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09-30-2018, 10:36 AM
Yup, I bet you didn't know that, did you? All of us Americans just hate women!

She sounded credible. That's it, end of story!

But they heard out Kavanaugh anyway, and they couldn't believe what they were hearing, this man had the audacity to be angry at the 10 Democrats who were trying to ruin his life, declaring him evil, and stating they would be complicit in evil of they went along with him. Angry, because one of them stated he would kill millions if confirmed. He should have come in and applauded them, I suppose. And since he denied it - that obviously means he himself hates women for surely. And since this woman offered no proof at all, nearly 40 years later, and no corroboration, they decided to advance him from committee. That OBVIOUSLY means that they hate women.


The Kavanaugh hearing proves yet again the US hates women

The reaction to the Kavanaugh hearing proves that America hates women

There was a moment on Thursday, while watching Dr Christine Blasey’s Ford brave and moving testimony, that I thought that was it: there was no way Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed. Even Fox News called Ford’s testimony “extremely credible”. If Kavanaugh was confirmed when even Fox had to concede Ford was credible, then what message would that send about America’s attitude towards women? What message would that send to high school kids about the consequences of their actions?

Then, when it was Kavanaugh’s turn to speak, I was even more certain he couldn’t possibly be given a lifelong seat on the supreme court. Judges are supposed to be measured and objective. He came across as an entitled hothead, unable to control his emotions, blaming everyone except himself for his current situation. If Kavanaugh was confirmed after that performance, the credibility of the supreme court, the credibility of America, would surely be undermined. There was no way it could happen.

Well, it looks like I completely underestimated the pull of patriarchy in America. If you’re a rich, white guy with powerful friends it seems you can get away with anything. Kavanaugh hasn’t been confirmed yet, but the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board has called for him to be confirmed and Republicans are rallying around him. It’s looking increasingly likely he’ll be given a lifelong appointment to impose his will on America, no matter how women feel about it. But Republicans shouldn’t expect women to accept this without a fight. We will march, we will strike, we will run for office. We have had enough: patriarchy is on borrowed time.

How to prove you didn’t sexually assault anyone: the Brett Kavanaugh playbook

Sorry to keep on about Kavanaugh, but the entire episode really has been a case study in rape culture. Let’s review, shall we? Here are five defenses that Kavanaugh, a supposed genius in law, actually thought were credible.

Say you were a virgin. In an interview with Fox News that aired on Monday, Kavanaugh stated, unprompted, he was a virgin for years after high school. If you think, as Kavanaugh appears to, that being a virgin means you can’t be guilty of sexual assault, then you have no right to be a judge in the first place, let alone on the supreme court.

Use your 10-year-old daughter as a political pawn. In his testimony on Thursday, Kavanaugh said he meant no ill will to his accuser and, in fact, his 10-year-old daughter wanted to pray for Ford. He choked up after delivering this anecdote. I’d like to think in shame, but I’m not sure he is capable of feeling anything other than self-pity and entitlement.

Dig out a calendar from 1982. Look, it doesn’t say “attempted to rape someone tonight on it”! Clear sign of innocence there.

Reiterate how much you like beer. During the Thursday hearing Kavanaugh mentioned he liked beer around 30 times. He even asked a senator if they liked drinking beer, too. Can you imagine a woman telling a Senate judiciary committee how much she enjoyed drinking? She’d immediately be characterized as an irresponsible slut who deserved anything that happened to her. When men get drunk, it’s a whole different story.

Convince more than 85 women you know to get onstage in support. If you’ve been nice to one woman, it stands to reason that you can’t have sexually assaulted another one, right? That’s supreme court justice thinking right there.

Rest - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/29/kavanaugh-ford-hearing-protest-patriarchy-borrowed-time

09-30-2018, 05:31 PM
Scary that the author apparently has the power to have an audience that might believe him/her. The only EVIDENCE I have seen supports Kavanaugh. The contrived BS is what it is.

This article is ridiculous.

10-01-2018, 08:12 AM
This kind of SHIT is nothing more than RADICAL MONGREL DEMOCRAT THEATRICS. Anyone with half a brain that would actually read that garbage to the end has to realize that what they just read belongs in a TOILET. These types of articles have ONE intended purpose, and that's to gin up the RADICAL, BRAIN DEAD, ASS CLOWN contingent of the mongrel democrat party, which oh, by the way, nowadays is the MAJORITY of their party.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.