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View Full Version : There go the goal posts, Dems moving them again!

10-01-2018, 01:21 PM
When things don't go their way, make new lies, make new excuses and of course move the goal posts to suit any new and upcoming lies. :rolleyes:

And they're already preparing to move them again down the road. They're talking about impeachment of Kavanaugh down the road, should they take command of the senate.

Democrats are trying to move the Kavanaugh goalposts again by attacking the FBI

Giving Democrats what they want is never enough, so to see them once again changing their demands in the confirmation circus they’ve created around Judge Brett Kavanaugh should surprise no one.

After weeks of demanding an FBI investigation, Democrats began questioning the legitimacy of an FBI investigation within hours of its announcement. It’s not about Kavanaugh, it’s about the fact that President Trump nominated him, nominated anyone, and it’s about power.

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono, one of the most vocal liberals who had called for the FBI to launch an investigation, said she feared the inquiry it launched Friday would be a “farce” because it’s supposed to be done in a week. Meanwhile, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton pointed out on CBS News how Dr. Ford’s story could have been handled discretely, had Democrats wanted to honor Christine Blasey Ford’s request of anonymity, by using the existing Judiciary Committee protocols. Had they gone this route, however, it’s likely no one would have ever heard Ford’s name, which is why Democrats chose to leak it and demand a public hearing in the first place.

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake cut a deal with Democrats for the investigation in the hope of “healing” some of the partisan divisions surrounding the fight. All he really did was pay off gestapo tactics, thereby ensuring their continued use and escalation.

The whole thing is a disgrace, and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. But the media is on their team, and they’re emboldened. They got a one-week delay, now their new goal is a longer delay. And they won’t let anything stand in the way of their goal.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/10/01/democrats-move-kavanaugh-goalposts-attacking-fbi/

10-01-2018, 01:31 PM
I need to travel to DC, visit the Capitol, and see if the Dem side of the aisle has desks and chairs, or as I suspect,
high chairs, trays, and wooden spoons to pound.

This is past ridiculous, way past it.

10-01-2018, 03:38 PM
Byron York: In Kavanaugh fight, Democrats move goalposts far, far away

Ask any casual observer what the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation fight is about, and the answer will be the allegation that at a high-school party 36 years ago, when Kavanaugh was 17, he drunkenly forced then-15-year-old Christine Ford onto a bed, tried to undress her, and, when she tried to scream, covered her mouth with his hand.

That is now old news. In the last 48 hours, immediately after Senate Republicans and President Trump agreed to Democratic demands that the FBI investigate the 1982 incident, the Kavanaugh goalposts have moved dramatically. Now, a key issue is Kavanaugh's teenage drinking, and whether he testified truthfully to Congress about the amount of beer he consumed in high school and college more than three decades ago, and the effect it had on him.

Just look at the headlines:

"Yale Classmate Accuses Kavanaugh of 'Blatant Mischaracterization' of His Drinking." (New York Times)

"Another Yale classmate breaks silence: Kavanaugh lied." (CNN)

"Brett Kavanaugh's College Friends Say He Lied Under Oath About Drinking." (NBC)

And many others. The allegation is that at last Thursday's hearing, Kavanaugh lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee when he was asked about his drinking practices both in high school and at Yale University. Kavanaugh was under oath at the time.

"Lying to Congress is a federal crime," Sen. Bernie Sanders noted in a letter to Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley. "Kavanaugh's truthfulness with the Senate goes to the very heart of whether he should be confirmed to the court."

The new developments raised two questions. One, did Kavanaugh actually lie to the Senate about his drinking? And two, why are Democrats, now that they have finally won the FBI investigation they wanted into the sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, suddenly making a bigger deal of his drinking?

On the first, Kavanaugh clearly told the Senate he drank in high school and college. He told the Senate he sometimes drank to excess. But he said he did not black out, nor did he drink so much that he could not remember events that took place while he was drinking.

"I drank beer with my friends," Kavanaugh testified. "Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out, and I never sexually assaulted anyone."

Rest - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/byron-york-in-kavanaugh-fight-democrats-move-goalposts-far-far-away