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09-27-2018, 09:23 AM
I'm watching it live.


09-27-2018, 09:26 AM
Ford looks terrified. I get the feeling she wrote the letter thinking that she'd be anonymous, but that certainly didn't happen.

Feinstein is trying to justify why she didn't tell anyone until the last minute... it's not working.

09-27-2018, 09:45 AM
She's stone cold telling the truth

09-27-2018, 09:50 AM
She's stone cold telling the truth


Didn't 'remember' Kavanaugh's name until 2012, but yet didn't know that when she had her therapy session detailing this attack. Seems the name only surfaced in 2018 of this year, according to her own testimony.

Then sent letters to her congresswoman and then Feinstein, but yet put that letter together to Washington Post. And went to take a polygraph in May, even prior to alerting her congresspeople. No, this stinks.

Abbey Marie
09-27-2018, 09:51 AM
It’s been all over the news that she wasn’t sure who attacked her, and had to ask various friends if they knew who did it (they did not). Today, she is absolutely sure it was Kavanaugh. Really, Pete?

09-27-2018, 10:19 AM
She's stone cold telling the truth

Tell me...What is TRUTH? That term is relative to an individual's perception.

Now, tell me what is FACT? FACT is irrefutable.

You whiny liberals throw TRUTH all over the place, but ignore FACT!

09-27-2018, 10:21 AM

Didn't 'remember' Kavanaugh's name until 2012, but yet didn't know that when she had her therapy session detailing this attack. Seems the name only surfaced in 2018 of this year, according to her own testimony.

Then sent letters to her congresswoman and then Feinstein, but yet put that letter together to Washington Post. And went to take a polygraph in May, even prior to alerting her congresspeople. No, this stinks.

All made up and recklessly constructed to avert an Congressional approval of a SC appointee.
Bullshit on the highest order.

09-27-2018, 10:22 AM
I'm not buying her story. She's terrified because she knows if she's caught lying, she's going to prison.

She ends many of her statements with an inflection as though it's a question, and that's just suspect to me.

09-27-2018, 11:15 AM
This woman is so full of shit it's not even funny. And the leading questions, I guess to help jog her memory of how they planned...

Hear her out, vote in committee and push for full vote tomorrow or Monday. Enough of the lies and charade.

09-27-2018, 11:24 AM
So she stated she is afraid to fly, which is what was a major concern of hers and DELAYED things, but turns out she flies all around the world prior to this.

But thanks to the "trial against Kavanaugh" we are witnessing, which is 100% void of any facts and corroboration whatsoever, might be the end of this nomination. AND if so, the end altogether perhaps. IF the Dems were to take the Senate in November, do you think they will allow ANY nomination? You're dreaming if you think so. AND that is the goal right now, to push things to that point. Now the current Republicans are just as responsible for allowing things to get to this point. They fell for the same 'ol same 'ol Dem playbook on "victims" once again.

The more this woman lies and they allow the charade, with no evidence - the better chance they are allowing this to happen. Did you REALLY think they were going to allow the right to have such a huge advantage on the strongest court in the land?

09-27-2018, 11:28 AM
I can barely stand to listen to this BIMBO. She talks like a 15 year old VALLEY GIRRRRRRRL, ending her statements with an inflection as if it's a question... I'd like to listen to all of this but she's making me ill, and the democrats and their ultra partisan hackery statements are disgusting.

09-27-2018, 11:34 AM
They are also asking questions and leaving out any discrepancies that I can see, allowing her to get away with supposed lies. And how can the numbers continually change? You would NOT forget things like this. And then releasing this so called polygraph - sounds great to say she passed with flying colors! But the test was no test, it was useless.


Nolte: Cracks and Contradictions Found in Christine Blasey Ford Documents

Attorneys for Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford released her polygraph report and a statement Wednesday, both of which appear to have further unraveled her allegations.

To begin with, Ford’s polygraph test is highly unusual. After writing out her own statement of her allegations in longhand, she was asked only two questions by the test administrator: “1) Is any part of your statement false? 2) Did you make up any part of your statement?”

Ford answered “no” to both questions and passed the test.

Ford was not asked any specific questions about the specific allegation. There are also no test or baseline questions where the subject is intentionally asked to lie. This is raising all kinds of questions.

Then there is Ford’s written statement itself, which is riddled with cross-outs and corrections. We have no way of knowing if those corrections were made before or after the polygraph was taken.

Most remarkable are the contradictions between Ford’s statement written on August 7 for the polygraph, and the letter Ford sent to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) only a week earlier on July 30.

On a matter as important as the number of people (witnesses) who were at the 1982 house party where the attempted assault allegedly took place, Ford told Feinstein that “me and 4 others” attended the gathering. That would be five people.

One week later, though, Ford passed a polygraph, in which she wrote there were “4 boys and a couple of girls” — or six people.

Even if she includes herself as one of the “couple of girls,” the count is still off.

What’s more, in 2012, according to her own therapist’s notes, Ford said there were four boys in the room during the alleged assault. Ford told the far-left Washington Post there were only two boys in the room (Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge) and that her therapist got it mixed up.

What this means is that all of the written documentation contradicts the number of people in the room and the number of people at the party.

Another contradiction comes from Ford’s travel dates around the time of the polygraph and her reported fear of flying.

One of the primary reasons everything has been delayed an extra week (a primary goal of Democrats) is to accommodate Ford’s apparent fear of flying. Her attorney informed the Senate Judiciary Committee she could not appear earlier than this Thursday due to her fear of confined spaces.

According to ABC News, “Ford’s fear of flying is directly related to her allegation of assault, and that an airplane is the ultimate closed space where you cannot get away.”

But in her letter to Feinstein, Ford writes, “I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently vacationing in the mid-Atlantic until August 7th and will be in California after August 10th.”

Confirming her whereabouts in the Mid-Atlantic is in her polygraph report, which was administered on August 7 in Maryland. But in her letter to Feinstein, Ford says she will be in California by the 10th.

If you are in Maryland on the 7th of August and afraid to fly, the only way to be in California by the 10th of August would be to take a grueling 2,700-plus mile cross country trip that requires at least 42 hours on the road — not counting delays and the necessary stops for gas, food, and bathroom breaks.

Finally, Ford is now refusing to release the aforementioned notes from her therapist. This comes after Ford chose to use the Washington Post to introduce those very same notes into the court of public opinion as evidence for her claim.

Here is how she used those notes to back up her claim on September 16:

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

Ford did not mention Kavanaugh by name to her therapist, but she now wants to claim this session is proof she mentioned the incident prior to his Supreme Court nomination.

Even more troubling is the fact she was willing to allow the anti-Trump Post to see her therapist’s notes, but not the Senate Judicial Committee, and by extension, the American people.

These latest contradictions and cracks in Ford’s allegation, stretching back to when she was 15 and Kavanaugh 17, comes on the heels of all four of her supposed witnesses basically siding with Kavanaugh.

Ford named three males who were at this alleged house party and one other female.

The three males (Kavanaugh, Judge, and PJ Smyth) have no memory of the alleged misconduct or even the house party.

The female witness, Leland Ingham Keyser, who is a Democrat and a lifelong friend of Ford’s, not only doesn’t remember the house party in question, she says she has never met Kavanaugh.

Every single witness named by Ford says they have no memory of any of this. The same is true of Kavanaugh’s second accuser, Deborah Garcia, who told her admittedly flimsy story to the New Yorker, but has so far refused to go under oath.


09-27-2018, 11:42 AM
She doesn't know who paid for the polygraph, or who chose the tester.

...I think I can guess whodunnit! :laugh2:

09-27-2018, 11:45 AM
She doesn't know who paid for the polygraph, or who chose the tester.

...I think I can guess whodunnit! :laugh2:

Of course not. If you were to nail her with 100 pre-thought out questions, the truth would come out, or at least the lies. But she's being handled with kid gloves and leading questions thus far.

2 questions on a polygraph? Never heard of such a thing. I applied for a gig on wall street like 30 years ago or so, a job through a friends father at Bear Stearns.... the dang poly must have been like 500 questions!! :laugh:

09-27-2018, 12:24 PM
Pretty strange how she can remember some things CRYSTAL CLEAR, but everything else is just... kinda fuzzy.

Ya... right... I'm not buying this woman's story... sorry.

And this prosecutor the republicans hired, what the hell is going on there? Is she going to go for the juggler or is she going to continue asking open ended softball questions?

But this woman has really practiced her "LITTLE GIRL" voice. She's got the OH POOR LITTLE ME act down pat. She's 55 years old talks like a 13 year old, and she's so smart and has so many degrees that when she needs advice, she gets it from "BEACH PEOPLE."

Abbey Marie
09-27-2018, 12:33 PM
I had the leave for a class, but last I saw, the prosecutor is lobbing softballs, if even that. These R Senators need to take back the reins and ask about the total lack of corroboration.

And you know what really sickens me? The real reason the Dems need to keep a conservative off the Court, is their fever to make absolutely certain we can keep killing babies and selling their parts. Truth.

09-27-2018, 12:38 PM
I had the leave for a class, but last I saw, the prosecutor is lobbing softballs, if even that. These R Senators need to take back the reins and ask about the total lack of corroboration.

And you know what really sickens me? The real reason the Dems need to keep a conservative off the Court, is their fever to make absolutely certain we can keep killing babies and selling their parts. Truth.

Political correctness. Softballs and special treatment for a "survivor", a victim. You allow her to be the victim throughout, that's admitting she was a victim, of which I highly highly doubt. The republicans are falling into and going along with this charade.

And I think they, and R's, are already talking about the NEXT nominee. WTF? And that's Amy Coney Barrett - of which they will just never vote on if they take over the senate. :rolleyes:

Like you said, they need to just take this over on FACTS, not emotions. Hear her testimony - and then vote right after. She is adding NOTHING NEW and still NO FACTS.

09-27-2018, 12:44 PM
I can't hardly take this bimbo's voice... she sounds like she's TEN.

09-27-2018, 12:50 PM
Ohhh shit just got real.

Spartacus is on deck!

09-27-2018, 12:52 PM
Ohhh shit just got real.

Spartacus is on deck!
Ya... and my TV just went on MUTE.

It'll be nothing more than FIVE MINUTES OF BULL SHIT.

09-27-2018, 12:57 PM
Well, now... Feinstein recommended her attorneys as per Ford. Sounds legit.

09-27-2018, 01:09 PM
This is a bad strategy on the republicans part... having this ONE person question the little girl voice bimbo... every five minutes the republicans get she's asked softball questions that have little to no bearing on WAS SHE RAPED, and then the democrats have five minutes and they're hitting home runs with their hyper partisan hyperbole, and now the republican ringer is almost done... and never even came close to drawing any blood. What an absolutely moronic waste of time on the republicans part. If they were going to let one person do ALL their questioning, then they should have brought in an EXECUTIONER, someone that wouldn't be afraid to BRING IT.

Round one - DEMOCRATS.

09-27-2018, 01:12 PM
Seems more like round by round by round mini-speeches prepared by the various democrats. I guess they prepared all of these - knowing they were short on evidence. :rolleyes:

09-27-2018, 01:16 PM
Well... Kavanaugh is up next... I hope the republicans have something better planned than this first round.

09-27-2018, 01:22 PM
John Cornyn (R), to reporters just now:"I found no reason to find her not credible."

09-27-2018, 01:29 PM
LOL, Leahy is such a scumbag.

Gotta say, I'm liking Lindsey Graham today... he usually irritates the hell out of me with his crap, but today he's been a stellar performer.

09-27-2018, 01:30 PM
John Cornyn (R), to reporters just now:"I found no reason to find her not credible."

And has anyone found Kavanaugh not to be credible? Because at this point she has still offered NOTHING with corroboration, evidence, proof... all comes down to her word against his. Quite a few of her OWN witnesses denied any knowledge. Stories and numbers have changed.

I also found no reason not to find her credible - but that doesn't change the "fact" that quite a few of the facts offered contradicted one another, or turned out to be disputed by others. Then a few of her supporting arguments also didn't add up. Like her issues with flying and the senate bending over backwards, but they preferred to play the delay game. Just too much doesn't add up.

And Kavanaugh has remained 100% consistent and denies any and all charges, and not a thing has been produced to show otherwise. If she offered some sort of proof, I would say move along to Barrett or another top choice that made the final rounds. But I'm not calling for the head of someone with literally no proof whatsoever, none, and the way Feinstein purposely delayed and all the inconsistencies. So she may play and testify nice, she IS a professor after all, but even the professor couldn't account for the inconsistencies and she still couldn't offer the committee any hard proof to disqualify a judge.

You see it otherwise, and want to delay or kill a nominee, based on he said/ she said stuff, with no proof, that is certainly your right of course. Not happening from me. Move the vote forward.

09-27-2018, 01:31 PM
LOL, Leahy is such a scumbag.

Gotta say, I'm liking Lindsey Graham today... he usually irritates the hell out of me with his crap, but today he's been a stellar performer.

Even Lindsey cannot produce evidence or facts, it's quite difficult, outside of partisan politics of course, to shoot down someone on evidence not produced. He still irritates the hell out of me. Not a lot different than Rand Paul does at times. But facts are facts, and lack of them are lack of them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2018, 01:33 PM
John Cornyn (R), to reporters just now:"I found no reason to find her not credible."

You are a waste, a piece of slimy shit, a damn ffing maggot .
Man , what I wouldnt give just to have at least 5 minutes alone, face to face, with filthy ffing vermin like you Pete.
No decent man, no real man holds the ideas and judgments that you do , you ffing piece of shit.
If justice has ever existed, it simply must find a way to deliver its verdict upon you and all of your totally worthless, arrogant and utter devoid of honor, liberal kind of scum, IMHO. --Tyr

09-27-2018, 01:34 PM
One of the senators supporting Ford, this person once told me that they would have NO ISSUE in denying a SC judge based on their personal agenda. They said NO WAY they ever let the right get such an advantage in the courts. This was long long before Kavanaugh came around.

Oh, what? What do you mean? You want me to show some sort of proof, evidence that this person stated they would do so? WHY? Is my word alone not enough to prove the wrongdoing? Yeah, I know, apples and oranges and all of that and it's different. No, actually, it's not. It's a person making a claim and then offering nothing to back it up.

09-27-2018, 01:47 PM
Alyssa Milano? Who the hell cares what that dingbat thinks?

Naturally, Feinstein invited her.

09-27-2018, 01:48 PM
So that's it for her? They left all the questioning for the prosecutor? WHY? And she barely touched upon the necessary questions. This is what being PC gets you. They were pushed and pushed and played their game to the "victim" with no proof.

09-27-2018, 01:50 PM
Alyssa Milano? Who the hell cares what that dingbat thinks?

Naturally, Feinstein invited her.

She's just a skinny Rosie. WHY IS SHE EVEN THERE? Milano is as far left as it gets and HATES anyone on the right. She IS the dingbat you point out. Might have just as well brought out Trump hating Rosie.

Feinstein, probably got her there in 10 seconds, while she waited MONTHS to produce this letter.

09-27-2018, 01:51 PM
Funny how Ballsy Ford remembers some things VIVIDLY, but other things are FUZZY, like why she had to go UPSTAIRS to take a piss... what... no bathroom DOWNSTAIRS... and the two boys were ABSOLUTELY STEALTHY AND SILENT following her up the stairs to shove her in the back, but yet when they went downstairs, they were SO DRUNK THEY WERE BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS.

Hmmm... really... well how is it they were able to be ABSOLUTELY SILENT following her UP the stairs, but they were SO DRUNK that they BOUNCED OFF THE WALLS ALL THE WAY DOWN THE STAIRS?

And that's only ONE inconsistency. She can't remember WHO DROVE HER THERE, she can't remember HOW SHE GOT HOME, she could hear people talking downstairs but then, wait, no, she couldn't really hear them, and what happened was SO BAD that she just WALTZED OUT THE FRONT DOOR RIGHT PAST EVERYONE and NEVER BOTHERED TO MENTION IT.

She's LYING... I don't believe a FUCKIN' WORD THIS BITCH SAID... sorry... and her POOR LITTLE SQUEAKY "I'M STILL 10 YEARS OLD" VOICE she was putting on. She has FLAMING LIBERAL BITCH written ALL OVER HER FACE, and if she was SCARED, it was because she might have been aware of what CAN happen to her for LYING TO CONGRESS.

09-27-2018, 02:08 PM
Well... it's all up to Kavanaugh now... he better hit it out of the ball park.

09-27-2018, 02:16 PM
Holy crap, Kavanaugh is fired up!

He's infuriated and rightfully so. He's firing salvo after salvo at Democrats. Get some!

09-27-2018, 02:31 PM
With her having testified, and without offering any further proof/evidence, this is what is boils down to...

She remembers tiny little details, that of course can't be verified or denied. But for someone who would have been raped, to not know ALL of those forgotten details, too too too damn odd for me.


CANNOT be mistaken identity or any other reason, but note, she still doesn't produce or know the most main things about this accusation.


Then we find out she is a prolific flyer, and loves to fly to go to cool places on vacation. Yay, just wonderful. But whatever - but she refused to come testify earlier, delaying things - noting her fear of flying, enclosed spaces and all that CRAP. Not only do we find out she has flown all over God's green earth, but she had recently flew to the east coast for the lame polygraph that asked only 2 questions of her.


She came off as nervous, and not the nervous of fear of speaking to crowds, she is a professor after all - but more like she knows she is treading on thin ice, as if anything is found to have been lies, she can be held accountable. And again, back to no evidence whatsoever. So again, back to he said she said, and I believe the judge 500% more. She is a left wing hater, as is her lawyer. No evidence.


09-27-2018, 02:38 PM
He's very emotional, but he's sewing this wound SHUT.

09-27-2018, 02:46 PM
This is painful to watch... this is what the MONGREL DEMOCRATS have done to him... I hate them... I hate them all... more now than ever.

09-27-2018, 02:55 PM

09-27-2018, 03:06 PM
We tried to listen objectively to Ford as she read her statement.

My wife and I looked at each other, shortly after Ford started giving her details, and UH OH!!

Almost, verbatim. Ford's speech sounded like the script of a Law and Order, SVU show we watched a while ago.

Somebody with more access to finding such a SCRIPT online, might prove..FORD's story is FICTION.

Anyone feel the same way?

09-27-2018, 03:22 PM
I think after Kavanaugh's emotional opening statement, this entire circus just blew up in the democrats face.

He needed to hit it out of the park, and he did.

09-27-2018, 03:46 PM
Durbin just destroyed Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh won't support an FBI investigation.

09-27-2018, 03:50 PM
Her story = ZERO corroborating evidence with many inconsistencies.

His story = cut and dried proof he wasn't there.

Shut it down, it's over, vote him in.

It's a bad day to be a democrat. This has blown up in their face.

Abbey Marie
09-27-2018, 04:04 PM
Lindsay Graham. Wow.
He brought tears to my eyes.

09-27-2018, 04:13 PM
Lindsay Graham. Wow.
He brought tears to my eyes.
Holy crap YES... I wanted to stand up and cheer!

09-27-2018, 04:26 PM
Lindsey Graham was on fire!

Every single democrat was hanging their head as he unleashed. It was beautiful.

Yup, moonbats are going to pay bigtime for this travesty in 40 days. Hello, Super Majority.

09-27-2018, 04:28 PM
Durbin just destroyed Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh won't support an FBI investigation.

What FBI investigation?

There are no grounds for some wild-assed story that was made up by bits and pieces
of a 35 year old 'happening', that is turning out to be a fantasy, urged by Fienstine!

The claimed 'victim', Ford cannot even remember the circumstances clearly.

FBI? Wrong dot to click Pete.

09-27-2018, 04:50 PM
Well, it all is what it is at this point. The "evidence" is all in and ready for anyone to repeatedly go over and digest the facts and come to a supported conclusion. Read that AFTER the fact. Look at it as a judge or jury. Leave out all emotion as if you never heard of this before and only deciding based on what is in front of you. Judge appropriately, and BE SERIOUS about this, don't just instantly jump at it based on which side you may support more closely.


Look at things as if you were the statue, Lady Justice herself.

Lady Justice is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems. Her attributes are a blindfold, a balance, and a sword. She often appears as a pair with Prudentia, who holds a mirror and a snake.



Lady Justice is most often depicted with a set of scales typically suspended from one hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support and opposition. Different depictions show different hands holding the scales. The depiction dates back to ancient Egypt, where the god Anubis was frequently depicted with a set of scales on which he weighed a deceased's heart against the Feather of Truth. Most statues have the scales free-hanging, rather than carved as part of the statue, showing that evidence may strengthen or weaken over the course of a trial.

The Greek goddess Dike is depicted holding a set of scales.


Since the 16th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents impartiality, the ideal that justice should be applied without regard to wealth, power, or other status. The earliest Roman coins depicted Justitia with the sword in one hand and the scale in the other, but with her eyes uncovered. Justitia was only commonly represented as "blind" since about the end of the 15th century. The first known representation of blind Justice is Hans Gieng's 1543 statue on the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (Fountain of Justice) in Berne.

Instead of using the Janus approach, many sculptures simply leave out the blindfold altogether. For example, atop the Old Bailey courthouse in London, a statue of Lady Justice stands without a blindfold; the courthouse brochures explain that this is because Lady Justice was originally not blindfolded, and because her "maidenly form" is supposed to guarantee her impartiality which renders the blindfold redundant. Another variation is to depict a blindfolded Lady Justice as a human scale, weighing competing claims in each hand. An example of this can be seen at the Shelby County Courthouse in Memphis, Tennessee.

The cover of a 2006 issue of Rolling Stone proclaimed TIME TO GO!, focusing on the perceived corruption that dominated Congress. The drawing showed a bunch of figures evoking reactionary politics emerging from the Capitol. One of the figures was Lady Justice lifting her blindfold, implying that the then-composition of Congress had politicized the criminal justice system.


The last distinctive feature of Lady Justice is her sword. The sword represented authority in ancient times, and conveys the idea that justice can be swift and final.


1 - Lady Justice carries scales with her at all times. She does so in order to weigh the cases support and opposition. In this case, she lays down the weights on one side of all of the evidence given in this case. On the other side, the same is offered. An accused, regardless if what democrats may state, stands innocent until somehow proven guilty. Now, this isn't a court of law, but evidence still must be offered from both sides as well as testimony from both sides. The scales on the side of the "accuser" has never moved at all.

2 - She is also depicted wearing a blindfold, and she wore it throughout the entirety here in order to remain completely impartial. Although she remained blind to who she was listening to, this in no way made her unable to weigh the scales and take note of all the facts in evidence as they were presented. Her notepad remained extremely light throughout. She took note only of facts in evidence and of course left out all of the hearsay and emotional testimony.

3 - Lady Justice carried her sword throughout, but was seemingly disabled for the events and unable to utilize what nature has given her. She has the ability to completely take over proceedings and showing everyone who the boss is. But somehow, she was rendered useless in this category, and wasn't fully able to lay down the law, or ask the appropriate questions.

Lets hope that the American people get to ultimately be Lady Justice in this department, and utilize that sword to it's fullest potential, and as designed.

Unfortunately, I believe some elected folks will get to be the deciding factors here. And this 'national disgrace' will perhaps DELAY things, and as some of us 'blind' folks know exactly what this delay/agenda would lead to.

09-27-2018, 04:59 PM
The tables have been completely turned. At this point, as every democrat gets their five minutes, they're just... :deadhorse:

They just look stupid and pathetic.

09-27-2018, 05:03 PM
The tables have been completely turned. At this point, as every democrat gets their five minutes, they're just... :deadhorse:

They just look stupid and pathetic.

"I" see it that way, and I sure hope you're right. But it only takes just a few votes to fuck it up for everyone, and it sure sounded like it was on the wrong trajectory, for the obvious wrong reasons.

And of course they look pathetic and stupid, and that's because they ARE pathetic and stupid!

09-27-2018, 05:27 PM
Nice salvo by Cruz. Put this despicable move squarely on the democrats. Call it out by name - Democrats.

09-27-2018, 05:39 PM
As being pointed out by Breitbart:

Good show by Democrats - but in 8+ hours of testimony - NO EVIDENCE AT ALL has been produced.

09-27-2018, 05:52 PM
Well, meeting has adjourned.

Personally, I think Ford has had some trauma and is a bit nutty... but definitely being exploited by democrats and isn't smart enough to realize it. They threw her out to the media circus who pounced on it with joyous glee - it was obviously Feinstein but she won't admit it. Good on Cruz to point out publicly who was responsible.

Kavanaugh did admirably and I think the moonbats have rightfully earned a lifelong enemy - which won't bode well for them with a sitting SCOTUS Justice.

Vote him through tomorrow, I say. Do it now.

09-27-2018, 06:04 PM

09-27-2018, 06:42 PM
Kav will be voted through. Good showing from Ford, but it's not enough.

09-27-2018, 06:51 PM
Kav will be voted through. Good showing from Ford, but it's not enough.

I wouldn't bet on that at this very moment. These will be some tough votes. It was surely emotional from all sides. I heard her out, read everything imaginable, but there's just no corroboration for anything. And then, quite frankly, adding in 2 other accusations, and also with zero corroboration, and all of it coming at the very last minute - does come off like a political attack instead of truthful accounts.

Did Ford come off as credible? She did in a way to me. As in, I didn't see or hear anything from me glaringly that said "she's lying!". But she also, again, added nothing other than what we already know, which is a story with nothing to back it up, and the majority of her own witnesses didn't back up her account.

Then you have Kavanaugh, who remained consistent in his denials throughout. There's truly not a lot you can do if it is in fact a bogus accusation. Other than denying it of course... being it 36 years old, how much is one to offer other than a denial of doing so? Not a whole lot. That's why unfortunately it all boils down to a he said, she said situation. And when discussing a long time judge, and one being nominated for the SC, I think we more or less MUST demand accountability, corroboration, eyewitnesses - and no last minute hijinks. Kinda like an October surprise, but in September, and for a different type of election.

And it's apparently doing just as much damage to the country as a whole - and I blame the majority of that on the media. :(

09-27-2018, 06:58 PM
I just don't believe her.

I will never forget ... not one nano second that turned minutes to eternity, I will never forget that face, the smell, the the texture on the wall, the fear, the taste of bile in my mouth. Not the location. Not the day or the date. Not the time of day. Not the clothes I was wearing. Not one thing that she seems to forget or be fuzzy about.

She does not ring true

I get why a victim of this kind of crime does not report. The fear and repercussions. The fact that you would rather just forget. The self hate for being that weak. I get it.

I find her to very unconvincing, but her timing is impeccable.

09-27-2018, 07:17 PM
It’s Deja Vu all over again. I feel like it’s 1991 and Anita Hill is testifying before the Senate Judiciary committee about Justice Thomas’ alleged improprieties.

It’s the same old tired story from the same old Party, bereft of ideas to lead but with an abundance of schemes to defraud, short on character but long on innuendo. A Kangaroo Court mob who are masters of deception.

It is way past time that we slap term limits on this bunch of bandits. Frankly, impeachment of some of their rank and file members is well deserved in my book.

But, I think congratulations are in order. The Democrats have pulled off, what seemed to many, to be a nearly impossible feat. That being, to, again, piss off nearly the entire nation right before an election. And in the space of two short years! Not only that but they have managed to motivate the Right’s base to vote that scrofulous bunch of scoundrels out of office. For what the Democrats lack in character, they more than make up for with their incompetence.

Words cannot express my profound gratitude to the Democrats for assuring their defeat in the mid-terms.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-27-2018, 08:41 PM
God knows I've bashed Lindsey Graham in the past, but that man is my new hero.


09-27-2018, 08:45 PM
God knows I've bashed Lindsey Graham in the past, but that man is my new hero.


Yep. Cruz, Kavanaugh and Graham were the only ones truly fired up with this and they rightfully called out the democrats on their bullshit.

But Graham really did an awesome job. I believe I'll cut him some slack next time he pisses me off.

09-27-2018, 08:53 PM
Yep. Cruz, Kavanaugh and Graham were the only ones truly fired up with this and they rightfully called out the democrats on their bullshit.

Yup, Cruz kicked ass too. Look at the "comfortable" look on Feinstein's face in the last 15 seconds as Cruz nails her for holding onto the letter for so long.


09-27-2018, 09:02 PM

09-27-2018, 10:48 PM

09-28-2018, 08:25 AM
And look what's now on youtube... very interesting...


09-28-2018, 08:55 AM

09-28-2018, 08:56 AM

09-28-2018, 09:35 AM

09-28-2018, 09:36 AM
For what it's worth the ABA and Alan Dersh both support a delay for an FBI investigation.

09-28-2018, 09:41 AM
For what it's worth the ABA and Alan Dersh both support a delay for an FBI investigation.

The only thing a 7th FBI investigation will serve is to further delay Kavanaugh's confirmation. There are no witnesses supporting Ford, there is no date, there is no address, there is nothing but a befuddled woman who is contradicted by her own testimony.

No, time to put Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS and be done with it. The man and his family have suffered enough at the hands of liberals.

09-28-2018, 09:48 AM
The only thing a 7th FBI investigation will serve is to further delay Kavanaugh's confirmation. There are no witnesses supporting Ford, there is no date, there is no address, there is nothing but a befuddled woman who is contradicted by her own testimony.

No, time to put Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS and be done with it. The man and his family have suffered enough at the hands of liberals.

I'm sorry, but I think I'll trust the experience and expertise of the ABA and Alan Dershowitz.

09-28-2018, 10:05 AM
I'm sorry, but I think I'll trust the experience and expertise of the ABA and Alan Dershowitz.

Except it wasn't the ABA; it was the President of the ABA.

The ABA has given Kavanaugh their blessing. Educate yourself.

And I think it's laughable that now you champion Dershowitz when you disagree with him on all his other stances. Tsk, Petey.

At least try to be consistent in your delusion. Making and maintaining a well informed viewpoint is the hallmark of a man.

09-28-2018, 10:31 AM
I'm sorry, but I think I'll trust the experience and expertise of the ABA and Alan Dershowitz.

Then why don't you trust the ABA's award of their highest 'Well Qualified" rating for Judge Kavanaugh? Just because the denizens of the Democrat fever swamp demand a head on a platter doesn't mean that we should forego the dictum, "Justice delayed is justice denied". As proof, here's the lunatic left's daily newsletter calling down the shock troops to get in the face of the ABA's power structure for their betrayal, https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/9/26/1798924/-ABA-Should-be-Held-to-Account-for-Endorsing-Kavanaugh. Apparently being one of the largest and longest serving handmaidens of the Democrat Party isn't tribune enough for the haters.

As for Alan Dershowitz, he is a lawyer not a politician. As a lawyer, I understand his desire to thrash out every last detail to get to the truth. As a lifelong Democrat and Hillary supporter, I'm sure he sees no problem in extending this process past the midterm elections in hopes that a blue wave changes the make up of congress and ultimately defeats Kavanaugh and all other Trump nominees. 4-4 ties in the Supreme Court for the next 2-6 years, upholding the decisions of the liberal controlled District Appeals Courts would satisfy the hate America first crowd to no end.

09-28-2018, 10:45 AM

09-28-2018, 11:49 AM
Except it wasn't the ABA; it was the President of the ABA.

The ABA has given Kavanaugh their blessing. Educate yourself.

Not true.

The letter was submitted by the President of the ABA on behalf of the ABA.

As some would say - Educate yourself.

09-28-2018, 12:03 PM
Not true.

The letter was submitted by the President of the ABA on behalf of the ABA.

As some would say - Educate yourself.

According to the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee, Chuck Grassley, it was a letter from the President of the ABA, and not on behalf of the ABA.

Educate yourself.

09-28-2018, 12:05 PM
According to the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee, Chuck Grassley, it was a letter from the President of the ABA, and not on behalf of the ABA.

Educate yourself.

According to the letter published on the ABA website it was from the ABA.


Fixed Link - https://t.co/sKClKXuJFk?amp=1

09-28-2018, 12:08 PM
According to the letter published on the ABA website it was from the ABA.


Fixed Link - https://t.co/sKClKXuJFk?amp=1

According to the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee this morning, in rebuttal to that same claim from a democrat, it was not on behalf of the ABA and it was from the President of the ABA.

09-28-2018, 12:11 PM
Further, as Senator Grassley expounded - the ABA or any other organization outside of the Senate does not run the Senate hearings.

Senators do. And the Chairman of that particular committee responsible for Judicial nominations said just that.


09-28-2018, 12:32 PM
Further, as Senator Grassley expounded - the ABA or any other organization outside of the Senate does not run the Senate hearings.

Senators do. And the Chairman of that particular committee responsible for Judicial nominations said just that.


Duh. Yale Law dean also has suggested a pause.

09-28-2018, 12:47 PM
Duh. Yale Law dean also has suggested a pause.

So did your heroic Senator Spartacus.

No one listens to him, either.

09-28-2018, 12:52 PM
Duh. Yale Law dean also has suggested a pause.

Instead of the dribs and drabs, why not just go ahead with the entire laundry list of usual suspects from the never Trump, hate America first, post legal, post constitutional crowd that are demanding more time to come up with more uncorroborated accusations.

BTW, this wouldn't be the same Yale Law School Dean that is so even handed and dispassionate that he allowed his students to join a national walkout this week to show their opposition to that knuckle dragger Kavanaugh, would it? https://abovethelaw.com/2018/09/yale-law-students-join-national-walkout-over-kavanaugh-in-dramatic-fashion/

Abbey Marie
09-28-2018, 01:44 PM
The ABA and especially law schools, are on the liberal side.

09-28-2018, 02:38 PM
According to the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee this morning, in rebuttal to that same claim from a democrat, it was not on behalf of the ABA and it was from the President of the ABA.

Well you can either believe what some guy tells you, or you can believe your eyes. I’ll go with my eyes.

09-28-2018, 03:02 PM
There is no basis for an investigation at this point. It is only another delay tactic
put out by the DNC, wasting time and cost that could be placed elsewhere.

All of the 'witnesses' documented refuted the statements made about them.
Both 'complainants' have been shown to be hard-core Democrats and liberals,
heavily anti-Trump.

Sen Feinstien 'sat on' correspondence for over a month before revealing
the contents, which were quickly refuted. She is a DNC hack!

The goal of the DNC is to establish a Supreme Court which would
'legislate from the bench', which is in violation of the Constitution.
Separation of Powers would be the ultimate victim if this carries out.

Investigation is complete so far as I am concerned.

If Judge K was a real creep, I would stand against him. But as has
been shown, his judicial record is solid.

End of rant.

09-28-2018, 03:07 PM
Well you can either believe what some guy tells you, or you can believe your eyes. I’ll go with my eyes.

This is what my eyes are looking at and they find it hard to believe that the ABA believes the ABA is an untrustworthy evaluator of judges:

ABA testifies on 'well qualified' rating: Kavanaugh has 'an excellent reputation for integrity'

BY MARK WALSH (http://www.abajournal.com/authors/4711/)
POSTED SEPTEMBER 7, 2018, 1:05 PM CDThttp://www.abajournal.com/images/main_images/Moxley_Tarpley2.jpgPaul T. Moxley, chair the ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary; and John R. Tarpley, the standing committee’s representative for the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Court of Appeals and the lead evaluator. Screenshot from PBS.

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh earned the highest rating of unanimously “well qualified,” members of the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary told the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday.

“We concluded that his integrity, judicial temperament, and professional competence met the highest standards for appointment to the court,” said Paul T. Moxley of Salt Lake City, the chair of the committee. “Our rating of unanimously well-qualified reflects the consensus of his peers who have knowledge of his professional qualifications.”
John R. Tarpley of Nashville, the standing committee’s representative for the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Court of Appeals and the lead evaluator, said the panel found that Kavanaugh “enjoys an excellent reputation for integrity and is a person of outstanding character. It was clear from all or our interviews and all of the other evidence that he learned the importance of integrity from a very early age.”

...Tarpley provided the committee with some of the written observations made about Kavanaugh.
“He has the highest personal morality and the highest ethics,” said one.
“He is what he seems, very decent, humble, and honest,” said another.
The Maryland Law school reading group observed that “Judge Kavanaugh is an excellent writer with a flair for making complicated facts understandable.”
As to Kavanaugh’s demeanor, one respondent observed, “He is easy to get along with and has a good sense of humor.”
Tarpley told the committee: “Can you imagine that, a judge with a good sense of humor?”
Noting the ABA’s more than 400,000 members across the country, Tarpley said: “We are a very diverse group of lawyers, and we agree that Judge Kavanaugh meets our highest standard and rated him unanimously well-qualified to serve as associate justice on the United States Supreme Court.”


09-28-2018, 03:34 PM
This is what my eyes are looking at and they find it hard to believe that the ABA believes the ABA is an untrustworthy evaluator of judges:

This is reference in the letter above and not something I’m disputing, nor are the ABA or it’s president.

09-28-2018, 03:47 PM
Well you can either believe what some guy tells you, or you can believe your eyes. I’ll go with my eyes.

You should try using your head, not your misguided level of inward perception which
is fully one-tracked with blinders.

09-28-2018, 04:34 PM
You should try using your head, not your misguided level of inward perception which
is fully one-tracked with blinders.

I used my head - specifically the eyes in my head to read “The American Bar Association urges the United States Senate Judiciary Committee (and, as appropriate, the full Senate) to conduct a confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States only after an appropriate background check into the allegations made by Professor Ford and others is completed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Now if your are to tell me that the above is not the view of the American Bar Association, I would ask you to re-read it, a few times.

09-28-2018, 04:38 PM
I used my head - specifically the eyes in my head to read “The American Bar Association urges the United States Senate Judiciary Committee (and, as appropriate, the full Senate) to conduct a confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States only after an appropriate background check into the allegations made by Professor Ford and others is completed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Now if your are to tell me that the above is not the view of the American Bar Association, I would ask you to re-read it, a few times.

Read what FNS posted above, if you use only your eyes. Post #86, to be exact.

Question: When will you fix the U.K.? It seems you have all of the answers for the USA, but none for the U.K.

And you are off-topic as usual, trying to sound important.

09-28-2018, 04:57 PM
Let them have a week - to digest a little of what the next 4 decades or so the SC will look like. And more so if the old hag croaks in the next 6 years or so!

We ALREADY know what the FBI will find, as they have done this already. So it's a guaranteed one week investigation and then the vote - and a YES from Flake. I can deal with that, as I am 100% confident they find what they have already - nothing. Even the prosecutor who asked all the questions yesterday said she wouldn't prosecute them. So it's bending for one week, on something we already know the answer to.

Congrats, SC Judge Kavanaugh.

And Congrats, President Trump, for giving is our 2nd conservative SC judge and nearing a 3rd. Hell, the 2nd sets it up for the rest of my life at least, a 3rd would just be the kicker. :)

09-28-2018, 04:59 PM
The best part is watching the lefties pop up around the 'net again, after they thought they failed, thinking that this is somehow a victory.

Flake doesn't want to lose votes/support, so he meets them midway, knowing it won't find shit, and knowing that he'll vote YES for him regardless.

09-28-2018, 05:08 PM
This is reference in the letter above and not something I’m disputing, nor are the ABA or it’s president.

An interesting thing my eyes picked up reading the above posted letter from the President of the ABA. I saw that it was dated 9/27. The hearings where his masters in the Democrat Party called for additional FBI investigations ended around 6:00 pm Chicago time yet he was still able to poll the entire 400,000 nationwide membership, determine that the majority demanded yet another FBI investigation (remember, these are circumspect, non-partisan lawyers who see no need for rushing to judgement!) and was still able to draft a formal letter on the Association's behalf before the stroke of midnight! The only time you ever see lawyers move that fast is when they rush for a mass murderer's stay of execution.

Another interesting tidbit my eyes picked up on was the letterhead address, North Clark, Chicago, IL. How appropriate. Just a few blocks down the street from the site of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Nice to see how the libs have cleaned up their methods of assassination over the years.

09-28-2018, 05:18 PM
The ABA has Kavanaugh listed as "well qualified" under their ratings, and they announced that after all the hearings, the rating remains the same.



So nothing is going to change here, other than some giving the benefit of a one week delay before the full vote. We know nothing has been found, not even remotely, and nothing will be found by the FBI on a 7th take.

09-28-2018, 05:22 PM
So clear cut for 7 days or less, just to appease the democrats, and to show the nation that nothing is being hidden and the FBI has done this rodeo before. And he was smart enough to put in that it's limited in scope, and no more than one week - showing that he just wants to go through the steps and motions and then the vote.


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 Friday to recommend Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be the next associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, with Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) making a last-minute stand that the final full-Senate vote be delayed for not more than one week.

Flake agreed to join with fellow Republicans Friday morning, only to retreat to the committee anteroom for nearly an hour to conference with Democrats before the vote. When he emerged for the vote, chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) allowed Flake to speak. Flake then announced he would vote yes on Kavanaugh for committee recommendation but with the stipulation that he would support another delay before the Senate floor vote that otherwise could have taken place as soon as Monday.

Flake was unequivocal that the delay, to allow additional investigation by the FBI, be limited to no longer than one week, meaning a final vote by next Friday. He also insisted the investigation be “limited in scope.”

The Justice Department has repeatedly characterized the FBI’s role as limited to investigating potential federal crimes, of which there are none in this case, and conducting background investigations to collect information on nominees, which has already been done, including with regard to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations. The exact perimeters of a new investigation were not clear from Flake’s comments.


09-28-2018, 05:22 PM
Christine Ford 1982-2011: I don't remember anything bad happening to me

Christine Ford 2012: I just remembered I was sexually assaulted at a party in 1982, by 4 guys

Christine Ford July, 2018: No, wait, it was two guys and I think one of them was Robert Kavanaugh. By the way, I'm avidly pro-abortion.

Christine Ford September 2018: I'm 100% certain it was Robert Kavanaugh. No doubt about it!

09-28-2018, 06:50 PM
Well you can either believe what some guy tells you, or you can believe your eyes. I’ll go with my eyes.

Well, then, feast your eyes, my snarky little limey :

The ABA has Kavanaugh listed as "well qualified" under their ratings, and they announced that after all the hearings, the rating remains the same.


As I told Pete initially, and then you, Noir - the letter was from the President of the ABA and not the ABA Committee responsible for vetting judges. This was explained by Grassley as I watched this morning and he was correcting other clueless moonbats making the same mistake as you two.

Educate yourself.

09-28-2018, 07:04 PM
Well you can either believe what some guy tells you, or you can believe your eyes. I’ll go with my eyes.

I'll go with what "some guy" tells me, as well as my own eyes. Look into ALL the facts while educating yourself.

09-28-2018, 07:20 PM
I'll go with what "some guy" tells me, as well as my own eyes. Look into ALL the facts while educating yourself.

Telling him to 'educate himself' is like telling rock to become a coconut. Ain't gonna happen.

09-28-2018, 07:57 PM
This week that the republicans CAVED for, is NOTHING more than MORE DELAY...

... so CUE THE NEXT ACCUSER IN 3... 2... 1...

The mongrel democrats don't give a RAT FUCK about FINDING FACTS, or FAIRNESS, or personally for the FORD SKANK for that matter. She's a PAWN. She's THROW AWAY once her usefulness is DONE. All they care about is POWER, and all this week DELAY is, is MORE TIME TO FUCK KAVANAUGH OVER, PERIOD, END OF STORY.

You watch... if you're IGNORANT enough to think the dems are going to just SIT BACK and ALL BE QUITE NOW because the FBI is looking into the FARCE for a week, then you need your freakin' HEAD EXAMINED. I GUARANTEE YOU, they ALREADY know SOME of what they plan to ROLL OUT. You have to understand, they will NEVER QUIT, EVER, not even after he's VOTED IN... IF... he's voted in, they'll STILL be trying to take him out.

Democrats are the party of trash, pure and simple.

Abbey Marie
09-29-2018, 12:12 AM
This week that the republicans CAVED for, is NOTHING more than MORE DELAY...

... so CUE THE NEXT ACCUSER IN 3... 2... 1...

The mongrel democrats don't give a RAT FUCK about FINDING FACTS, or FAIRNESS, or personally for the FORD SKANK for that matter. She's a PAWN. She's THROW AWAY once her usefulness is DONE. All they care about is POWER, and all this week DELAY is, is MORE TIME TO FUCK KAVANAUGH OVER, PERIOD, END OF STORY.

You watch... if you're IGNORANT enough to think the dems are going to just SIT BACK and ALL BE QUITE NOW because the FBI is looking into the FARCE for a week, then you need your freakin' HEAD EXAMINED. I GUARANTEE YOU, they ALREADY know SOME of what they plan to ROLL OUT. You have to understand, they will NEVER QUIT, EVER, not even after he's VOTED IN... IF... he's voted in, they'll STILL be trying to take him out.

Democrats are the party of trash, pure and simple.

And we haven’t seen any bias within the FBI lately, have we?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2018, 10:58 AM
Presenting this for Pete and Noir to ponder...
I got this from reading in a brief visit to another site and it is dead on the money, IMHO.--Tyr

Ringoftuna- Quote--

There's something very curious about those details that Dr. Ford can't seem to remember. Most if not all have something in common.....a firewall against Kavanaugh's defense.

She doesn't remember specifically when the gathering took place.
This selective memory conveniently denies Kavanaugh an alibi for the time in question, including any corroborating witness for an alibi. If she can't tell us when it was, he can't tell us where he was.

She doesn't remember where the gathering occurred.
Without a location for the alleged incident. Kavanaugh is denied the opportunity to state or provide evidence of the possibility that he did not know the person or persons living there at the time. It also makes it impossible for investigators to interview the residents of that address to question whether the gathering even took place.

She doesn't remember how she got there.
No corroborating or exculpatory witness can be identified.

She doesn't remember how she got home from the gathering.
Again, no witnesses to interview.

The common thread among these memory lapses is that each and every one conveniently denies Kavanaugh a defense against her accusations.

09-29-2018, 11:30 AM
Presenting this for Pete and Noir to ponder...
I got this from reading in a brief visit to another site and it is dead on the money, IMHO.--Tyr
I don't believe her regardless. She's lying, period. When the ONLY thing she's CRYSTAL clear about is Kavanaugh laying on top of her... ya right, GIVE ME A BREAK, you LYING WHORE. Go try and BUFFALO someone else with that BULL SHIT. If Kavanaugh laying on top of you is CRYSTAL CLEAR, then EVERYTHING ELSE should be too. Watch this episode of In Search Of, it touches on "memory," and how you WILL remember MUCH better in times of heightened anxiety and adrenaline... https://www.history.com/shows/in-search-of/season-1/episode-7

As practically the ENTIRE NATION has pointed out, if this had happened to them, they could tell you HOW THEY GOT THERE, WHAT TIME IT WAS, WHERE IT WAS, WHO WAS THERE, WHEN YOU LEFT and WHO YOU LEFT WITH, etc, etc, etc. This bitch is LYING. She said she was TERRIFIED because she probably is, terrified of getting CAUGHT LYING. She belongs in JAIL.

Look at the LIE the FBI and DOJ cooked up and WAS/IS being used against our PRESIDENT! These MONGREL DEMOCRAT RAT PRICKS are capable of ANYTHING.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.

09-29-2018, 11:30 AM
Presenting this for Pete and Noir to ponder...
I got this from reading in a brief visit to another site and it is dead on the money, IMHO.--Tyr

The perfect person was chosen as a "victim". The perfect scenario. An accusation that truly hits home, and they of course have used this many times before, so they know it works and people MUST listen. There was conveniently no way for Kavanaugh to effectively defend himself. She gave NO EVIDENCE whatsoever, so therefore he has nothing to defend. But that matters not. The accusation is TRUE to them and for him to somehow prove himself innocent - according to leading democrats. Those very people that announced months back that they will fight against Trump's nomination with everything they had, and this was prior to him even making a choice. They TOLD us they were going to do this very thing. And they did it. They made someone defend the indefensible, with repeated attacks on something that supposedly happened 36 years ago. No evidence. No proof. No corroborating evidence. Her own witnesses not only not remembering but outright denying. Her best friend back then denying knowledge. She lied about her severe fear of flying in order to delay proceedings. Not a single thing she has stated has panned out, or has been verified or corroborated. She was interviewed and questioned by one of the best on these types of crimes - and she stated she would never bring this forward. And then the endless and ridiculous demands by her and her attorney, laughable demands. She then claims she was NEVER told she could have congress folks come to her. This is something pretty much ALL of America was aware of last week, unless under a rock down by Spongebob. NOTHING adds up - other than the Dems and this woman trying to delay this thing on no basis whatsoever - or to get this man to withdraw...

09-29-2018, 11:54 AM
Well, then, feast your eyes, my snarky little limey :

As I told Pete initially, and then you, Noir - the letter was from the President of the ABA and not the ABA Committee responsible for vetting judges. This was explained by Grassley as I watched this morning and he was correcting other clueless moonbats making the same mistake as you two.

Educate yourself.

I read the committees rating paper at the same time I read their call for an FBI investigation, because their newsfeed presented both together.

Both the rating paper and the investigation paper were published on the ABA website, pushed by their feeds, and reference that they are decisions of the ABA, not individuals.

I read and accept both, y’all only accept one, because someone else told ya’s that they can read it for you better than you can.

09-29-2018, 12:04 PM
I read the committees rating paper at the same time I read their call for an FBI investigation, because their newsfeed presented both together.

Both the rating paper and the investigation paper were published on the ABA website, pushed by their feeds, and reference that they are decisions of the ABA, not individuals.

I read and accept both, y’all only accept one, because someone else told ya’s that they can read it for you better than you can.

I accept that one was by an individual, and that one was by the group - with a clarification that the other was not received by the committee prior to its issuance. Otherwise, why the clarification?

09-29-2018, 12:14 PM
I read the committees rating paper at the same time I read their call for an FBI investigation, because their newsfeed presented both together.

Both the rating paper and the investigation paper were published on the ABA website, pushed by their feeds, and reference that they are decisions of the ABA, not individuals.

I read and accept both, y’all only accept one, because someone else told ya’s that they can read it for you better than you can.

Obviously, you did not read the document right in front of your face that Jim posted and I re-posted for your edification. It completely outlines who sent the letter and states that it was not authorized by the ABA.

It was sent by the President of the ABA on his own accord, which clearly pissed off the Standing Committee who is responsible for such duties and they were quick to point it out publicly as evidenced by the clarification from the ABA.

09-29-2018, 12:16 PM
I accept that one was by an individual, and that one was by the group - with a clarification that the other was not received by the committee prior to its issuance. Otherwise, why the clarification?

The standing committee involved and ABA as a whole are not the same thing.

09-29-2018, 12:20 PM
The standing committee involved and ABA as a whole are not the same thing.

Understood and I understood that when posted.

Ok, you obviously aren't going to change your view, nor am I going to spend a lot of time trying to post more and change that. You're free to believe whatever you wish.

09-29-2018, 12:26 PM
Understood and I understood that when posted.

Ok, you obviously aren't going to change your view, nor am I going to spend a lot of time trying to post more and change that. You're free to believe whatever you wish.

Well currently the front page of the ABA website, the top story in the ABA Journal, and the Pinned tweet on the ABA Twitter all lead with the story “ABA urges Kavanaugh vote be delayed until after an FBI investigation”.

So I’ll freely believe that is the view of the ABA, enjoy your Saturday.

09-29-2018, 12:30 PM
The standing committee involved and ABA as a whole are not the same thing.

Jesus, dude!

Fine, I'll type it out for you :

“The correspondence by Robert Carlson, President of the American Bar Association…was not received by the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary prior to its issuance…The ABA’s rating for Judge Kavanaugh is not affected by Mr. Carlson’s letter.”


The Senate Judiciary Committee released the letter on Friday from the ABA stating that Robert Carlson, the President of the American Bar Association who wrote the letter, didn’t get it approved by the committee that actually votes on this sort of thing and that the ABA’s rating of Judge Kavanaugh “is not affected”.

If you're not going to bother to read the actual correspondence and hard facts of what happened, just say so! Don't waste everyone's time by blithely ignoring shit and continuing along like you don't have all the facts right here in front of you.

09-29-2018, 12:58 PM
Well currently the front page of the ABA website, the top story in the ABA Journal, and the Pinned tweet on the ABA Twitter all lead with the story “ABA urges Kavanaugh vote be delayed until after an FBI investigation”.

So I’ll freely believe that is the view of the ABA, enjoy your Saturday.

Yup, and they made the clarification just because the wind blew west in the evening.

They may very well have ended up all agreeing that an investigation, such as what is being undertaken currently, may be the best course. But the initial correspondence was done by an individual, and not the committee and certainly not the membership.

And thank for the well wishes! Seeing how this is all going, and where the SC will be next week, and how it may go even further right if Ginsburg should meet her maker before Trump is out of office... I'm off to a wonderful start! And even if that seat should continue as a left seat, the SC will still have changed for the right, the better, for likely a long time to come!

And NOT to you.... but one of the best parts of this upcoming week? Many on the left are holding their breath, going insane, thinking they have a great shot still at somehow preventing Kavanaugh, or even anyone on the bench. But I truly believe, the only reason we are seeing a 1 week delay, is vote and election related. How does someone in a place like Arizona, take both sides into account? Well, ensure both sides are being heard and looked at. The FBI has done this before, like 6 times, and there will have been more "testifying" in congress then there will be an investigation by the FBI. And then next week some like Flake and Murkowski, can then claim to their constituents that they looked at all angles and I've listened to all of you - and then congratulations to our newest supreme court judge, Brett Kavanaugh. And all of this will happen while those screaming to the skies and sitting in at the capitol getting arrested over it, thinking their dummy brains are going to prevent this somehow.

09-29-2018, 01:11 PM
Yep, next Friday we'd better dispatch a few Moonbat Cams™ around to hotspots to capture the glorious howls of despair... and these should surpass The 2016 Howling©.

I'll cover Anchorage. High_Plains_Drifter has Madison. jimnyc has NYC. Abbey & Russ to check out CT... small roadtrip? Elessar to Portland or Seattle, for sure... that'll be at least Cat 5 Howlings. Gunny to Austin. Kathianne to Phoenix. SassyLady to Tucson.

Maybe we can see if pete311 will agree to wear a body cam to see what the local homo population Crooning in Milwaukee sounds like?

I don't think we've got anyone in the San Francisco area, and that's predicted to be at least a Cat 6 Howling. Maybe we can hire a drone to cover events down there for us... I don't want to miss out.

Any volunteers elsewhere?

09-29-2018, 01:22 PM
Yep, next Friday we'd better dispatch a few Moonbat Cams™ around to hotspots to capture the glorious howls of despair... and these should surpass The 2016 Howling©.

I'll cover Anchorage. High_Plains_Drifter has Madison. jimnyc has NYC. Abbey & Russ to check out CT... small roadtrip? Elessar to Portland or Seattle, for sure... that'll be at least Cat 5 Howlings. Gunny to Austin. Kathianne to Phoenix. SassyLady to Tucson.

Maybe we can see if pete311 will agree to wear a body cam to see what the local homo population Crooning in Milwaukee sounds like?

I don't think we've got anyone in the San Francisco area, and that's predicted to be at least a Cat 6 Howling. Maybe we can hire a drone to cover events down there for us... I don't want to miss out.

Any volunteers elsewhere?

Closer to Portland, but not that far from San Fran, either! Gold Beach, Oregon is where I am.
Portland is 374 road miles, San Fran is 413 road miles.

This is all a farce. Patterned BULLSHIT, with an original attempt to delay and subvert a process.

Where is Noir? Not even a US citizen and dabbling in things here, shouting opinions about the USA,
yet NEVER answering my Question to him: "What have YOU done to help the UK out of it's PROBLEMS"?

Abbey Marie
09-29-2018, 01:28 PM
Just as an aside, Delaware is possibly “bluer” than Connecticut!

09-29-2018, 01:34 PM
Just as an aside, Delaware is possibly “bluer” than Connecticut!

Holy crap!

Is.... is it as bad as Vermont?

09-29-2018, 01:36 PM
Yep, next Friday we'd better dispatch a few Moonbat Cams™ around to hotspots to capture the glorious howls of despair... and these should surpass The 2016 Howling©.

I'll cover Anchorage. High_Plains_Drifter has Madison. jimnyc has NYC. Abbey & Russ to check out CT... small roadtrip? Elessar to Portland or Seattle, for sure... that'll be at least Cat 5 Howlings. Gunny to Austin. Kathianne to Phoenix. SassyLady to Tucson.

Maybe we can see if pete311 will agree to wear a body cam to see what the local homo population Crooning in Milwaukee sounds like?

I don't think we've got anyone in the San Francisco area, and that's predicted to be at least a Cat 6 Howling. Maybe we can hire a drone to cover events down there for us... I don't want to miss out.

Any volunteers elsewhere?

"Moonbat Cams" - now that's just awesome! But you give me the NYC area by my lonesome? Dude, you need no less than like 500 of those suicide cams going on in order to just touch the tip here in the New York area! I'll grab as much as I can, and enjoy it even more, but NY is millions and millions of those foamers!! LOL

The anointed one not winning the presidency
Donald Trump of all people does win the presidency
Trump nominates and confirms a SC justice in Gorsuch
No evidence found in the ridiculous Trump/Russian collusion crap
Trump nominates a 2nd SC justice in Kavanaugh
Killing as much of Obamacare as possible
Killing as much of Obama altogether!
Political correctness mostly out the window
Allowed to use the words "radical Islam" once again
Back and forth with bans on people from war torn countries
What Iran crappy deal?
Met with a North Korean leader?
Economy, Economy, Economy
New jobs!

And everytime he ultimately keeps one of his promises, or does something else that brings 'good' for our country - those with the TDS start to foam at their mouths more and more.

09-29-2018, 06:06 PM
This was MY take: I was, and am, S-O-O-O pissed off that Republican Senators even entertained the notion of giving this Dem miscreant an audience, I paid very little attention. Reason being is I KNOW if I watched the crap my head would spin through the roof and I would want to tromp through the left side of the Senate Chamber with a big-ass sword. Meaning I would be agitated and wired. Which means I would have probably had to do handstands to not be impatient and easily irritated with my toddler grandson who for the time being is my sidekick. He is the actual reason I haven't been on for awhile. Need to get a good schedule down and I'll be around, but that's another story.

This whole damned thing is a joke and I did watch what Graham had to say and I think he pretty much said most of what I've been thinking/saying. What a partisan farce the Dems have made out of the political process for the US Government. Can they sink lower than Tosh 2.0 level? I'm not counting the losers out. Every time I say they can't sink any lower from everything good, decent, moral and right, they pull a f-ing rabbit out of their a$$es. In my opinion, more than a few Dems should be removed from office for this crap. Starting with Spartacus and that self-sanctimonious bitch whatever-the-f*ck-her-name-is from CA. And before you ask about the latter, pick one or all.

09-29-2018, 09:38 PM
Just as an aside, Delaware is possibly “bluer” than Connecticut!

Joe Biden was the Delaware Senator for a long, long time. And he lived in Scranton Pa. Just North of The PA. DE. border. BLUE is the color of Delaware Politics, all the way. Chris Coons is the present A-ho....I mean, Senator who convinced his buddy FLAKEY to join the dems for the FBI scam.

09-29-2018, 10:17 PM
Chris Coons is the present A-ho....I mean, Senator who convinced his buddy FLAKEY to join the dems for the FBI scam.

I still can't figure out Flake's motivation. I was pleasantly surprised with Flake's support to move him out of committee on a party-line vote, 11-10, and things were looking great! Plus he said he'd vote yes on the Floor Vote, 1 out of 3 swing votes tied up, and Murkowski & Collins were headed that way.

But minutes later, he was ambushed in the elevator with a bunch of screaming liberal women, and shortly after that he announced he supported a 1-week pause as the FBI did an investigation into the Ford accusations - which led to a wave of other Senators (Murkowski & Collins, plus a few vulnerable Democrat Senators up for re-election) following the easy-out and calling for a pause. They had the votes prior to his crumbling.

So, he's supposed to be a Republican. He's been anti-Trump, which deep-sixed his political career in AZ to the point that he didn't even try to run for re-election, so he's a Lame Duck Senator - which made everyone nervous. He's got nothing to lose and he's a loose cannon. He likes being a politician, but he won't be a politician in AZ anytime soon.

I don't understand what's motivating him. I don't think anyone does, and if there was ever a definition of a loose cannon, Flake fits it. Usually with a politician, getting re-elected or being bribed is their motivation. He's not getting re-elected.

That really only leaves one option.

09-29-2018, 10:25 PM
I still can't figure out Flake's motivation. I was pleasantly surprised with Flake's support to move him out of committee on a party-line vote, 11-10, and things were looking great! Plus he said he'd vote yes on the Floor Vote, 1 out of 3 swing votes tied up, and Murkowski & Collins were headed that way.

But minutes later, he was ambushed in the elevator with a bunch of screaming liberal women, and shortly after that he announced he supported a 1-week pause as the FBI did an investigation into the Ford accusations - which led to a wave of other Senators (Murkowski & Collins, plus a few vulnerable Democrat Senators up for re-election) following the easy-out and calling for a pause. They had the votes prior to his crumbling.

So, he's supposed to be a Republican. He's been anti-Trump, which deep-sixed his political career in AZ to the point that he didn't even try to run for re-election, so he's a Lame Duck Senator - which made everyone nervous. He's got nothing to lose and he's a loose cannon. He likes being a politician, but he won't be a politician in AZ anytime soon.

I don't understand what's motivating him. I don't think anyone does, and if there was ever a definition of a loose cannon, Flake fits it. Usually with a politician, getting re-elected or being bribed is their motivation. He's not getting re-elected.

That really only leaves one option.One of those cases where his name is both noun AND verb. If tey can pull it without him, I'd pull it. This is just one delay after another.

I personally am sick as it gets of the left's obstruction since Trump was elected AND THE REPUBLICANS LETTING THEM DO IT. Stomp on them. O-blah-blah and a Dem Congress sure as f*ck didn't hesitate. Shove it down their throats like they've been doing for 30 years. WHY are Republicans so afraid of these dimwits? Mind-boggling.

09-29-2018, 10:31 PM
One of those cases where his name is both noun AND verb. If tey can pull it without him, I'd pull it. This is just one delay after another.

I personally am sick as it gets of the left's obstruction since Trump was elected AND THE REPUBLICANS LETTING THEM DO IT. Stomp on them. O-blah-blah and a Dem Congress sure as f*ck didn't hesitate. Shove it down their throats like they've been doing for 30 years. WHY are Republicans so afraid of these dimwits? Mind-boggling.

Well, I can shed a little light on Murkowski.

Her move to immediately get a 1-week pause makes her look more democrat, this was done to appease the hundreds of villages that rely on welfare and democrats. Welfare communities are 99% democrat; the other 1% unloads their free shit at the airport.

Collins was on board.

Murkowski immediately followed Flake's lead and called for a pause, which put the vote under the threshold to pass.

Murkowski is my Senator, btw... and you can't believe how embarrassed I am to have her there. We'll fix that in '22, believe that.

09-29-2018, 10:37 PM
Well, I can shed a little light on Murkowski.

Her move to immediately get a 1-week pause makes her look more democrat, this was done to appease the hundreds of villages that rely on welfare and democrats. Welfare communities are 99% democrat; the other 1% unloads their free shit at the airport.

Collins was on board.

Murkowski immediately followed Flake's lead and called for a pause, which put the vote under the threshold to pass.

Murkowski is my Senator, btw... and you can't believe how embarrassed I am to have her there. We'll fix that in '22, believe that.There's your answer then. Flake is playing big man on campus -- the spoiler. It's the Republicans playing the dem's game. Again.

More than one person needs to be gone next couple of election cycles.

09-29-2018, 10:52 PM

09-30-2018, 01:06 AM
Well, I can shed a little light on Murkowski.

Her move to immediately get a 1-week pause makes her look more democrat, this was done to appease the hundreds of villages that rely on welfare and democrats. Welfare communities are 99% democrat; the other 1% unloads their free shit at the airport.

Collins was on board.

Murkowski immediately followed Flake's lead and called for a pause, which put the vote under the threshold to pass.

Murkowski is my Senator, btw... and you can't believe how embarrassed I am to have her there. We'll fix that in '22, believe that.

Gotcha beat .... we had McCain AND Flake. Good riddance that we can put new senators in. However, Arizona has a lot of liberals moving in from California and increasing illegal population which is getting harder to combat. Hopefully, McSally gets in to replace Flake. She's not much of a Trump supporter but I believe more conservative than Flake or McCain.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2018, 01:54 AM
Holy crap!

Is.... is it as bad as Vermont?

Well, it’s probably not as gay.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2018, 02:00 AM
Gotcha beat .... we had McCain AND Flake. Good riddance that we can put new senators in. However, Arizona has a lot of liberals moving in from California and increasing illegal population which is getting harder to combat. Hopefully, McSally gets in to replace Flake. She's not much of a Trump supporter but I believe more conservative than Flake or McCain.

And we have Coons and Biden!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-30-2018, 09:14 AM
This was MY take: I was, and am, S-O-O-O pissed off that Republican Senators even entertained the notion of giving this Dem miscreant an audience, I paid very little attention. Reason being is I KNOW if I watched the crap my head would spin through the roof and I would want to tromp through the left side of the Senate Chamber with a big-ass sword. Meaning I would be agitated and wired. Which means I would have probably had to do handstands to not be impatient and easily irritated with my toddler grandson who for the time being is my sidekick. He is the actual reason I haven't been on for awhile. Need to get a good schedule down and I'll be around, but that's another story.

This whole damned thing is a joke and I did watch what Graham had to say and I think he pretty much said most of what I've been thinking/saying. What a partisan farce the Dems have made out of the political process for the US Government. Can they sink lower than Tosh 2.0 level? I'm not counting the losers out. Every time I say they can't sink any lower from everything good, decent, moral and right, they pull a f-ing rabbit out of their a$$es. In my opinion, more than a few Dems should be removed from office for this crap. Starting with Spartacus and that self-sanctimonious bitch whatever-the-f*ck-her-name-is from CA. And before you ask about the latter, pick one or all.

All of the top dem leadership should be in prison in my opinion --for they all are ffing traitors. Traitors with the power/authority to do real and lasting damage to this nation--which they do.. I liken them to maggots and think it that is an almost perfect comparison..
There are no words to describes the massive and fully justified level hatred that I have for those ffing vermin.. Tyr

09-30-2018, 10:53 AM
Guys it aint even winter yet and you snowflakes are melting. Get a grip. Total cryfest. Rename this place conservative-cryfest.com

Guess that's why you like the judge.


Abbey Marie
09-30-2018, 11:06 AM
Guys it aint even winter yet and you snowflakes are melting. Get a grip. Total cryfest. Rename this place conservative-cryfest.com

Guess that's why you like the judge.


Guess if you were wrongly and publicly accused of despicable acts, you’d laugh it off. Yeah, sure.

Meanwhile, your side is making homophobic slurs against Lindsey Graham. How do you stand ​the hypocrisy?

09-30-2018, 11:14 AM
Guys it aint even winter yet and you snowflakes are melting. Get a grip. Total cryfest. Rename this place conservative-cryfest.com

Guess that's why you like the judge.


On the contrary - I'm pretty happy that you liberals have shot yourself in the foot, reloaded and fired into the other. No point in half-stepping, right?

And right before the elections, no less... could you have picked a worse time to showcase how morally bankrupt you are as a group?

Yes, Petey, things are looking up.

Still winning! And, no - I'm still not tired of it yet.

09-30-2018, 11:20 AM
Guys it aint even winter yet and you snowflakes are melting. Get a grip. Total cryfest. Rename this place conservative-cryfest.com

Guess that's why you like the judge.

I think you mistake my outright ELATION over the next rightie SC judge, Brett Kavanaugh, as being angry. Don't think so! And even better is his anger, and now hopefully he'll decide even further to the right, thanks to the democrats. Well, judging on the COTUS is already "wrong" to the democrats, so he need to just be himself and the Dems think they are screwed.

Pointing out the non-stop actions of the pukes on the left hardly means anyone is losing it. It's just what it is - pointing out the scum on the left and their actions, nothing more. That, and watching our new judge in action. Well, and admittedly dreaming a little of Ginsburg croaking and putting the court WAY right for at least 3-4 decades. As it stands, it will already be easily leaning right for those decades! But a huge margin would be nice as well. :) :)

Imagine if the republicans retain a majority in the senate, Trump ends up with a 2nd term and little to lose, and then Ginsburg meets her maker. You'll see the fastest and easiest nomination of a far right judge in history!

But don't worry, no problem for anyone on the left so long as no cases are ever necessary in the supreme court. But if necessary, we can all pretty much gauge the decisions already! :thumb:

09-30-2018, 11:21 AM
On the contrary - I'm pretty happy that you liberals have shot yourself in the foot, reloaded and fired into the other. No point in half-stepping, right?

And right before the elections, no less... could you have picked a worse time to showcase how morally bankrupt you are as a group?

Yes, Petey, things are looking up.

Still winning! And, no - I'm still not tired of it yet.

I believe, and it was awhile back, that Trump had a list of like 76 promises kept thus far since taking office. Then add in the fantastic economy. Then add in a SC judge. Then add in what will be a 2nd SC judge very shortly.

Not tired in the slightest bit!! :coffee:

09-30-2018, 11:29 AM
So, Petey, next up on the Supreme Court is RBG's seat.

We've already got our newest Justice on deck, and you're going to love this one.



Meet Amy Coney Barrett.

Feast your eyes! Pretty hot, isn't she? A whole hell of a lot better than Kagan, Sotomeyer and RBG for sure. Even you should be able to see that.

Plus, you're going to have a pretty hard time finding bogus rape charges with this one.

The good news is that she's got impeccable qualifications and this will bring the Court nicely into line with the Constitution with a comfortable margin.

Oh, and don't think for a minute that Kavanaugh will ever forget how vile the left is. You'll be paying for that in spades, and for decades to come.

09-30-2018, 11:44 AM

Where'd he go?

Was it something I said? Poor little fella, he's probably curled up in a closet somewhere crying himself to sleep.

09-30-2018, 03:31 PM
So, Petey, next up on the Supreme Court is RBG's seat.

We've already got our newest Justice on deck, and you're going to love this one.



Meet Amy Coney Barrett.

Feast your eyes! Pretty hot, isn't she? A whole hell of a lot better than Kagan, Sotomeyer and RBG for sure. Even you should be able to see that.

Plus, you're going to have a pretty hard time finding bogus rape charges with this one.

The good news is that she's got impeccable qualifications and this will bring the Court nicely into line with the Constitution with a comfortable margin.

Oh, and don't think for a minute that Kavanaugh will ever forget how vile the left is. You'll be paying for that in spades, and for decades to come.
That's who I was hoping would get nominated this time. I was disappointed when she wasn't, and even more so now. She would probably be on SC by now.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2018, 03:40 PM
That's who I was hoping would get nominated this time. I was disappointed when she wasn't, and even more so now. She would probably be on SC by now.

I wouldn’t count on it. The devilcrats will fight dirty against any conservative nominee, imo. Unless she’s pro-abortion. Then it might be smooth sailing.

09-30-2018, 04:15 PM
Guess if you were wrongly and publicly accused of despicable acts, you’d laugh it off. Yeah, sure.

Meanwhile, your side is making homophobic slurs against Lindsey Graham. How do you stand ​the hypocrisy?

Haven't seen em, but I'd condemn any slurs.

09-30-2018, 04:16 PM
So, Petey, next up on the Supreme Court is RBG's seat.

We've already got our newest Justice on deck, and you're going to love this one.



Meet Amy Coney Barrett.

Feast your eyes! Pretty hot, isn't she? A whole hell of a lot better than Kagan, Sotomeyer and RBG for sure. Even you should be able to see that.

Plus, you're going to have a pretty hard time finding bogus rape charges with this one.

The good news is that she's got impeccable qualifications and this will bring the Court nicely into line with the Constitution with a comfortable margin.

Oh, and don't think for a minute that Kavanaugh will ever forget how vile the left is. You'll be paying for that in spades, and for decades to come.

First thing you say about an accomplished women is she is hot. Nice. Keep with the stereotype. Don't even try to change it.

09-30-2018, 04:25 PM
First thing you say about an accomplished women is she is hot. Nice. Keep with the stereotype. Don't even try to change it.

First thing I notice about most liberal women and activists - ugly as all fuck

09-30-2018, 04:27 PM
First thing you say about an accomplished women is she is hot. Nice. Keep with the stereotype. Don't even try to change it.Shall we recap the lie-fest you have supported throughout this latest leftwingnut farce? Look at what has been said about Kavanaugh and YOU supported it.

I think Barrett is hot as well. More importantly, she's more than qualified to be the next Supreme Court Justice and was my choice ahead of Kavanaugh.

But I want you to remember THIS moment, Pete. Because if and when Barrett is nominated, I'm going to bring you back to THIS post every time you state other than she is an accomplished woman.

BTW, did you call Barrett a "she" and "accomplished woman"? Isn't that against the Dimbulb code? Identifying her by gender? One would think you would have called her a highly accomplished person. I think this needs to be "leaked" (to Feinstein).

You're just an ass. Follow your own damned rules and apply the same ones to yourself you do others.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2018, 04:30 PM
Haven't seen em, but I'd condemn any slurs.



09-30-2018, 04:53 PM
We Conservative/Republican, Pro-lifer's should CONDONE Abortion, if it will guarantee..."No More Democrat Offspring will be around to support ROE V. WADE."

Since the Left insists on FAIRNESS, and EQUALITY FOR ALL. That sounds FAIR to me.:laugh:

09-30-2018, 04:54 PM
First thing I notice about most liberal women and activists - ugly as all fuck

ok Jim, like I bet we're all models on the forum. I basically see ya'll as duck dynasty MFers.

09-30-2018, 04:55 PM
@pete311 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1821)



Then I condemn them, I don't have love for Rosie or Maher.

09-30-2018, 04:58 PM
ok Jim, like I bet we're all models on the forum. I basically see ya'll as duck dynasty MFers.And you're too dumb to survive for 10 minutes without your nanny state bullshit and are so fucking scared you'll support, lying, cheating or worse to defend your Pampers.

You're just bad entertainment.

09-30-2018, 04:59 PM
ok Jim, like I bet we're all models on the forum. I basically see ya'll as duck dynasty MFers.

Most of us see you as QUACKED-UP! The best part of your intelligence is the white trail behind most Geese and DUCKS.

09-30-2018, 06:26 PM
News Flash...

Scientists were recently able to determine that a far off galaxy is full of crap-pulsars that all just went supernova and are spreading crap in all directions throughout their galaxy. But then, to their surprise, the scientists just discovered that Dianne Feinstein, Cory Booker, and the rest of those Senate Dems are even more full of crap, and are spreading even more crap in all directions.

When asked for a quote on her 'accomplishment', Dianne Feinstein just said "we can't help it, it just what we do".

09-30-2018, 07:52 PM
Does anyone besides me remember what Harry Reid did when he had enough control to block a vote "just because"? He did. GWB got to choose who REID approved of. John Roberts ring a bell?

The Republicans need to do unto others as has been done unto them time and time and time again ... cut to the chase and shove it down their throats.

09-30-2018, 07:59 PM
Does anyone besides me remember what Harry Reid did when he had enough control to block a vote "just because"? He did. GWB got to choose who REID approved of. John Roberts ring a bell?

The Republicans need to do unto others as has been done unto them time and time and time again ... cut to the chase and shove it down their throats.

The majority of Repubs in Congress are really 'RINO'S. Therefore, as has been the case for a long, long time. THEY, like the DEMS are all GELDINGS.

Only a few have the courage to stand up against the Dems, and the Dems know it.

The only REAL MAN amongst all of the Repubs, just happens to be Donald Trump.

He has been showing us. He's not afraid of EITHER party.

09-30-2018, 08:20 PM
The majority of Repubs in Congress are really 'RINO'S. Therefore, as has been the case for a long, long time. THEY, like the DEMS are all GELDINGS.

Only a few have the courage to stand up against the Dems, and the Dems know it.

The only REAL MAN amongst all of the Repubs, just happens to be Donald Trump.

He has been showing us. He's not afraid of EITHER party.Some of the pundits think this is backfiring so bad for the left Trump is going to end up with more support even from those on the right who haven't supported him prior to. Apparently quite a few people are speaking up. Maybe Graham's little outburst is what was needed. Who knows?

What I do know is if this little shitstain of an episode from the left garners Trump MORE support, 2020 could be a foregone conclusion.

10-01-2018, 12:48 PM
I'm sorry, but I think I'll trust the experience and expertise of the ABA and Alan Dershowitz.

Ok, lets go with Dershowitz then.


Dershowitz: Without New Evidence, Burden of Proof Against Kavanaugh Hasn’t Been Met

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz stated that “if no new evidence comes out” on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, “then the burden of proof hasn’t been satisfied, and because this was put in the public domain, he will probably be confirmed.”

Co-host Steve Doocy asked, “If no new information is discovered, does he get confirmed?”

Dershowitz answered, “Well, it’s up to four people. And I would think, if no new evidence comes out, then the burden of proof hasn’t been satisfied, and because this was put in the public domain, he will probably be confirmed.”


10-01-2018, 12:51 PM

Prosecutor’s Senate Report Outlines 9 Reasons Why Christine Blasey Ford Not Credible

Rachel Mitchell, the veteran sex crimes prosecutor chosen by Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to question Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, has filed a report that points out Ford’s inconsistencies and apparent deceptions. (https://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/documents/politics/rachel-mitchells-analysis/3221/)

“In the legal context, here is my bottom line,” she writes. “A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that. I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence.”

She adds, “Nor do I believe that this evidence is sufficient to satisfy the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.” This means Ford’s story does no reach the 50-50 level of more likely than not.

Read the full report: (https://www.scribd.com/embeds/389821761/content#from_embed)


10-01-2018, 01:42 PM
ok Jim, like I bet we're all models on the forum. I basically see ya'll as duck dynasty MFers.

Maybe not a model, but at least I don't look like a cartoon caricature of Dana Carvey eating Twizzler's underneath the table at the restaurant!

And man, just like the guys from Duck Dynasty? Sweet, that ain't bad at all! Do I get their money too?

I picture most liberal women to be like the women from 'The View', or like 'Rosie'. Whereas the men, a I guess the TV comparison would be 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy'.