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View Full Version : Question for the guys, and the mothers of boys

Abbey Marie
10-06-2018, 02:10 PM
Kind of a behavioral question. We only have a daughter, so I’m a little behind the eight ball on little boy behavior.

Our neighbor next door has two boys, approx. 10 and 7 years old respectively.

The younger one is a screamer. He literally cannot walk the 15 feet from their front door to their car without screaming gibberish before he climbs into the car. When they play outside, he will scream/yell a lot. A real lot.

Today, the older one was by himself, hitting the trunk of a tree in their front yard as hard as he could with a bat. Repeatedly.

In general, these boys seem to me to be angry most of the time. Too much to go into in detail. The don’t seem to like each other, either.

So, is this normal behavior for boys? Did you and/or your son(s) behave this way? If so, was it because you/they were angry a lot, or did you just do it all the time for no particular reason?

10-06-2018, 02:35 PM
Kind of a behavioral question. We only have a daughter, so I’m a little behind the eight ball on little boy behavior.

Our neighbor next door has two boys, approx. 10 and 7 years old respectively.

The younger one is a screamer. He literally cannot walk the 15 feet from their front door to their car without screaming gibberish before he climbs into the car. When they play outside, he will scream/yell a lot. A real lot.

Today, the older one was by himself, hitting the trunk of a tree in their front yard as hard as he could. Repeatedly.

In general, these boys seem to me to be angry most of the time. Too much to go into in detail. The don’t seem to like each other, either.

So, is this normal behavior for boys? Did you and/or your son(s) behave this way? If so, was it because you/they were angry a lot, or did you just do it all the time for no particular reason?

I have 4 sons. The only time I saw that kind of behavior (very rarely too) was when they were angry and frustrated (not at their parents, thank goodness) with teachers, friends or bullies. They didn't know how to handle things they felt were out of their control or capability and didn't want to talk about it. God help them if it's their parents!

10-06-2018, 02:39 PM
No, that's not normal.

Either there's no discipline from the parents or there's some kind of mental dysfunction is my guess.

10-06-2018, 03:08 PM
Good diagnosis, NT, and if I had to choose which one it is in this case, I'd definitely say "both".

No, that's not normal.

Either there's no discipline from the parents or there's some kind of mental dysfunction is my guess.

10-06-2018, 03:28 PM
That is NOT normal!

Something is wrong, very wrong, in that house / family.

Boils down to the parenting, I think.