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View Full Version : McConnell And Schumer Square Off Before Kavanaugh Procedural Vote

10-05-2018, 10:46 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:02 AM PT — Fri. Oct. 5, 2018Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the actions of Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have tarnished the dignity of the upper chamber.
While speaking on the Senate floor Friday, the Kentucky senator called out Democrats for their partisanship and for not giving Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt in the face of allegations against him.
He went on to say the judge is stunningly well qualified to be on the court. McConnell asked senators to put principles before politics and vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

“We know the Senate is better than this. We know the nation deserves better than this. By confirming Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, this brilliant jurist will be charged with upholding the rule of law and honoring American justice. We must hold ourselves to that very same standard.”— Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader

On the other hand, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer accused Kavanaugh of being skeptical of abortion rights and executive accountability.
He also asked the president to withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination and nominate someone else.
The senate voted 51-to-49 to advance Kavanaugh’s nomination to a floor vote.

Where was McConnell when Lindsey Graham was doing his rottweiler work?:rolleyes:

That being said, Schumer is a liar and an idiot. Kavanaugh was quite clear on his stance on the legality of Roe v Wade and subsequent rulings that solidified the ruling. For the dumb (pay attention Chucky, Pete and Irish sissy guy): Kavanaugh's LEGAL OPINION is ALL that matters. That's what the job is. Duh.

Damned lefties must work hard on stupid. The one thing the excel at.