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View Full Version : Politics of Sleaze backfires - 75% of Americans blame Feinstein

10-04-2018, 03:42 PM
Americans aren't fond of liars. Americans aren't fond of those who thumb their nose at the law. Well, most Americans anyway. So their "win at any cost" mentality to keep Kavanaugh off the bench has come back to haunt them, quickly!

And Americans won't forget entirely the treatment that Trump has received off of lies and sleaze and anonymity...

So, they only helped Kavanaugh if anything based on their own actions. Now, how much will come back to haunt them in the mid-terms?


POLITICS OF SLEAZE BACKFIRES — 75% of Americans Blame DIANNE FEINSTEIN for Kavanaugh Confirmation Fiasco

This wasn’t supposed to happen?
The Democrat Politics of Sleaze Backfires!

Last month Democrats held a double-digit lead in midterm enthusiasm over Republican voters.

Then they slimed Judge Brett Kavanaugh with 11th hour groping and raping charges.
It was their worst sleaze since the pussy grab video.

Less than three weeks later the Democrat enthusiasm edge has completely vanished.
And 75% of American voters blame Senator Dianne Feinstein for the sleazy politics.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/politics-of-sleaze-backfires-75-of-americans-blame-dianne-feinstein-for-kavanaugh-confirmation-fiasco/

10-04-2018, 04:55 PM
Let the Blue Flush begin.

10-04-2018, 05:06 PM
