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09-10-2018, 04:29 PM
Oh, I hope this veers offshore! It might only pick up 'power' in the warm waters
of the Gulf Stream.

If it does not bounce away, batton down the hatches and get out!


09-10-2018, 05:30 PM
Oh, I hope this veers offshore! It might only pick up 'power' in the warm waters
of the Gulf Stream.

If it does not bounce away, batton down the hatches and get out!


It will not be veering offshore. It has done nothing but gain strength since yesterday, and it started traveling faster.

Governor McMaster of whom I have heard nary a word since he took office save for when it was time to run for office again, has ordered the evacuation of all coastal counties in South Carolina beginning at noon tomorrow. They will be reversing all east bound lanes on I26 at that time, which should really muck things up. I'm having trouble understanding why he has chosen to go statewide with this order as the track I've seen on The Weather Channel show the projected path has shifted even further north. I suppose he could be erring on the side of caution, Hugo did shift south at the last minute. Then again, it is an election year and this wide of an evacuation could just be theater for the constituents (yes, I really am that cynical).

Personally, I am not going anywhere. I've water, I've food, I've ammunition, and I've beer... and the day off tomorrow... and maybe Wednesday...

09-10-2018, 05:46 PM
My old Service Manager at Reno Harley Davidson has since left there also, and moved back to SOUTH CAROLINA. He is virtually DEAD SHOT ON a direct hit in the path of that storm. I've urged him on facebook to pack the motorhome and get the hell otta Dodge.

09-10-2018, 06:00 PM
Those standing in the way, be safe and be prepared.

From what I understand, they say nothing will really be in the way of slowing it down once it starts heading towards the shores, or something like that.

Here's the latest path:


09-10-2018, 06:12 PM
My old Service Manager at Reno Harley Davidson has since left there also, and moved back to SOUTH CAROLINA. He is virtually DEAD SHOT ON a direct hit in the path of that storm. I've urged him on facebook to pack the motorhome and get the hell otta Dodge.

He must be up near the state line because Charleston, for the time being at least, is on the edge of the "cone of uncertainty".

09-10-2018, 06:15 PM
We've lived her 30 years, and never taken these storms for granted. We have food, water, a generator, plenty of gasoline, oil, CASH...most people never think about the ATM's not working without electricity.
We just hope the temps go down, and the humidity isn't too high.

Our neighborhood is pretty tight, with the exception of a few who are probably gonna blame TRUMP for Florence too!

Looks like we will be North of the eye, so we expect heavy rain, beach erosion, and flooding all over. Not something we haven't seen before.

Forgot to mention. WE PRAY A LOT too!

09-11-2018, 11:01 AM

09-11-2018, 12:00 PM
Florence could hit with punch not seen in more than 60 years

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The last time the midsection of the East Coast stared down a hurricane like this, Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House and Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio were newlyweds.

Hurricane Florence could inflict the hardest hurricane punch North Carolina has seen in more than 60 years, with rain and wind of more than 130 mph (209 kph).

North Carolina has been hit by only one other Category 4 storm since reliable record keeping began in the 1850s. That was Hurricane Hazel in 1954. Hurricane Hugo made landfall in South Carolina as a Category 4 hurricane in 1989.

In comparison, Florida, which is closer to the equator and in line with the part of the Atlantic where hurricanes are born, off the African coast, has had at least five hurricanes in the past century of Category 4 or greater, including Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Hazel’s winds were clocked at 150 mph at the North Carolina coast and kept roaring inland. They were only slightly diminished by the time the storm reached Raleigh, 150 miles inland. Nineteen people died in North Carolina. The storm destroyed an estimated 15,000 buildings.

“Hazel stands as a benchmark storm in North Carolina’s history,” said Jay Barnes, author of books on the hurricane histories of both North Carolina and Florida. “We had a tremendous amount of destruction all across the state.”

Twelve hours after its landfall, Hazel was in Buffalo, New York, and had ripped through seven states with winds still swirling at 100 mph or more.

Rest - https://apnews.com/b80e3de011484b32bb47f04ebcb12a5a/Florence-could-hit-with-punch-not-seen-in-more-than-60-years

09-11-2018, 02:04 PM
Descretion Really Is the better part of Valor.

Knowing what the expected STORM SURGES may grow to. We have decided....
We do not want to attend any Funerals. Namely...OURS!

Property is not important to those WE LOVE.

Will keep you informed as time goes by. To anyone within the Evac Zones...Don't Stay!

09-12-2018, 07:37 AM
My sister and her husband live in Jacksonville NC, right in the damn path of this thing

After a short discussion the decided to come here to Okeechobee for shelter

If you're in the path of this thing, GET OUT!

Abbey Marie
09-12-2018, 03:25 PM
hjmick I really wish you would evacuate. The forecast for your area looks really bad right now.

09-12-2018, 03:32 PM
I just saw this on twitter... truly astonishing... it's going to wreck everything in it's path. I hope my buddy lives through it... I honestly have my doubts... he's in Myrtle Beach and this thing just made a little turn to the south...

FLORENCE'S FURY: Hurricane Generating ‘80 FOOT HIGH’ Waves, Evacuations Ordered


09-12-2018, 04:53 PM
Descretion Really Is the better part of Valor.

Knowing what the expected STORM SURGES may grow to. We have decided....
We do not want to attend any Funerals. Namely...OURS!

Property is not important to those WE LOVE.

Will keep you informed as time goes by. To anyone within the Evac Zones...Don't Stay!

A Wise Move....keep us, your friends, posted!

09-12-2018, 04:54 PM
I just saw this on twitter... truly astonishing... it's going to wreck everything in it's path. I hope my buddy lives through it... I honestly have my doubts... he's in Myrtle Beach and this thing just made a little turn to the south...

FLORENCE'S FURY: Hurricane Generating ‘80 FOOT HIGH’ Waves, Evacuations Ordered


I've been in 35 foot offshore, no fun at all on a 210ft cutter. 80 is a nightmare!

09-12-2018, 04:56 PM
My sister and her husband live in Jacksonville NC, right in the damn path of this thing

After a short discussion the decided to come here to Okeechobee for shelter

If you're in the path of this thing, GET OUT!

And You should know, Bilgerat. Florida regularly get raked by these things!

09-12-2018, 06:12 PM
A Wise Move....keep us, your friends, posted!

We were ready and packed to leave this morning. Flo took a turn south, as predicted. So, we stayed home. Little bit of rain, high tides....not unusual for a NorEaster. Grass growing like weeds again.

Anyone in the path..NEEDS TO HEED the warnings.

09-12-2018, 06:12 PM
@hjmick I really wish you would evacuate. The forecast for your area looks really bad right now.

I appreciate that sentiment, Abs, but the more I see the more confident I am that our biggest concern will be keeping our food cold. We're about two miles from one of the many evacuation centers, which is funny when you consider the "mandatory" evacuation order (nothing like the government covering their ass from lawsuits). It's looking like it will skirt the coast starting up around Morehead City NC heading south and coming on shore up around Myrtle Beach SC as a Cat 1 (this is based on the in-house models put up by our local forecasters). We're a good ways from Myrtle Beach. There will a lot of wind and rain down here where we're bunkered, but luckily we're out of the storm surge zones (we're actually about 20 miles from the coast). Unless something changes drastically in the next day or two, it will be a lesser repeat of Matthew two years except we'll be on the better side of the storm as far as wind is concerned.

I'm not being stubborn or stupid, we've given this a lot of thought and talked it out. The upside is I'll be here to act on any damage immediately, stop any of the opportunistic fools who may decide to roam (loot) the neighborhood, and we won't have to wait for the government to tell us we can go home.

Believe me, if I thought my wife's life would be in danger, I'd high tail out of here. With her...

09-12-2018, 07:33 PM
My sister and her husband live in Jacksonville NC, right in the damn path of this thing

After a short discussion the decided to come here to Okeechobee for shelter

If you're in the path of this thing, GET OUT!Who the f*ck wants to live in Jacksonburg, NC? Crap. Hell, I'd leave and not go back. Done it once before :laugh:

09-13-2018, 06:49 AM
Who the f*ck wants to live in Jacksonburg, NC? Crap. Hell, I'd leave and not go back. Done it once before :laugh:

He's a medically retired Gunny, so there's that ................. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

09-13-2018, 08:30 PM
He's a medically retired Gunny, so there's that ................. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:Man, he must've loved the 2nd MarDiv then. Of ALL the Marine bases in the world to retire next to, Swamp Lejeune is dead last on MY list. I'd rather retire on Oki.

Hope all is well. Tell the Gunny he stood too close to one to many 8" rounds going off if he goes back :poke:

09-14-2018, 07:25 AM
Man, he must've loved the 2nd MarDiv then. Of ALL the Marine bases in the world to retire next to, Swamp Lejeune is dead last on MY list. I'd rather retire on Oki.

Hope all is well. Tell the Gunny he stood too close to one to many 8" rounds going off if he goes back :poke:


09-14-2018, 08:21 AM
Here's a pic my old Reno Harley Davidson Service Manager posted this morning on his facebook with the caption, "here it comes"... he's in Myrtle Beach... I almost got stationed there at Shaw AFB, but at the last minute my orders got changed for Nellis AFB from tech school...


Abbey Marie
09-14-2018, 11:29 PM
Myrtle Beach got slammed, and still is. Hope your friend is ok.

09-15-2018, 12:13 AM
CLT (Charlotte)...right on the edge...coming 2 miles per hour at us...Lots of rain...

09-17-2018, 07:02 AM


09-19-2018, 07:36 AM

Abbey Marie
09-19-2018, 09:53 PM
Anyone hear from hjmick ?

09-20-2018, 05:01 PM
For all the frantic calls for evacuation and battening down the hatches, we got a whole lot of nothing.

09-20-2018, 05:49 PM
For all the frantic calls for evacuation and battening down the hatches, we got a whole lot of nothing.

Then you were fortunate!

09-20-2018, 08:25 PM

09-22-2018, 10:05 AM
Then you were fortunate!

This time. There will be a next...

Abbey Marie
09-22-2018, 10:15 AM
Yeah, they are already talking about another “Florence-type” storm forming in the Atlantic/Caribbean.

09-22-2018, 03:35 PM
For all the frantic calls for evacuation and battening down the hatches, we got a whole lot of nothing.

My sister & her husband are still with us, they can't get back due to road closures.

09-22-2018, 03:42 PM
My sister & her husband are still with us, they can't get back due to road closures.

It is much better safe than sorry!

Me, the BMC of the Cape May Gym, and a Doctor (Commander - 0-5) rode one out
in Cape May one year. That was one hell of a party!:laugh: