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View Full Version : This guy is nuts

Abbey Marie
09-21-2018, 12:15 PM
It’s fascinating to watch him purposely get stung by this bug. If you like this, he has a slew of YouTube videos of being stung or bitten by quite a variety of disgusting bugs and reptiles. I’ve watched this, the velvet ant (wasp), and the bullet ant. They all look to be extremely painful.


09-21-2018, 03:10 PM
That guy is crazy! I would not seek to get bitten or attacked like that.
What is his encore, hugging a Kodiak Brown Bear?


09-21-2018, 04:32 PM

09-21-2018, 05:24 PM
Is the point just to find out which one hurts the worst?

09-21-2018, 07:04 PM
Is the point just to find out which one hurts the worst?

I dunno! Just stupid or a masochistic fool!

Abbey Marie
09-21-2018, 08:55 PM
Is the point just to find out which one hurts the worst?

I think it’s done to contribute to science...

09-22-2018, 06:43 AM
I actually saw some of his stuff before and watched it, very interesting!! Nothing I would experiment with, especially if I heard the words "it could temporarily paralyze you". :)

I'd REALLY like to see him catch a brown recluse and let it bite him, see how he reacts and responds. :thumb:

09-22-2018, 08:09 AM
He voluntarily got stung by a "cow killer" before he took on the tarantula hawk.

As they say here, "that boy ain't right"


Abbey Marie
09-22-2018, 09:25 AM
Watch the bullet ant one. He says it is the most painful of the three, and the pain lasts 24 hrs!

He mentions that he regrets the fire ant bites. It left him literally scarred for life.

09-26-2018, 02:35 AM
Remember all the critters I've mentioned we have here in Tucson? These tarantula wasps are all over our back yard. We have couple of trees that flower and they love the nectar. We also have trantulas galore and it's interesting to see these two interact. I sometimes wonder how they meet up because wasps are out and about during daylight and tarantula at night. Didn't know they crawled down hole to entice them out for a duel. Huh!

They are listed as one of top 13 dangers around here ... along with snakes. However, the Africanized bee seems to be the worst danger because they swarm attack and it's hard to tell difference between them and normal honey bees.

That guy is crazzzzzy. But in the name of science I guess it's what needs to be done.

Abbey Marie
09-26-2018, 10:30 AM
SassyLady have you been stung or bitten by any of these beasties? Are you nervous sitting outside?

09-26-2018, 11:20 AM
Remember all the critters I've mentioned we have here in Tucson? These tarantula wasps are all over our back yard. We have couple of trees that flower and they love the nectar. We also have trantulas galore and it's interesting to see these two interact. I sometimes wonder how they meet up because wasps are out and about during daylight and tarantula at night. Didn't know they crawled down hole to entice them out for a duel. Huh!

They are listed as one of top 13 dangers around here ... along with snakes. However, the Africanized bee seems to be the worst danger because they swarm attack and it's hard to tell difference between them and normal honey bees.

That guy is crazzzzzy. But in the name of science I guess it's what needs to be done.

Tucson, huh? Cross that off my visit list, and any potential place for a board gathering! LOL No offense, love you to the moon and back, Ms. Sassy, but critters are my downfall. Tiny itty bitty critters, ESPECIALLY spiders, and hairy little spiders no less. And a tarantula fits the bill, only that's a huge hairy spider. Nope, nuh uh, ain't happening!

I don't wanna be bit by any bees or wasps either, but I'll take them 7 days a week over some spider that pops out of nowhere, may look harmless, and then all your skin falls off after it bites you!! http://www.dpimagehosting.com/images/2018/09/26/scared.jpg

Abbey Marie
09-26-2018, 01:17 PM
Speaking of such things, we had a snake in our living room this past weekend!
We live in the suburbs, not a rural area, and we never leave doors open, or windows open without a screen. I think it got in either through our back porch or fireplace. I was sitting in a chair about 6’ away from it.


09-26-2018, 01:20 PM
Speaking of such things, we had a snake in our living room this past weekend!
We live in the suburbs, not a rural area, and we never leave doors open, or windows open without a screen. I think it got in either through our back porch or fireplace. I was sitting in a chair about 6’ away from it.


Snakes can get in easier than you think, they can compress themselves. But I'll take them 7 days a week over spiders too! Well, unless it's some military attack snake, because usually snakes aren't very aggressive.

Abbey Marie
09-26-2018, 01:25 PM
Snakes can get in easier than you think, they can compress themselves. But I'll take them 7 days a week over spiders too! Well, unless it's some military attack snake, because usually snakes aren't very aggressive.

First a big frog crawls up the pipes to our powder room toilet; now this!
At least he was a lot smaller than the one that was living under an Azalea bush near our front door this summer. That guy was big!

09-26-2018, 01:29 PM
First a big frog crawls up the pipes to our powder room toilet; now this!
At least he was a lot smaller than the one that was living under an Azalea bush near our front door this summer. That guy was big!

Any idea which kind of snakes? Sassy is out there having to shoot her diamondbacks! LOL Don't want them suckers sneaking into your sneakers in the morning!

Abbey Marie
09-26-2018, 01:59 PM
We identified the big guy at the time- maybe ______ Northern Snake? Something like that. The small guy, not yet. He left rather quickly. It was around 8” - 9” and I *think* green and yellow.

09-27-2018, 01:38 AM
@SassyLady (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=83) have you been stung or bitten by any of these beasties? Are you nervous sitting outside?

Been stung by scorpion and disposed of about 10 rattlesnakes in last 4 years. But not nervous...just vigilant. Had bee swarm 2 years ago. Was in front of house first day and then moved to back yard next day. Called local beekeeper who came and got them.

The main thing for me is recognizing good snakes from bad ones and not killing good ones. None of them want to be bothered but I'm not forgiving when they are in my yard unless they are non venomous.. Haven't had to dispose of any this year. Once we got the pack rat population under semi control the less snakes we have. Plus, had a gopher and king snake hanging around last couple of years which also helps with rattlesnakes.

Having coyotes or bobcat in yard makes me nervous. Have to watch what we put in trash to make sure we don't invite them in.

09-27-2018, 01:42 AM
Tucson, huh? Cross that off my visit list, and any potential place for a board gathering! LOL No offense, love you to the moon and back, Ms. Sassy, but critters are my downfall. Tiny itty bitty critters, ESPECIALLY spiders, and hairy little spiders no less. And a tarantula fits the bill, only that's a huge hairy spider. Nope, nuh uh, ain't happening!

I don't wanna be bit by any bees or wasps either, but I'll take them 7 days a week over some spider that pops out of nowhere, may look harmless, and then all your skin falls off after it bites you!! http://www.dpimagehosting.com/images/2018/09/26/scared.jpg

See tarantula this time of year frequently. There are little holes all over yard. They scare me less than the wolf spider.


09-27-2018, 01:53 AM
First a big frog crawls up the pipes to our powder room toilet; now this!
At least he was a lot smaller than the one that was living under an Azalea bush near our front door this summer. That guy was big!

That would absolutely freak me out!

I hate to seem like I'm one upping everyone, however.....our toads can kill a dog. Our lizards (Gila Monster) can kill a human. Our snakes can kill.

I guess NT has me beat ... no grizzles around here.

We do have bunny rabbits that are harmless! :cool: