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10-12-2018, 01:39 AM
... I'll tell ya, the gym never looked like this when I was stationed at MacDill... they did some big time modernizing... the scenery ain't bad either...


10-12-2018, 04:38 PM
... I'll tell ya, the gym never looked like this when I was stationed at MacDill... they did some big time modernizing... the scenery ain't bad either...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE-02563W0oFirst weight room I ever went into was on Homestead AFB. Was the usual for the 70s. Universal machine. Some dumbells and I guess free weights. I don't remember seeing the latter. The weight room on Brooks AFB (here) was a little hole, and the one at Ft Sam Houston was on one side of the basketball court :laugh: Lackland was supposed to have a good one but I wasn't driving that far.

Marine Corps weight rooms were pretty much dives, but all the equipment was top notch. Too much testosterone in the air though. All those jarheads in one building with a bunch of weights. :laugh:

The ones on the ships were some SERIOUS works of art. You'd be surprised how much equipment, jarheads and squids you can pile into one and we could work out with few mishaps.

My "favorite" was a Camp Alpha in Kuwait. Sand bags and truck axles. Drop your utility jacket and gear down to boots and utility trou's and tee's and you had your PT gear. We used sandbags for weights and truck axles for the bars. The Iraqi's weren't using the axles anymore since we blew them off their trucks :dev:

10-13-2018, 11:31 AM
First weight room I ever went into was on Homestead AFB. Was the usual for the 70s. Universal machine. Some dumbells and I guess free weights. I don't remember seeing the latter. The weight room on Brooks AFB (here) was a little hole, and the one at Ft Sam Houston was on one side of the basketball court :laugh: Lackland was supposed to have a good one but I wasn't driving that far.

Marine Corps weight rooms were pretty much dives, but all the equipment was top notch. Too much testosterone in the air though. All those jarheads in one building with a bunch of weights. :laugh:

The ones on the ships were some SERIOUS works of art. You'd be surprised how much equipment, jarheads and squids you can pile into one and we could work out with few mishaps.

My "favorite" was a Camp Alpha in Kuwait. Sand bags and truck axles. Drop your utility jacket and gear down to boots and utility trou's and tee's and you had your PT gear. We used sandbags for weights and truck axles for the bars. The Iraqi's weren't using the axles anymore since we blew them off their trucks :dev:
That's pure GI ingenuity at Camp Alpha... ;)

I feel pretty guilty that I haven't touched my gym for two days, but when you're up and down under a vehicle for 6 hours, I consider that a work out. Actually I was sore. Going to hit it today though.

10-13-2018, 06:20 PM
That's pure GI ingenuity at Camp Alpha... ;)

I feel pretty guilty that I haven't touched my gym for two days, but when you're up and down under a vehicle for 6 hours, I consider that a work out. Actually I was sore. Going to hit it today though.

Some of us older jarheads stole the idea of the sandbags from watching old Vietnam footage :salute: Don't remember what they used for a bar. Probably bodies. We had some blown up Toyotas handy and they weren't using their axles anymore, s-o-o-o ...

My workout's been all over the place because of the kids and the 3 ring circus going on here. I called a halt after getting all pissy yesterday and jerking WAY more weight than I usually do. I usually play it safe and within the box. I can powerlift a LOT more than I can Oly lift. Me + mad + weight set = strange things and lots of weight.

So I called a reset today and just did a basic workout to get back in the groove. Last thing I need is an injury due to temper :)

10-14-2018, 09:27 AM
Some of us older jarheads stole the idea of the sandbags from watching old Vietnam footage :salute: Don't remember what they used for a bar. Probably bodies. We had some blown up Toyotas handy and they weren't using their axles anymore, s-o-o-o ...

My workout's been all over the place because of the kids and the 3 ring circus going on here. I called a halt after getting all pissy yesterday and jerking WAY more weight than I usually do. I usually play it safe and within the box. I can powerlift a LOT more than I can Oly lift. Me + mad + weight set = strange things and lots of weight.

So I called a reset today and just did a basic workout to get back in the groove. Last thing I need is an injury due to temper :)
I couldn't deal with that. My brain isn't wired to be among a group of people 24/7, ESPECIALLY with little kids. I'd blow a gasket. That old saying, "I need my space," well, in my case, I need a LOT of space, and this is why... https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-personal-renaissance/201708/do-you-get-exhausted-in-crowds

I didn't do much yesterday, just couldn't get the motivation factor rolling, going to have to hit it again today and try harder. I think I'm beginning to suffer from SAD already, Seasonal Affective Disorder, because of all the light we lose so fast, doubled by all the gray rainy days with no sun, maybe I need some extra vitamin D.