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09-29-2018, 07:51 PM
So supposing the Democrats take the presidency in 2020. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be 87 years old. But even if Trump wins in 2020, and then the Democrats win in 2024, and Ginsburg is then 91 years old.

Then she will be comfortable leaving office, as the Democrats will be the ones getting to nominate a new SC justice.

But what they are doing now is setting precedent on how future nominees are selected. The way proof and evidence is handled, and how much is necessary to move forward and/or eliminate a candidate. The Republicans might be able to find someone that fits the bill, and little if any proof or corroboration will be necessary. If they DO have any type of corroboration, which CAN happen, then that would be more than we have in this delayed case.

And then the republicans may very well be able to delay a nomination almost indefinitely, or at least until they are back in office.

I believe this is what Kavanaugh was referring to when he said that there may be consequences for decades to come as a result of these disgraceful actions.

But that's OK. As they now have their 1 week FBI investigation, and then the republicans will have their 2nd SC justice confirmed. And then in the future, the democrats better be very careful about the timing of when the announce the nomination of any new SC justices down the road.

What they have done here was a national embarrassment. Hopefully the republicans won't ever do what I stated down the road and lower themselves to the level of the democrats. :rolleyes: They can rightfully take another seat on the court in a week or so. Then down the road, hopefully do the right thing should the opportunity rise once again, and the democrats be in the drivers seat.

09-29-2018, 08:07 PM
So supposing the Democrats take the presidency in 2020. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be 87 years old. But even if Trump wins in 2020, and then the Democrats win in 2024, and Ginsburg is then 91 years old.

Then she will be comfortable leaving office, as the Democrats will be the ones getting to nominate a new SC justice.

But what they are doing now is setting precedent on how future nominees are selected. The way proof and evidence is handled, and how much is necessary to move forward and/or eliminate a candidate. The Republicans might be able to find someone that fits the bill, and little if any proof or corroboration will be necessary. If they DO have any type of corroboration, which CAN happen, then that would be more than we have in this delayed case.

And then the republicans may very well be able to delay a nomination almost indefinitely, or at least until they are back in office.

I believe this is what Kavanaugh was referring to when he said that there may be consequences for decades to come as a result of these disgraceful actions.

But that's OK. As they now have their 1 week FBI investigation, and then the republicans will have their 2nd SC justice confirmed. And then in the future, the democrats better be very careful about the timing of when the announce the nomination of any new SC justices down the road.

What they have done here was a national embarrassment. Hopefully the republicans won't ever do what I stated down the road and lower themselves to the level of the democrats. :rolleyes: They can rightfully take another seat on the court in a week or so. Then down the road, hopefully do the right thing should the opportunity rise once again, and the democrats be in the drivers seat.

I don't see it. If the Dems get to nominate the next SC justice, if the Republicans stay true to form, they'll just suck it up and back down to the Dems. They did with Sotomayor and she isn't qualified to be a school crossing guard. She's falt-out said it's her job to legislate from the bench and THAT is just flat out wrong.

The Republicans might be pissed off for the moment, but they forget and forgive (or puss out) REAL quick. If they were going to start knocking this shit backward, they'd start with Mueller and the DOJ and hit them hard instead of this wait and see crap. As it is, they gave audience and credence to Ford when she deserved neither.

09-29-2018, 08:21 PM
Another "what if" ...

What if ... Trump keeps the Senate and Bader-Ginsburg kicks the bucket? I'm not wishing her ill in that manner, but judging from her looks in that video I posted when this Kavanaugh crap started, she isn't exactly the picture of health.

09-29-2018, 09:52 PM
Another "what if" ...

What if ... Trump keeps the Senate and Bader-Ginsburg kicks the bucket? I'm not wishing her ill in that manner, but judging from her looks in that video I posted when this Kavanaugh crap started, she isn't exactly the picture of health.

Well, there's a healthy 85, and then there's deathbed 85... and Ginsburg is the latter. She doesn't have much more time, you can see it pretty easily.

I think most people can look at her and see it, that's why liberals are freaked out about it.

IMO, I think the chances of her making it to 2020 are pretty slim.

And then, boys and girls, you're going to see genuine liberal spastic action. Stuff like "No! You have to nominate a leftist judge to preserve a balance on the court!" instead of a Judge that actually reveres and respects the Constitution.

The Gorsuch & now Kavanaugh shows have been play acting. Ginsburg's seat will legitimately fire them up into doing some crazy shit and Kavanaugh's seat is only a mild warm up for the main event.

09-29-2018, 10:08 PM
Well, there's a healthy 85, and then there's deathbed 85... and Ginsburg is the latter. She doesn't have much more time, you can see it pretty easily.

I think most people can look at her and see it, that's why liberals are freaked out about it.

IMO, I think the chances of her making it to 2020 are pretty slim.

And then, boys and girls, you're going to see genuine liberal spastic action. Stuff like "No! You have to nominate a leftist judge to preserve a balance on the court!" instead of a Judge that actually reveres and respects the Constitution.

The Gorsuch & now Kavanaugh shows have been play acting. Ginsburg's seat will legitimately fire them up into doing some crazy shit and Kavanaugh's seat is only a mild warm up for the main event.

That's kind of how I see it. Heads will explode. Lefties jumping off buildings. Not that that's a bad thing.

Want to bet THIS isn't too far off considering lower court lefty judges have obstructed Trump (the President): lower, left wing courts ruling against the Supreme Court. They already are in violation of the law by supporting laws that defy Federal ones. What's one more step for a lefty? Too far is never far enough for THEM.