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09-24-2018, 09:22 PM
What a bunch of crap with all of these demands. She is afraid to do "normal" testimony and allow the accused to face her properly.

All a load of shit here and the republicans need to put it to an immediate halt, IMO.


Christine Ford Demands Hearing be Held in Small Room – “Doesn’t Want Hearing to Become Media TV Show” …Really?

On Monday evening, the Senate Judiciary Committee officially sent out its notice for the hearing Thursday.

As usual, accuser Christine Ford is being a demanding diva because she believes she runs the Senate.

Ford is demanding the hearing be held in the Dirksen Senate building rather than the larger Hart Senate building to limit media.

The Dirksen Senate building is not TV friendly–Ford says she “doesn’t want the hearing to become a media TV show.” REALLY?? It’s already a circus!

The format is still up in the air, however; it has been revealed that the first panel has Christine Ford being questioned solo and the second panel will question Judge Brett Kavanaugh solo.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/christine-ford-demands-thursday-hearing-be-held-in-small-room-to-limit-media/

Lawyer Casts Doubt on Ford Appearing at Thursday Kavanaugh Hearing

Michael Bromwich, newly retained by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for her legal team, cast doubt on his client’s commitment to appearing at the scheduled Thursday hearing where Ford is expected to personally level her uncorroborated charge of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh at a drunken high school pool party decades ago.

In the letter replying to one by Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations , Bromwich implies that Ford is not one hundred percent committed to appear on Thursday, raising serious reservations about the Republican majority’s plan to have a sex crimes prosecutor question Ford, and stating the hearing plan “does not appear designed to provide Dr. Blasey with fair and respectful treatment.” Bromwich also complained that a “number of outstanding questions” about the hearing have not been answered.

The letter has been posted to Twitter by reporters including NBC’ Frank Thorp V, who noted, “This does not appear to be a done deal.”


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/lawyer-casts-doubt-on-ford-appearing-at-thursday-kavanaugh-hearing/

09-24-2018, 10:31 PM
This is COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. You do NOT "make demands" on CONGRESS if you're going to TESTIFY. CONGRESS should tell her WHEN, WHERE and HOW it will be, PERIOD, then she either SHOWS UP or DOESN'T. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE heard of someone TELLING CONGRESS... I mean... DEMANDING of congress, CONDITIONS under which they'll TESTIFY. This shit is INSANE, and if these mother fucking republicans don't get a grip and STOP PLAYING GAMES with these MONGREL RAT FUCK DEMOCRATS and their GAMES, then they absolutely WILL pay a price come November, I guarantee it.

This BITCH, Ford, has NO INTENTION of testifying. Not THURSDAY, not FRIDAY, NOT EVER. This is a GAME. This is a DELAY GAME. She won't testify because she doesn't want to go to PRISON for LYING UNDER OATH.

McConnell and Grassley better LOCATE their MISSING SPINES and put an END to this CIRCUS.

09-25-2018, 09:03 AM

Abbey Marie
09-25-2018, 12:11 PM
It must suck to testify to things that you aren’t sure (or know!) ever happened. No wonder she’s trying every which way to stay away from public scrutiny.

Time to let the weasel do what weasels do best- weasel out. And then carry on with this confirmation.