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View Full Version : Crazies have descended upon DC

09-24-2018, 12:06 PM
They will go full on nuts mode to distract from the entire process, likely invited and paid for by your friendly neighborhood democrats. :rolleyes: I don't even know why they allow them, but glad to see arrests. And if they disrupt with one peep, then take them straight to the jail. You KNOW the cuckoos are foaming at the mouth and wanting to scream to the skies again.


HUNDREDS of Unhinged Kavanaugh Protesters Descend on Capitol Hill – Dozens Arrested

Far-left protesters donning “Be a Hero” t-shirts flooded the Russel Rotunda on Capitol Hill Monday morning chanting “We believe the women!”

Other protesters lined the hallways outside of Jeff Flake’s and Susan Collins’ offices.

Capitol police began to make arrests early Monday afternoon; dozens so far have been arrested according to USA Today.

A couple hundred protesters lined the hallway outside of Senator Jeff Flake’s office.

Protesters wearing “Be a Hero” t-shirts line up outside of Susan Collins’ office.

U.S. Capitol Police began to make arrests early Monday.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/hundreds-of-angry-kavanaugh-protesters-descend-on-capitol-hill-dozens-arrested-video/