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09-23-2018, 10:58 PM
See what cooperating with your dear colleagues on the other side of the aisle gets you Sen Grassley?

BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser Steps Forward With Her Story
Brett Kavanaugh's former classmate at Yale, Deborah Ramirez, stepped forward on Sunday night accusing the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault.
Ramirez detailed her account of the alleged assault in an exclusive with The New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senate-democrats-investigate-a-new-allegation-of-sexual-misconduct-from-the-supreme-court-nominee-brett-kavanaughs-college-years-deborah-ramirez?mbid=social_twitter)after spending a week conferring with her attorney and attempting to piece together gaps of the story she can't remember.
According to Ramirez, she and Kavanaugh were both freshmen at Yale when they both attended a party at Lawrance Hall on-campus. The group of college students sat together in a circle and played a drinking game. Ramirez said she was repeatedly pick to drink and quickly became incoherent. She said one of the young men "pointed a gag plastic penis in her direction."


09-23-2018, 11:30 PM
It's a good thing all of these 'saintly' people with poor memories are
being dug up to make fools of themselves....30+ years later.:laugh:

09-24-2018, 08:42 AM
Rush Limbaugh called it. He said if they play games with the mongrel democrats that there'll be a second accuser, and a third, and a fourth, and however many they need to keep delaying until the midterms, and then hope they can take the majority back and keep ANYONE President Trump nominates off the bench.

See... this is DO OR DIE to the mongrels. They have stacked the courts in their favor since they can't get the legislation they want the proper way, they do it through leftist activist POS judges on courts, and the supreme court is the biggest prize. They don't want to have that go full conservative for the next 20 to 40 years, so the dems are in FULL, BLOW OUT, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, KEEP THE ACCUSERS COMING MODE... and they will, KNOWING that it's all BULL SHIT, they DON'T CARE, the end justifies the means, just so long as ALL these stories need to be CHECKED OUT and they can DELAY.

I've never seen a more CORRUPT, more VOID of SHAME or MORALS or CONSCIENCE bunch than today's democrats. I'm beginning to question whether or not I need to have friends that VOTE democrat. Ya know, two old friends I have that I know are big dems, both are FAT, both are LAZY, both have MESSY homes, and one of those messy homes(subsidized apartment) is HORRENDOUS. Another third dem friend of mine was an art teacher, smokes dope like it's going out of style and lives on an old homestead farm that has a cool old barn that he's just letting FALL DOWN. I think your home and how you care for it directly reflects what kind of a person you are.

Democrats are the party of trash.