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09-27-2018, 04:15 PM
This is what Kavanaugh has labeled this whole confirmation process from the beginning until this moment. His life and his name have been destroyed. He nearly broke down on the stand. And this IS a disgrace to our entire nation. From the moment Feinstein received this letter, held onto it, even throughout the entire proceeding, only to wait and announce it at the very end, knowing that this would allow for maximum delay.

Accusations of perhaps the highest order were leveled against a possible SC judge. Along with these accusations came no evidence of said accusations. There was a long drawn out process of communication between her, her attorneys and those on the committee that would ultimately confirm his nomination and pass it along to the senate for a full vote. They made all kinds of "demands" of the committee before she would consider coming to testify in front of them. Included in this long list were her concerns of flying and confined spaces. She is from northern California and would testify in Washington, DC.

It turns out, she had went to Maryland as we all awaited on this process, in order to take a polygraph test in order to backup her accusations. This test consisted of 2 questions only. She indeed flew across the entire country and back to take this test. To this moment, she apparently has no idea who paid for this test. In addition to these flights, it turns out she flies quite often to lengthy places among her travels.

She went under oath and testified with her own "words", and at the end of it all, she still never offered a single piece of proof to backup her accusations. She has named many folks as "witnesses". None witnessed anything. The overwhelming majority don't recall or don't support her story in the slightest bit. Her best friend throughout it all remembers nothing of these accusations. With her testimony and "research" done by others found nothing at all.

She has changed her stories on the amount of people present no less than 3 times now. And NOT ONE of her previos versions ever carried his name along. Not to her friends/husband, and not to her therapist in 2012. And her therapist also had a different amount present, and of course Ford blames her for having incorrect information. :rolleyes:


And back to Feinstein. WHY did she hold onto this letter? Why not immediately referred to the FBI for investigation? The very place that her and others are NOW demanding investigate this fully (in order to completely delay until after the mid-terms of course).

WHY did Ford not go to authorities back then? Why not over the years? Why not in 2012 along with her therapist? And why when finally deciding to do something about it - goes directly to the politicians and newspapers, instead of the appropriate authorities - of which they again, are NOW making demands of?

This whole thing is an OBVIOUS charade, farce, made up bullshit with the goal of either completely having a nominee withdrawing - or just as bad and having it delayed as long as possible or until after the mid-terms, again in the hope that they take a majority lead.

And they DO NOT CARE if it harms anyone, or their families.


Emotional Kavanaugh decries ‘circus’ and maintains innocence, as Ford testifies he ‘sexually assaulted me’

A visibly angry and emotional Brett Kavanaugh denied under oath that he sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford, telling senators Thursday his name has been “totally and permanently destroyed” by these “false” allegations – after his accuser testified she's "one-hundred percent" sure he tried to force himself on her 36 years ago.

The drastically conflicting statements, delivered to the Senate Judiciary Committee in dramatic testimony that carried echoes of the 1991 Anita Hill hearings, left senators to make a judgment call on whose story is accurate. The Supreme Court nominee's confirmation process was derailed by the 11th-hour charges, and it remains unclear whether the hearing will sway enough senators to secure confirmation.

But Kavanaugh let loose in his hearing appearance, abandoning much of his prepared remarks to blast the process as a “national disgrace” and a "circus."

“This confirmation process has become a national disgrace,” he told the committee. “The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process. But you have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy.”

Rest - http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/27/grassley-opens-hearing-as-christine-ford-appears-in-public-for-first-time-to-accuse-brett-kavanaugh-sexual-assault.html

The Latest: Kavanaugh terms some of the allegations ‘a joke’

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is calling certain allegations against him a “joke” and a “farce.”

Kavanaugh made the statements while testifying Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee following allegations by Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her in high school. Allegations by other women followed those by Ford.

Kavanaugh was referring specifically to allegations by Julie Swetnick, whose name and allegations became public Wednesday, a day before the hearings. Swetnick said in a sworn statement that she witnessed Kavanaugh “consistently engage in excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women in the early 1980s.”

Kavanaugh was responding to questions from Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein when he said: “The Swetnick thing is a joke, that’s a farce.”

Feinstein asked Kavanaugh if he wanted to say more about Swetnick’s allegations. Kavanaugh responded: “No.”

Rest - https://www.apnews.com/203cde2444124d6d92504c3a81686fa1

Kavanaugh denies he was at party where Ford alleges assault happened; calls process ‘national disgrace’ that destroyed family, good name

Brett Kavanaugh called himself the victim of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” Thursday, saying he and his family have been “totally and permanently destroyed” by the sexual assault allegations he faces.

Speaking at a near-shout at times before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he called the allegations a result of “pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election” and said his confirmation process has become a “circus.”

“I’ve never done this,” Kavanaugh said of the assault charges by Christine Blasey Ford. “It’s not who I am. I am innocent.”

He said he bears Ford no ill will and teared up when recounting his 10-year-old daughter Liza, when saying her prayers, said “we should pray for the woman.”

“It’s a lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old,” Kavanaugh said.

In testimony that could determine if he is confirmed to the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh said he doesn’t question that Ford was sexually assaulted by some person, “but I’ve never done that to her or to anyone.”

Rest - https://pix11.com/2018/09/27/watch-live-christine-blasey-ford-brett-kavanaugh-testify-at-hearing-over-sexual-assault-allegations/

09-27-2018, 07:34 PM
I think our US Senate, the Supreme Court, and especially the Democratic Party are all soiled by the circus that went on today. I just feel digusted. Seeing how members of the Senate did their best to ruin the reputation and life and almost-certainly innocent man, along with the lives of his wife and two daughters, just for their political purposes.

I admit that the woman sounded believable, but her story doesn't add up, and she can't find a single one of her old friends to back up her story. You should need more than a victim face in order to attack another human being that way.

I remember a karate story I heard once, where a black belt is told to use only defense while a low-ranking belt tried offenses on him. The moral of the story was that the low-ranking belt will eventually win, because you can never win playing only defense.

I guess that's what has to happen now. All liberal nominees for any job should always be attacked and character-assassinated as much as humanly possible, until there is an equal amount of blood on both sides. It is the only way to get Democrats to take a look at themselves.

09-27-2018, 07:46 PM
^^ You nailed it of course, Russ. They of course put Kavanaugh on the defensive - with horrid accusations - but also dated accusations, accusations without corroboration, without any proof/evidence at all, without any eyewitnesses - by using a "woman victim of sexual assault" - and then the Democrats told him point blank that he was NOT innocent until proven guilty - in other words, he needed to somehow prove himself innocent of nearly 4 decade old unfounded accusations.

And at the end of the day, we all KNOW what it's about. The right getting a larger lead in the SC, and the left of course will do ANYTHING to kill that shot, or delay at it the very minimum. And as you said and saw, they are easily willing to destroy this mans life over this nomination, and that of his wife and even go as far as to intimidate his children, likely in the hopes that he would withdraw.

They put Kavanaugh on the defensive of baseless charges that OF COURSE he cannot prove otherwise. This of course once again got the crazies rocking and rolling, and a fever pitch going around America over these accusations. And the scary part is - so many of these folks just outright considering him guilty, just because a "woman victim" states so. And even scarier, is the knowledge of that ALSO, and I guarantee you this right now, also there are many that outright believe this to be an ambush, and couldn't care less about the facts produced for evidence, they simply don't want him confirmed.

Even here I was surprised that pete311 came back after the hearings and stated that Kavanaugh may go through, as there was no corroborating evidence/witnesses. Good on you, Pete, as that's how it should be! If you disagree, at least be open minded like Lady Justice and wait to hear all the testimony and FACTS provided before making a final decision. I admire the fact that Pete came back and admitted as much. But WAY too many more will unfortunately not see it that way. :(

09-27-2018, 08:24 PM
Embarrassment to the Nation on the whole!

09-27-2018, 08:49 PM
Embarrassment to the Nation on the whole!

Some people are too stupid to be embarrassed. And some of them have the title of “Senator”.

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09-27-2018, 10:12 PM
Some people are too stupid to be embarrassed. And some of them have the title of “Senator”.

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To be embarrassed, one needs a sense of shame.

09-29-2018, 10:18 PM
To be embarrassed, one needs a sense of shame.I agree. Seems to me one would want to conceal one's face with a paper sack if one was a Democrat and not one of them has the common sense to hide in disgrace or just call bullshit and quit.

Fact is, as stupid as all this looks, and anyone with common sense staring wide-eyed and jaw-dropped at this crap, half the country is buying this manure. That means half our population at least is just stupid.