View Full Version : Polls show large increase in support for Kavanaugh when told of corroboration

10-01-2018, 03:36 PM
So basically what they are saying:

1 - When listening solely to the main stream media, the polls tend to show that the majority believe Christine Ford. Not surprising, considering they lean left, and they made her an instant victim, and leaders in congress declared him as such.

2 - The polls all tended to show that Kavanaugh was believable as well, but not as much as Ford.

3 - Then when FACTS are involved, the support polls change just a little bit.

4 - When they are told that none of of the named 3 witnesses corroborate her version of events, the support for his confirmation skyrockets!

Imagine that, facts being told to folks. Don't let them little bastards ever get in the way of a good story. :rolleyes:


Opinion On Kavanaugh Shifts Strongly When People Are Told Witnesses Don't Corroborate Allegations

"[O]nce the voters are told that the named witnesses deny any knowledge of the allegation, this shifts to 57 percent who favor confirmation..."

Amid polls showing that Americans are deeply divided along partisan lines over allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a new Harvard CAPS/Harris survey found that opinion on whether Kavanaugh should be confirmed largely hinges on the FBI's findings this week. The survey also found that when people are told that the three named witnesses do not corroborate the accusations of Christine Blasey Ford, opinion shifts decisively in Kavanaugh's favor.

As The Daily Wire reported Monday, polls by YouGov and Reuters/Ipsos found that people largely believe about Kavanaugh what benefits their affiliated party: over two-thirds of Democrats believe the allegations while about the same percentage of Republicans believe Kavanaugh. Overall, YouGov found that 41 percent believe Ford and 35 percent believe Kavanaugh; Reuters found that 42 percent believe Ford and 31 percent believe Kavanaugh.

Harris Poll chair Mark Penn, a former Bill Clinton pollster, reported Sunday that the Harris Poll study found that 40 percent who saw or read parts of the testimonies last Thursday felt that Ford alone seemed credible, while 23 percent said Kavanaugh alone seemed credible. A total of 27 percent said that both seemed believable; thus 67 percent total felt that Ford was credible while 50 percent total felt Kavanaugh was credible.

Where the Harris Poll's study gets really interesting is in its findings on the impact of the FBI investigation and on the issue of corroboration. "[T]he credibility of their testimony does not appear to be the decisive factor," writes Penn. "Rather, the question comes down to corroboration as the standard for tipping public opinion on whether Kavanaugh should ascend to the high court."

When respondents were told that the three named witnesses do not corroborate Ford's claims, 57 percent said they are in favor of his confirmation. If the FBI finds no corroboration for Ford's claims, 60 percent say Kavanaugh should be confirmed. Penn reports:

In terms of the overall needle, after the testimony was heard, 37 percent say confirm the nomination, 44 percent say reject it, and 18 percent remain undecided, with Democrats going one way and Republicans the other. But once the voters are told that the named witnesses deny any knowledge of the allegation, this shifts to 57 percent who favor confirmation — and that goes up to 60 percent, if the FBI agrees there is no corroboration. Remember, because there is no specific “where” or “when” in Ford’s allegation, Kavanaugh cannot establish an alibi — and that’s why corroboration of other facts is so critical.

Given that only the two principals testified on national TV, the information that potential witnesses denied any knowledge was not front-and-center nor as credible without an independent determination that sustains those facts. Without question, if the FBI does find collaborating facts, Kavanaugh would be gone. Either way, FBI Director Chris Wray will now be on the hot seat. Hopefully this will work out better than the last time the country waited for the FBI.


10-01-2018, 09:05 PM
I mentioned that in another thread. At least on the right, what a few pundits are saying is this is backfiring on the Dems. Time will. It's caused many on the right who did not support Trump to start supporting Trump. If more Republicans start displaying some balls, who knows where it will go?

Right now, the right needs to be wary of the mid-terms. As I understand it, the Republicans can win small, or the Dems win big. Voter turnout will decide. Now, after Mueller and the Kavanaugh bullshit, anyone think the Dems are above steal/meddling in or rigging elections?

Everybody that's been bragging and talking sh*t needs to get off their laurels and make sure they vote. Otherwise, all this high drama will be for nothing.

10-02-2018, 12:09 AM
The only crime Kavanaugh (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Kavanaugh?src=hash) committed is being nominated for the SCOTUS (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SCOTUS?src=hash) by POTUS (https://twitter.com/POTUS)...He surely didn’t grope that...


10-02-2018, 10:10 AM