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View Full Version : The five possible reasons why whats-her-name would accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault

09-22-2018, 12:03 PM
Why would a woman accuse Kavanaugh of a 35 years ago sexual assault, like what's-her-name has done? The Dems, in their usual self-serving and hypocritical way, would claim that the only possible reason is because it's 'true', but that is crap. There are five reasons, and here they are:

It’s true that he assaulted her – It is possible, of course, that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 35 years ago. It’s actually more likely that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her 10 years ago, or that Keith Ellison beat her up 5 years ago, but I will keep an open mind that her story might all be true. But it is unlikely, since she can’t produce any witnesses, or anyone she told her story to back then. And she can’t remember what date or even what house the party occurred at. If you had really been assaulted, the date and place would almost certainly stay locked in your memory.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99%
She was assaulted by someone else – She might have been sexually assaulted by someone else, and in her memory has blamed it on Kavanaugh to the point where she believes it was Kavanaugh. Maybe she always disliked Kavanaugh for some reason - we certainly know she hates Trump and all conservatives. It would explain why there are no witnesses or evidence. But it wouldn’t explain why she can’t remember the date or place of the party.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.9%
She believes he was sexually assaulting her, but he wasn’t - Her accusations all include phrases like “I believed he was going rape me” or “I thought he might accidentally kill me” but her own account says that all that happened was he held her down and put his hand over her mouth. And then he got distracted by his friend and they all left. What actually happened sounds like not much, and she is overblowing it. At the possible expense of his career and reputation.
Chances this is true – 50% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.99%
The whole thing is a false memory created by a therapist - Her own story is that she ‘remembered’ the full story of this assault during a therapy session in 2012. The therapist’s notes don’t mention Kavanaugh’s name and say it was four boys, but now whats-her-name is saying it was Kavanaugh. There have been plenty of cases of therapists bring back false memories of things that never really happened.
Chances that this is true – 25% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.999%
She is lying – Whats-her-name could be making this story up completely, just to keep Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court. She realized that she might have gone to a party that Kavanaugh went to in high school, and that she could invent a story that he’d have a hard time proving was untrue. This would explain why she says she can’t remember the date or place of the party, because if she said a specific party then it would be easier for people to say she wasn’t there, or he wasn’t there, or nothing happened. The only reason this isn’t extremely likely is that if she were making up a story she probably would have claimed he had actually raped her, or that there was no one else in the room.
Chances that this is true – 23% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 200%

Anyone have any other theories?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2018, 03:37 PM
Why would a woman Kavanaugh of a 35 years ago sexual assault, like what's-her-name has done? The Dems, in their usual self-serving and hypocritical way, would claim that the only possible reason is because it's 'true', but that is crap. There are five reasons, and here they are:

It’s true that he assaulted her – It is possible, of course, that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 35 years ago. It’s actually more likely that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her 10 years ago, or that Keith Ellison beat her up 5 years ago, but I will keep an open mind that her story might all be true. But it is unlikely, since she can’t produce any witnesses, or anyone she told her story to back then. And she can’t remember what date or even what house the party occurred at. If you had really been assaulted, the date and place would almost certainly stay locked in your memory.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99%
She was assaulted by someone else – She might have been sexually assaulted by someone else, and in her memory has blamed it on Kavanaugh to the point where she believes it was Kavanaugh. Maybe she always disliked Kavanaugh for some reason - we certainly know she hates Trump and all conservatives. It would explain why there are no witnesses or evidence. But it wouldn’t explain why she can’t remember the date or place of the party.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.9%
She believes he was sexually assaulting her, but he wasn’t - Her accusations all include phrases like “I believed he was going rape me” or “I thought he might accidentally kill me” but her own account says that all that happened was he held her down and put his hand over her mouth. And then he got distracted by his friend and they all left. What actually happened sounds like not much, and she is overblowing it. At the possible expense of his career and reputation.
Chances this is true – 50% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.99%
The whole thing is a false memory created by a therapist - Her own story is that she ‘remembered’ the full story of this assault during a therapy session in 2012. The therapist’s notes don’t mention Kavanaugh’s name and say it was four boys, but now whats-her-name is saying it was Kavanaugh. There have been plenty of cases of therapists bring back false memories of things that never really happened.
Chances that this is true – 25% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.999%
She is lying – Whats-her-name could be making this story up completely, just to keep Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court. She realized that she might have gone to a party that Kavanaugh went to in high school, and that she could invent a story that he’d have a hard time proving was untrue. This would explain why she says she can’t remember the date or place of the party, because if she said a specific party then it would be easier for people to say she wasn’t there, or he wasn’t there, or nothing happened. The only reason this isn’t extremely likely is that if she were making up a story she probably would have claimed he had actually raped her, or that there was no one else in the room.
Chances that this is true – 23% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 200%

Anyone have any other theories?

Just from how this witch and her lawyers are playing this out, the chances that this is all a lie are 99.9%, in my opinion.
1% may even include she was at a party so messed up on drugs that somebody did rape her and now her being a raving lunatic lib, Trump hater she uses her vague recollections and decides to name Kavanaugh and gain her time in the limelight.
When such is this vague, this level of scant recall--it is almost certainly a lie or else a memory created by a crazy and hate-filled lib piece of shit..-Tyr

09-22-2018, 04:36 PM
Conjecture, Russ.

All I see without witnesses to any FACT is this is another Democratic liberal attempt
to derail a proper legal confirmation process.

To me, it is that simple!

I said it before....dalliances when in late teens and early 20's do not
anyways reflect the real person. Let anyone who is pure and clean come forth
to disagree with that!

Her integrity, on the other hand, is very suspect, based on
this just found but deeply hidden encounter.

Bullshit Flag!:bsmeter:

09-22-2018, 07:18 PM
Since they have tried everything for two years now. I suspect, Ford actually wanted to BLAME the President for attempting to assault her at her College Sorority parties. But her lawyer, who also is a liar, and trash like Rosy O, with all of the Lying Female Senators that Cory Booker has nailed, Under the Boardwalk at Atlantic City...which gave him his SPARTICUS identity...probably knew Ford would SQUEAL on him too!
The Dems in Congress are all Animals who have suffered DAIN BRAMAGE like Hillary.



09-23-2018, 07:13 AM
Yeah, this whole thing is bullshit. She, along with her lawyers, are hardcore resist liberals and this is their ploy.

Something I spotted in the comments on one of the millions of stories on this right now that you all will get a laugh from :

I will not testify in a car...
I will not testify near or far....
I will not FLY in a plane...
I will not testify on a train...
I will not testify here or there...
I will not testify anywhere...
I will not testify slow or fast...
I will not do it first or last...
There's nothing more for me to say...
I cant remember anyway.

Bill Donlon

09-23-2018, 10:58 AM
Amen. In fact, it is actually kind of astounding that this woman can't find a single person to back up any single, minuscule part of her story. So far, there hasn't been a single person that can even remember both her and Kavanaugh at the same party. And she has named four people she says were witnesses, and all four are denying her story.

At this point, her story looks like a complete fabrication, and a politically-based character assassination. If it weren't for her being female and the MeToo movement, the story would already have been waved off as a bunch of crap.

Conjecture, @Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576).

All I see without witnesses to any FACT is this is another Democratic liberal attempt
to derail a proper legal confirmation process.

To me, it is that simple!

I said it before....dalliances when in late teens and early 20's do not
anyways reflect the real person. Let anyone who is pure and clean come forth
to disagree with that!

Her integrity, on the other hand, is very suspect, based on
this just found but deeply hidden encounter.

Bullshit Flag!:bsmeter:

09-24-2018, 05:53 PM
The TWO buttholes in the Senate, named Schumer, and Feinstein are behind all of this.

CROOKS are CROOKS. Doesn't matter that they are Democrats. They are first, and formost, POLITICIANS...and CERTIFIED LIARS.

All the Dems are doing is CYA. They have to know. Unless they stop this with Kavanaugh, and Impeach Trump. They are all going to be EXPOSED for FRAUD, LIES, CHEATING, EXTORTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, TREASON, and pure STUPIDITY.

10-04-2018, 08:03 PM
I posted a while ago my list of 5 reasons why Christine Ford might accuse Kavanaugh, and I just wanted to repost it now because in light of how things have developed, I think it is down to 2 reasons.

1. She's a whack job kook and hates conservatives - There's some combination of her being assaulted later by someone else, and that she hates Kavanaugh for his politics, so she's rearranged her memories to blame Kavanaugh for everything
2. She's a stinkin' liar and hates conservatives - She been lying from beginning to end, is playing the MeToo victim card, and hates Kavanaugh for his politics.

Either way, she's a lousy human being that doesn't care how she wrecks other people's lives, and deserves much worse than she got. In the end she's probably going to damage the MeToo movement big time. I know that I will no longer believe MeToo accusers until I see some corroboration. That pendulum has swung too far the other way.

It’s true that he assaulted her – It is possible, of course, that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 35 years ago. It’s actually more likely that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her 10 years ago, or that Keith Ellison beat her up 5 years ago, but I will keep an open mind that her story might all be true. But it is unlikely, since she can’t produce any witnesses, or anyone she told her story to back then. And she can’t remember what date or even what house the party occurred at. If you had really been assaulted, the date and place would almost certainly stay locked in your memory.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99%
She was assaulted by someone else – She might have been sexually assaulted by someone else, and in her memory has blamed it on Kavanaugh to the point where she believes it was Kavanaugh. Maybe she always disliked Kavanaugh for some reason - we certainly know she hates Trump and all conservatives. It would explain why there are no witnesses or evidence. But it wouldn’t explain why she can’t remember the date or place of the party.
Chances this is true – 1% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.9%
She believes he was sexually assaulting her, but he wasn’t - Her accusations all include phrases like “I believed he was going rape me” or “I thought he might accidentally kill me” but her own account says that all that happened was he held her down and put his hand over her mouth. And then he got distracted by his friend and they all left. What actually happened sounds like not much, and she is overblowing it. At the possible expense of his career and reputation.
Chances this is true – 50% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.99%
The whole thing is a false memory created by a therapist - Her own story is that she ‘remembered’ the full story of this assault during a therapy session in 2012. The therapist’s notes don’t mention Kavanaugh’s name and say it was four boys, but now whats-her-name is saying it was Kavanaugh. There have been plenty of cases of therapists bring back false memories of things that never really happened.
Chances that this is true – 25% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 99.999%
She is lying – Whats-her-name could be making this story up completely, just to keep Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court. She realized that she might have gone to a party that Kavanaugh went to in high school, and that she could invent a story that he’d have a hard time proving was untrue. This would explain why she says she can’t remember the date or place of the party, because if she said a specific party then it would be easier for people to say she wasn’t there, or he wasn’t there, or nothing happened. The only reason this isn’t extremely likely is that if she were making up a story she probably would have claimed he had actually raped her, or that there was no one else in the room.
Chances that this is true – 23% Chances her accusation is politically motivated – 200%

Anyone have any other theories?

10-04-2018, 08:17 PM
I posted a while ago my list of 5 reasons why Christine Ford might accuse Kavanaugh, and I just wanted to repost it now because in light of how things have developed, I think it is down to 2 reasons.

1. She's a whack job kook and hates conservatives - There's some combination of her being assaulted later by someone else, and that she hates Kavanaugh for his politics, so she's rearranged her memories to blame Kavanaugh for everything
2. She's a stinkin' liar and hates conservatives - She been lying from beginning to end, is playing the MeToo victim card, and hates Kavanaugh for his politics.

Either way, she's a lousy human being that doesn't care how she wrecks other people's lives, and deserves much worse than she got. In the end she's probably going to damage the MeToo movement big time. I know that I will no longer believe MeToo accusers until I see some corroboration. That pendulum has swung too far the other way.

A little while back I would have stated there to be a possibility for her to right, but yet wrong. If nothing panned out about Kavanaugh, maybe something jarred her memory over the years and somehow she convinced herself it was judge Kavanaugh.

But I believe if it happened then, or near that point, or even give or take +- 7 years, someone would remember something to corroborate. She herself would remember more to corroborate her own story of rape. Perhaps I can understand a victim blocking certain things out. But then 35+ years later some of it comes back - like the name of the conservative judge about to go onto the SC, and a year she claims it happened. Nothing else, and apparently no one else in the world can corroborate any of her events.

Whether then, or with someone else 3 years later, I think she would remember something, more of anything, and if these other people were "witnesses", that someone would remember something, anything.

I'll go with door #2.

10-04-2018, 08:32 PM
Bad acting. Worse script. There's a Mae West movie on right now with a better script and acting :rolleyes:.

She looked like a deer in the headlights to me. I'm with those blaming Feinstein. She just threw her out there. And to add to the list in the OP ... what I haven't seen mentioned but once way back in the beginning: Kavanaugh allegedly (I do not remember the source) ruled against FOrd's parents in a property case on the Potomac way back when. I can imagine the MSM hasn't made any issue of that.

10-04-2018, 11:31 PM
"Seared in My Memory".

If that is so why then do you have no exact details:

Your Age;
The Date;
The Time;
The Location;
How You got there;
How you Left;
The Names;
How drunk you were at supposedly 14?

Pure Crock of Donkey (Democratic) Shit!

10-05-2018, 06:34 AM
Yes, exactly, if her story were anywhere near true, there would be a little bit of corroboration somewhere. It's actually astounding that there are 7 or 8 people around, and numerous facts around that could corroborate something, and in the end the FBI can find nothing to corroborate anything about her story. Plus, she's been proved to be okay with lying about things, such as fear of flying.

A little while back I would have stated there to be a possibility for her to right, but yet wrong. If nothing panned out about Kavanaugh, maybe something jarred her memory over the years and somehow she convinced herself it was judge Kavanaugh.

But I believe if it happened then, or near that point, or even give or take +- 7 years, someone would remember something to corroborate. She herself would remember more to corroborate her own story of rape. Perhaps I can understand a victim blocking certain things out. But then 35+ years later some of it comes back - like the name of the conservative judge about to go onto the SC, and a year she claims it happened. Nothing else, and apparently no one else in the world can corroborate any of her events.

Whether then, or with someone else 3 years later, I think she would remember something, more of anything, and if these other people were "witnesses", that someone would remember something, anything.

I'll go with door #2.