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View Full Version : FBI investigation finding nothing

10-02-2018, 09:07 AM
And mark Judge was to be the big one. And yet thus far it's 3 up and 3 down, just as the committee found as well of course. Oh, and her best friend at the time too. She's "believable" but no proof whatsoever from anyone. Oh, and look at the Dems, would it surprise anyone that they are doing their best to gather a growing list of people that they want interviewed? By weeks end it will be 50,000 people! :laugh: Luckily, McConnell is standing his ground and said the vote IS coming this week, as it should of course.


Three witnesses interviewed by FBI in Kavanaugh probe don't remember the party in Ford's testimony

The FBI had interviewed four people in its probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh as of Monday afternoon, but the three witnesses whom Christine Blasey Ford alleges were at the party in her testimony do not recall the gathering, according to the Washington Post’s sources.

The FBI has talked to alleged party guests Patrick J. Smyth, Mark Judge and Leland Keyser and Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her during their college years, according to WaPo.

“[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh,” Smyth’s lawyer Eric B. Bruce said in a statement, according to WaPo.

“Mr. Judge has been interviewed by the FBI but his interview has not been completed,” Judge’s lawyer Barbara Van Gelder said in a statement Monday, according to CNN. “We request your patience as the FBI completes its investigation.”

Keyser does not remember the gathering in question but has said she believes Ford.

“Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford’s account, and she has already told the press that she believes Dr. Ford’s account,” Keyser’s attorney, Howard Walsh, wrote in a Friday statement, according to CNN. “However, the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because she has no recollection of the incident in question.”

The FBI had not interviewed Ford as of Monday, according to a source cited by WaPo.

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats signed a letter Monday with a list of 24 additional witnesses they want interviewed by the FBI. Delaware Sen. Chris Coons was the only committee Democrat who did not sign.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/10/02/kavanaugh-fbi-investigation-witnesses/

10-02-2018, 09:09 AM
And lets add in Malkin here too.


Michelle Malkin: There Is Not One Shred of Evidence to Back Up Christine Ford’s Uncorroborated, Ever-Evolving, Opportunistic Story

Michelle Malkin is one of the few investigative journalists who is looking at more than Christine Blasey Ford’s dry-eyed assault testimony to the US Senate. Michelle is looking at the evidence – like Americans did in the old days.

Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of assault and attempted rape sometime in the 1980s at an unknown place and time. The only alleged “witnesses” have all rejected the 36-year-old accusations and one witness even admitted NEVER being at a party with Brett Kavanaugh.

Michelle pointed out that Christine Blasey Ford conducts high-stakes data analysis for drug companies, wrote an authoritative statistical power textbook, and co-authored 60 science journal articles.

But she can’t remember basic facts from 30 yrs ago or two months ago about biggest events in her life?

This does not compute.

Michelle added this about her husband who is a statistician and PhD in health policy.

I’m married to a PhD health policy analyst who worked in the very same statistical consultation area as Dr. Ford – research design/analysis for pharm. cos. bringing new meds & devices to market.

People in this field are OBSESSIVE about details. Lives depend on it.

Michelle Malkin released a video this weekend on Christine Ford and her impossible story.

“There is not one shred of evidence to back up Christine Ford’s uncorroborated, ever-evolving, opportunistic claims… While so many others mindlessly coo and slobber over Dr. Ford’s ‘sincerity,’ I call sincere bullcrap.”


10-02-2018, 10:13 AM
Good now time for a vote Friday....

...but wait...here comes the dem`s...

This time NO MORE! Hopefully!!