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View Full Version : Dem Sen. Joe Manchin Strongly Signals A ‘Yes’ Vote On Kavanaugh

10-04-2018, 04:12 PM
That would only be fitting, that after all of the smearing and lies made about Kavanaugh, it would be funny if a Democrat were to come in and save the day. Likely not necessary, but would be nice to know there's an additional vote in the wings! :)


Dem Sen. Joe Manchin Strongly Signals A ‘Yes’ Vote On Kavanaugh

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), another potential swing vote in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, strongly signaled a "Yes" vote on Wednesday when he announced his reviewing process.

According to Manchin, he will base his vote on Kavanaugh's life from age 22-53, not his life in high school, which Democrats have increasingly scrutinized in the past weeks amid allegations from Christine Blasey Ford that the SCOTUS nominee sexually assaulted her at a pool party 36 years ago.

"I am looking at the gentleman as an adult from 22 to 53, thirty-one years of professional service,” Manchin told Al-Jazeera. "I am looking at him as a father. As a person in a community, how he interacts with his community. I am trying to put the human side to it."

Should Manchin vote "No" on Kavanaugh, he will severely anger his West Virginia constituents, who favor his confirmation to the Supreme Court by an overwhelming majority — a healthy 58%.

A "No" vote from Manchin would also contradict previous statements made by the senator, who said he would not allow Ford's allegations to exclude Kavanaugh from the nomination process so long as they remained unsubstantiated and uncorroborated.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/36705/dem-sen-joe-manchin-strongly-signals-yes-vote-paul-bois

10-04-2018, 04:54 PM
I'm pretty sure the only way he votes 'yes' is if it's over the threshold anyway. At that point, he's got nothing to lose and everything to gain by confirming Kavanaugh.

What'll be awesome is when he's booted out next month anyway... along with the other democrat knuckleheads in MT and ND.

10-04-2018, 05:47 PM
I'm pretty sure the only way he votes 'yes' is if it's over the threshold anyway. At that point, he's got nothing to lose and everything to gain by confirming Kavanaugh.

What'll be awesome is when he's booted out next month anyway... along with the other democrat knuckleheads in MT and ND.

Disagree with him being 'booted'. I know the Manchin family, and yes, they are Democrats -
but a rare breed of what have always been Conservative Democrats.

I met and knew his uncle, A.James Manchin - and I will tell you and all, the Manchin
family always stood up for the citizens in West Virginia.

Manchin has been a strong ally on the other side of the 'aisle'. Why lose that?
West Virginia has voted for Republicans since the Clinton debacles unfolded.

10-04-2018, 06:13 PM
Disagree with him being 'booted'. I know the Manchin family, and yes, they are Democrats -
but a rare breed of what have always been Conservative Democrats.

I met and knew his uncle, A.James Manchin - and I will tell you and all, the Manchin
family always stood up for the citizens in West Virginia.

Manchin has been a strong ally on the other side of the 'aisle'. Why lose that?
West Virginia has voted for Republicans since the Clinton debacles unfolded.

Well, Elessar... I can't think of even one reliable democrat. If he's conservative, then he should change party affiliation and be done with it. It's not like that hasn't been done before, you know?

He's still on the fence with this, when it should be a slam dunk for confirming Kavanaugh - which means to me that he's got priorities that aren't arranged correctly.

ND's Heitkamp just announced she's voting No on Kavanaugh, and right now she's sitting 41 to the GOP challenger's 51, with 60% in favor of Kavanaugh vs 27%. She's going to get creamed and I'll cheer the whole way. There's one lost Dem Senate seat in just 32 days. Things are looking up!

10-04-2018, 06:32 PM
Well, Elessar... I can't think of even one reliable democrat. If he's conservative, then he should change party affiliation and be done with it. It's not like that hasn't been done before, you know?

He's still on the fence with this, when it should be a slam dunk for confirming Kavanaugh - which means to me that he's got priorities that aren't arranged correctly.

ND's Heitkamp just announced she's voting No on Kavanaugh, and right now she's sitting 41 to the GOP challenger's 51, with 60% in favor of Kavanaugh vs 27%. She's going to get creamed and I'll cheer the whole way. There's one lost Dem Senate seat in just 32 days. Things are looking up!

When I grew up in WVA, our two Senators, Robert Byrd and Jennings Randolph, were
hard core Conservative Democrats. Our Congressman, Harley O. Staggers, was the same.
No state in the country has known the woes of WVA - owned and controlled by businesses
from out of state - like New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.
The coal, aluminum, glass sand, and timber was shipped out, with little revenue returning.

They do exist. And Yes, things are looking up!

10-04-2018, 07:15 PM
When I grew up in WVA, our two Senators, Robert Byrd and Jennings Randolph, were
hard core Conservative Democrats. Our Congressman, Harley O. Staggers, was the same.
No state in the country has known the woes of WVA - owned and controlled by businesses
from out of state - like New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.
The coal, aluminum, glass sand, and timber was shipped out, with little revenue returning.

They do exist. And Yes, things are looking up!Wasting your time. The home grown Democrats here are WAY more conservative than most Democrats around the country; especially, the ones from the huge cities that control entire states. Been slipping some lately with all the damned snowbirds and wetbacks invading and running straight to Dallas, Houston or Austin. I don't even like San Antonio anymore but it's been a Dem stronghold longer than I have been alive. And always been conservative in nature. When moved here after living in Miami most of the 70s I thought I'd moved back in time 50 years.

Illinois is another. Get rid of Chicago and most of the people in that state are conservative. PC as Hell, but conservative.

People tend to think in term of a "a liberal is a liberal and a conservative is a conservative". Part of what's wrong with this country. It's what's wrong with out viewpoint of other nations thinking they should all think like us. It just ain't that way.

I DO tend to agree with NT that it might be time to jump ship because of national-level politics.