Palestinians won't have large chunks of it siphoned off for terrorist activities ? I mean ... COME ON !!!

09-10-2018, 10:57 PM
Where are our liberal members to cry about this? I just wonder!