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View Full Version : A Crush Of New Polls Show Democrats In A Free Fall.............

10-08-2018, 03:36 PM
For what its worth...normally Its "shown" the other way around...But interesting read...

".............. Every new poll coming out is uniformly showing middle Americans fleeing from the

Democrats while a once-mildly apathetic Republican Party has been ginned up to energetic levels

equal to the Democratic base.

Further trouble for the much-hyped blue wave is that black voters are trending against

Democrats, participating in the #walkawaymovement and viewing the Kavanaugh

moment very differently from white Democrats. Given the reliance of the Democratic

Party on the monolithic black vote, this portends disaster for blue — but possible

salvation for the nation.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released last week found that the enthusiasm gap

between Democrats and Republicans has been erased. The poll asked registered

members of each party if they believe the election is “very important.” The gap was

running 10-15 points since mid-summer in favor of Democrats. Now it is at 2 points, well

within the margin of error, as GOP enthusiasm increased 12 points.

**The most recent IBD/TIPP poll (https://www.investors.com/politics/trump-approval-rating-ibd-tip-poll/) also found that the Democrats’ 11-point advantage in the

generic ballot was essentially gone. It’s now down to 2 points. The poll also found that

President Trump gained 4 points in his approval rating, and 7 points in the Presidential

Leadership Index. It’s an improvement at least in part by way of contrast with the

horrible sight of the Democratic left.

The newest Quinnipiac poll, which leans left, found that the Democratic generic

congressional ballot advantage has been cut in half. And since mid-September, the Real

Clear Politics average of polls (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/10/05/trump_2020_138259.html) showed Trump’s approval climbing more than three points.

And buried in a Quinnipiac poll are some numbers that should rock Democrats back on their heals:

Two weeks ago, white women were favoring Democrats on a generic congressional ballot by 13 points.

One week later it was down to five points. In the latest poll, it is at one point. These are

the vaunted suburban female voters that Democrats having been targeting because of

their supposed discomfort with Trump. But it turns out they have sons and husbands, and watching what happened to Brett Kavanaugh has not sat well.

Individual race polls are also tracking strongly the same direction.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley now leads incumbent Sen. Claire

McCaskill — with virtually all of the movement coming in reaction to the Kavanaugh

hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer now has a huge lead over Sen. Heidi

Heitkamp in two polls — 10 percent and 12 percent. In Indiana, Democratic Sen. Joe

Donnelly has a one point lead (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/indiana/) over Republican Mike Braun. It was six points two weeks

ago. (This race includes a Libertarian, which is often a spoiler for Republicans.)

A recent YouGov poll (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/) showed Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn with an eight point lead

over former Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen for the open Tennessee seat. This seat was

targeted by the Democrats as a pickup possibility.

Republican pollster Chris Wilson says she’s seen Republican polling gains in Arizona,

Montana, Nevada, North Dakota and Texas — just in one week, according to the

McClatchy (https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/midterms/article219488090.html) news service.

Meanwhile, the National Republican Congressional Committee reported late last week

that its small-dollar donations ballooned 175% over the previous week — again, largely

based on the Kavanaugh hearings. This means more than just the money increase, it

goes directly to the rising GOP voter enthusiasm in the most tangible way..................................."

Polls, sources and links here: https://therevolutionaryact.com/crush-new-polls-show-democrats-free-fall/

>>***Now, we all know better than to trust polls, especially after 2016. Then again, many on

.....the right realized that year that they can still go vote, and win, in spite of what the media....

is saying! I guess what I mean is that in spite of these optimistic polls, those of us on the

right won't use it as an excuse to stay at home, thinking we have it won. No, we will still

turn out in record numbers for an off-season, mid-term election! So take all those polls

with a grain of salt................... but let them encourage you even more to get out the



10-08-2018, 03:58 PM
Yep, I've been watching polls pretty closely since the Kavanaugh circus erupted.

Normal Americans are disgusted with democrats and that's good for us.

The downside is that the rabid ones are pretty fired up, too... I think they're very pissed that they keep losing. It's been a pretty awesome losing streak for 2 years now.

10-08-2018, 05:17 PM
We cannot become complacent, or take anything for granted as a sure thing. Remember how Inaccurate all those POLLS were before the 2016 election, when most of the Polls said, and even insisted Hillary was a SURE THING???

My hope is, as it was in the past. Those most opposed to Trump, and Republicans, who we identify as SNOWFLAKES, and LOUD MOUTH WHINERS from the Left....will do as they have done before, and stayed home. Feeling their votes are useless, and worthless anyway. Hopefully. Most of them will be shrouded in a CLOUD of POT smoke as they enjoy being High, rather than worry about what their future might be.

The Dem Reverse Psychology in Reverse with the Polls....should get the REVERSE results too!

10-08-2018, 07:09 PM
I've requested my ballot. We have 3 voting places opening this Wednesday. Might get excited enough to walk in to vote and not wait for mail-in ballot.

10-08-2018, 09:12 PM
Yep, I've been watching polls pretty closely since the Kavanaugh circus erupted.

Normal Americans are disgusted with democrats and that's good for us.

The downside is that the rabid ones are pretty fired up, too... I think they're very pissed that they keep losing. It's been a pretty awesome losing streak for 2 years now.The problem I have with that is the attention span of "normal Americans". The "next big thing" will throw this onto the back burner. Why I stated in another thread if I was running I'd be running on the dem's track record since Trump's victory. Recapping each and every lie, obstruction, false accusation ... keep it fresh in their memory without naming names. Meaning nix on the rhetoric and personal attacks. Don't have to. The events speak for themselves. Who has supported them speaks for itself as well.

Done right, a nice size spike could be driven into the Dem coffin.