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View Full Version : Top FBI official who says Kavanaugh investigation 'can easily be done in a week'

09-29-2018, 05:07 PM
And of course that is their argument right from the get go, that it shouldn't be limited in any manner, and that one week is not nearly enough. But that's hardly true, and much larger cases have been done in such amount of time.


NYT Report quotes former top FBI official who says Kavanaugh investigation 'can easily be done in a week'

A New York Times report on the the FBI’s investigation into sexual assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh quoted a former top FBI official as saying the investigation “can easily be done in a week.”

The Times report was published Friday (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/28/us/politics/kavanauagh-fbi-background-check.html), and one part included the header “Can the FBI finish investigating in a week?”

It’s not impossible. The F.B.I. has plenty of experience mounting large investigations and getting results quickly. In the days and weeks after terrorism attacks or mass shootings, the F.B.I. has completed hundreds of interviews and processed mountains of evidence, like video footage or the contents of computers and phones.

In this case, the F.B.I. is likely to make the investigation a top priority, instructing agents across the country to conduct interviews. “The F.B.I. investigation can easily be done in a week,” said Lauren C. Anderson, a former top F.B.I. official.

President Trump on Friday authorized the FBI to conduct an investigation into the allegations.


One of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys, Debra Katz, reacted Friday to the investigation’s stated one-week length.

“No artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation,” she said.


09-29-2018, 05:08 PM
How the F.B.I. Will Investigate the Kavanaugh Accusations

WASHINGTON — The renewed F.B.I. background check of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh over allegations of sexual assault will be relatively limited, relying on voluntary interviews and document production.

Former prosecutors said that because it is not a criminal investigation, F.B.I. agents will not be able to get search warrants or grand jury subpoenas compelling witnesses to testify or hand over documents. Witnesses and others can refuse to cooperate, though talking to an F.B.I. agent is often a powerful motivator to tell the truth.

At a Senate hearing on Thursday, Judge Kavanaugh forcefully denied accusations of sexual misconduct. One of his accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, told senators that he drunkenly pinned her on a bed during a party on a summer night in 1982, tried to take off her bathing suit and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming.

Republicans have said for days that an additional F.B.I. background check was unnecessary but reversed course on Friday after Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said he would not vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh without one. With a closely divided Senate, Republicans had little choice, and President Trump ordered the background check.

Rest - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/28/us/politics/kavanauagh-fbi-background-check.html

09-29-2018, 05:49 PM
Oh, we all know that every democrat will scream for more time as they attempt to run out the clock.

Won't happen, the vote is going to go down on Friday.

09-29-2018, 06:16 PM
And of course that is their argument right from the get go, that it shouldn't be limited in any manner, and that one week is not nearly enough. But that's hardly true, and much larger cases have been done in such amount of time.


NYT Report quotes former top FBI official who says Kavanaugh investigation 'can easily be done in a week'

A New York Times report on the the FBI’s investigation into sexual assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh quoted a former top FBI official as saying the investigation “can easily be done in a week.”

The Times report was published Friday (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/28/us/politics/kavanauagh-fbi-background-check.html), and one part included the header “Can the FBI finish investigating in a week?”

President Trump on Friday authorized the FBI to conduct an investigation into the allegations.


One of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys, Debra Katz, reacted Friday to the investigation’s stated one-week length.

“No artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation,” she said.

http://dailycaller.com/2018/09/29/nyt-report-kavanaugh-fbi-investigation-one-week/A retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant is quoted as saying the FBI couldn't investigate its own a$$hole in a week. They couldn't get the forms typed that fast much less anything else. Seen them in action more than twice.

Confirm the nomination and let them investigate Robert Mueller.