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View Full Version : Hysterical 'Kavanope' Harpies Set Women Back 100 Years

10-09-2018, 11:37 AM
It was more than just some knucklehead women banging on some doors like designed little cuckoo clocks. There were plenty of men there, which seemed more or less of the feminine type, just my observation. Idiots screaming from the rafters in congress. Idiots screaming at everyone in the hallways and elevators. The idiots were all over the place, but made no difference. Stupidity and lies don't prevent justice from seeing itself through. Now we just have to hope that the same happens with some of those committing crimes or other wrongdoings on the left. And additionally hope that these fruitloops are hurting their own side and will only harm themselves here in the mid-terms.


Hysterical 'Kavanope' Harpies Set Women Back 100 Years

Never have I felt more ashamed of my sex than in the last two weeks watching hysterical harridans trashing tradition, decorum, and common decency. The Kavanaugh confirmation circus has brought out the worst of womankind -- women who forced themselves, writhing with hatred and ignorance, into our living rooms and smart devices uninvited and without consent. I've never felt so assaulted in my life than after watching the fiendish, frenzied temper tantrums of a thousand deranged females during what is supposed to be tedious, uneventful Senate procedure to seat a Supreme Court justice.

These screeching gorgons have bigger problems than Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Their performance during this uproarious time has called into serious question their fitness to even participate in any serious matter of state. For the first time in my life, I felt I needed to go back and see what the arguments against letting women have the vote were. I had a sneaking suspicion I might find some sage warnings of what we are witnessing today.

Taken from a parliamentary debate in 1912, Viscount Helmsley nailed it.

The way in which certain types of women, easily recognised, have acted in the last year or two, especially in the last few weeks, lends a great deal of colour to the argument that the mental equilibrium of the female sex is not as stable as the mental equilibrium of the male sex....It seems to me that this House should remember that if the vote is given to women those who will take the greatest part in politics will not be the quiet, retiring, constitutional women… but those very militant women who have brought so much disgrace and discredit upon their sex. It would introduce a disastrous element into our public life…it is little short of nauseating and disgusting to the whole sex…

Nauseated, disgusted, revolted, sickened, scandalized -- none of those choice words even begin to describe my feelings toward women who behave like irrational mental patients who escaped the loony bin. Or are you telling me this is normal?

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/hysterical-kavanope-harpies-set-women-back-100-years/