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10-09-2018, 12:31 PM
Yup, always frothing at the mouth, I point that out all the time. And then pull back into their holes like crummy little spiders when things don't go their way. Then they will froth once again and pop out of their holes at like 1,000mph to try and get what they want, and no tactic is beneath them.


A savage, frothing Left has united Republicans around Trump

Just in time for the last lap of the 2018 midterm elections, the Kavanaugh fiasco has united the post-Trump Republican Party like nothing before it.

Suddenly, President Trump and former President George W. Bush were pulling for the same candidate. Suddenly, Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, and Jeff Flake of Arizona are conservative heroes, having proven themselves friends in need.

Suddenly, long-term "Never Trumpers," to their surprise and astonishment, have a strange new respect for their commander in chief. “For the first time since Donald Trump entered the political fray, I find myself grateful that he’s in it,” Bret Stephens wrote in the New York Times on Oct. 4. “I’m reluctant to admit it and astonished to say it. ... I’m grateful because Trump has not backed down in the face of the slipperiness, hypocrisy and dangerous standard-setting deployed by the opponents of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination … I’m grateful because he’s a big fat hammer fending off a razor-sharp dagger … I’m grateful because ferocious and even crass obstinacy has its uses in life.”

But step back and ask yourself just why the Never Trumpers disliked Trump in the first place in 2016, and some of the answers begin to emerge. He seemed vulgar and crass and authoritarian. The aura of violence seemed to hang over his rallies. He seemed eager to overturn settled norms.

But in the battle for Kavanaugh, it was the Democrats, the feminists, and the Left who seemed crass and vulgar and eager to overturn norms. They were truly hysterical and utterly discarded the idea that guilt has to be proven, or at least some evidence given, savaging those who referred back to this mainstay principle of the Constitution and the common law.

In the course of the war, Republican lawmakers were harassed, stalked, and threatened, and threats were made on their children and their lives. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife were chased from a Washington restaurant, which had to hire security. In the eye of the storm, Collins’ offices in Maine and Washington “field[ed] threatening, profanity-laden phone calls and letters,” Newsweek reported. “If you care at all about women’s choice, vote ‘no’ on Kavanaugh. Don’t be a dumb bitch,” wrote one correspondent.

A letter to her office in Maine read, “If you vote for Kavanaugh, every waitress who serves you is going to spit in your food, and that’s if you’re lucky. … Another caller told one of Collins’ 25-year-old female staffers that he hoped she’d be raped.”

Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s wife got a threatening text message featuring a beheading video.

Protesters infested the Capitol at the height of the struggle, howling and hurling themselves at the walls.

In 2016, we were warned that if Trump was elected, it would be the end of civility. They were right, but it was coming from the resistance to Trump, not from the White House.

It was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who did not act on the letter from Christine Blasey Ford when it could have been handled more quietly. She sat on it until the hearings were over and an enormous disruption was bound to occur when the allegations leaked.

Democrats en masse turned their backs on the presumption of innocence, willing to wreck one man’s life over one allegation that never seemed grounded in fact. Everything the Never Trumpers had feared was about to take place was indeed coming at them, but not from Trump. It was coming from the people who claimed that they were his opponents. This has changed the Never Trumpers’ ideas about who was their enemy. How long they can hold to this formulation depends on the Left, and on him.


Abbey Marie
10-09-2018, 12:53 PM
It’s become quite clear: These Dems DO NOT BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY.
They believe in wielding power.

10-09-2018, 01:04 PM
As ugly of a spectacle as it was, I believe the Kavanaugh circus shone a very large spotlight on who the democrats really are.

Conservatives still got their man into SCOTUS, albeit at great stress and grief to him and his family, and the democrats completely exposed themselves & who they really are to the entire country.

I kept thinking of the old adage during everything : Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Pelosi and a few other idiots are vowing to investigate further, and I agree wholeheartedly. Investigate loudly, I say!

10-09-2018, 01:06 PM
As our great president so eloquently said, "you don't give matches to an arsonist, and you don't give power to an angry mob of democrats."

Democrats are the party of trash.

10-09-2018, 04:12 PM
It’s become quite clear: These Dems DO NOT BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY.
They believe in wielding power.

On another forum a few years back where I was an Admin, one liberal
made the comment (when GWB was re-elected) "Just wait until the next
election, when the Democrats will RULE again".

That is the problem. The mindset of the Democrats is to Rule.
Nobody RULES in this Republic. It is Governed by people elected
into positions of trust.

People are imperfect - that we all know. Said it before, find me a perfect person and
I will kiss his/her ass in the middle of the LA Coliseum and give them a week
to sell tickets for the event.

Power and Rule. That is the Democrats playbook.

10-09-2018, 08:24 PM
Only thing I've changed my feelings about is the Democratic Party and leftwingnuts in general. They're stupider than I thought. That's going pretty low. I already thought they were dumbasses.

My suggestions is going to be the same as it has been. Attacking the apathetic, the "Ne'er Trumpers", or conservatives who don't like him but support his Presidency is counterproductive. Most of the aforementioned are and have been STILL conservatives, Trump or no. Division within the party is a BIG issue. Those differences need to be put aside for the sake of winning. We as a nation can't afford otherwise.

The message for the next 30 days at least needs to be POSITIVE and motivating. Hell, I double checked to make sure my voter's registration that doesn't expire hadn't expired :laugh: I plan on being right there, grandkid in tow so I can show him the right party to vote for, fir thing in the morning :)

Beto O'Rourke is a joke and an embarrassment and basically everything wrong with the Dem party. I do NOT want him in the Senate representing MY state.

He;s a fraud to begin with. "Beto" is the nick for "Alberto" with Mexicans. Guess who the 4th generation Irish-American, Robert Francis O'Rourke is kissing ass to?:rolleyes: His name's not even f-ing Albert.

And no, I'm NOT going to shut up about the cheesedick for another month.

Abbey Marie
10-10-2018, 01:38 PM
The left’s idea of parenting. (Pardon the foul language).


10-10-2018, 02:27 PM
The left’s idea of parenting. (Pardon the foul language).


As much as I came to loathe the Clintons, and as much as I disliked Obama,
never would I accept these kinds of shirts on any child.

Kids have been sent home from school across the country for wearing shirts referring
the the NRA, the Marines, Army, SEALs, MAGA, and U.S. Flag - by liberal school administrators.

These kids are being made pawns - walking billboards - for the hate and contempt by the
adults in their life.

Wrong in so many ways.

10-10-2018, 06:20 PM
`frothing Left has united Republicans around Trump`



10-10-2018, 08:16 PM
I'd like to think that rabid Democrats have exposed their hypocrisy and mob mentality to Independents and maybe the few reasonable Dems that might still be out there. But I think the vast majority of Dems are like the zombies in The Walking Dead, without a single thought in their heads that didn't come from CNN or the NYT, and I don't think any of them will ever self-reflect about the circus that was created around Kavanaugh, or how little they care about 'presumed innocent' when the accused is white, male, or conservative.

Question - is "reasonable Dems" an oxymoron?

As ugly of a spectacle as it was, I believe the Kavanaugh circus shone a very large spotlight on who the democrats really are.

Conservatives still got their man into SCOTUS, albeit at great stress and grief to him and his family, and the democrats completely exposed themselves & who they really are to the entire country.

I kept thinking of the old adage during everything : Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Pelosi and a few other idiots are vowing to investigate further, and I agree wholeheartedly. Investigate loudly, I say!

10-10-2018, 09:08 PM
I'd like to think that rabid Democrats have exposed their hypocrisy and mob mentality to Independents and maybe the few reasonable Dems that might still be out there. But I think the vast majority of Dems are like the zombies in The Walking Dead, without a single thought in their heads that didn't come from CNN or the NYT, and I don't think any of them will ever self-reflect about the circus that was created around Kavanaugh, or how little they care about 'presumed innocent' when the accused is white, male, or conservative.

Question - is "reasonable Dems" an oxymoron?We have THE best opportunity since 1980 to just crush them while they're down and I'm all for it. Got to keep eye on target though. The Dem's will certainly run their distract and delay.

10-10-2018, 11:20 PM
We have THE best opportunity since 1980 to just crush them while they're down and I'm all for it. Got to keep eye on target though. The Dem's will certainly run their distract and delay.

Crush is a good term.

Knock this horseshit back like eradicating cockroaches, ants, and termites.

Turn the tables on them and let them suck on the tit of their own behavior.

10-11-2018, 06:04 AM
When I get into the voting booth, I just vote a straight republican ticket.

I've never voted for a democrat in my life.

The important thing to remember is to VOTE. I usually drag my neighbor down to the town hall or he'd forget or wouldn't bother, but it's one more vote for republicans.

Abbey Marie
10-11-2018, 08:08 AM
When I get into the voting booth, I just vote a straight republican ticket.

I've never voted for a democrat in my life.

The important thing to remember is to VOTE. I usually drag my neighbor down to the town hall or he'd forget or wouldn't bother, but it's one more vote for republicans.

I have voted Democrat, even recently for certain local positions.

Not going to happen now.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2018, 08:35 AM
I'd like to think that rabid Democrats have exposed their hypocrisy and mob mentality to Independents and maybe the few reasonable Dems that might still be out there. But I think the vast majority of Dems are like the zombies in The Walking Dead, without a single thought in their heads that didn't come from CNN or the NYT, and I don't think any of them will ever self-reflect about the circus that was created around Kavanaugh, or how little they care about 'presumed innocent' when the accused is white, male, or conservative.

Question - is "reasonable Dems" an oxymoron?

History has repeatedly shown that when a nation gets this divided and a large segment of its population embraces hatred, division , anarchy and destruction of preset order(read civilization and peace established by higher moral standard in our case) by way of laws that hold together that nation-
then follows either revolution or a weakness the precedes its fall--oft by invasion from enemies from foreign shores.
We are in very dangerous times because the dem party sold out to the socialists, the liberals, the radicals, the give/me give/me folks and now only exists to gain ever more power to wield in ever more destructive and freedom destroying ways.
A very sad and tragic reality that we must face and overcome if we are to survive, imho.--Tyr

10-11-2018, 08:48 AM
I have voted Democrat, even recently for certain local positions.

Not going to happen now.Ditto.

10-11-2018, 08:50 AM
History has repeatedly shown that when a nation gets this divided and a large segment of its population embraces hatred, division , anarchy and destruction of preset order(read civilization and peace established by higher moral standard in our case) by way of laws that hold together that nation-
then follows either revolution or a weakness the precedes its fall--oft by invasion from enemies from foreign shores.
We are in very dangerous times because the dem party sold out to the socialists, the liberals, the radicals, the give/me give/me folks and now only exists to gain ever more power to wield in ever more destructive and freedom destroying ways.
A very sad and tragic reality that we must face and overcome if we are to survive, imho.--TyrWell stated. No matter the ending, we, the United States, will never be the same again.

10-11-2018, 09:54 AM
I have voted Democrat, even recently for certain local positions.

Not going to happen now.
Makes me wonder... how many more people there are like you out there... I know dang well you can't be alone.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2018, 10:11 AM
Well stated. No matter the ending, we, the United States, will never be the same again.

A sad and tragic truth my friend. I sincerely believe we as a nation have already crossed-- ""a bridge tooooooooo far "" - very likely we did so during the reign of that traitor obama-- as he aided certain anti-american groups to advance a couple decades in growth and power/influence in a mere 8 years of his nation weakening policies/agenda.
He catered to La Raza, the muslim terrorists here and in the rest of the world, blacks/socialists/liberals/dems -- all of which were seeking division in order to advance their hatred and bias,( and THEIR DEEP-SET DO OR DIE TRYING) desire to destroy this nation as it was first founded, its CONSTITUTION AND ITS FREEDOMS.
More than just sad, it is truly a tragic reality that will not simply disappear on its own..
As such evil never does- not until it gets its blood, its destruction, its murder of many, many innocent lives..
History forever teaches --- that is the cold, hard and naked truth, IMHO.... -Tyr

10-11-2018, 10:19 AM
Makes me wonder... how many more people there are like you out there... I know dang well you can't be alone.

I have voted both sides for years.

After these debacles, I doubt I will ever support and vote for another Dem for a long time now.