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10-12-2018, 06:20 PM
Oink Oink here used to be the 'democrat leader' no matter her position. Hell, she was 'president' as far as dems were concerned, the day that Obama was elected. They saw his 8 years and "assumed" she would easily follow with 8 of her own.

But then the truth and reality that some of us knew about all along slowly started to leak out for the world to see. And then she and her friends cheated. And then they tried to setup Trump. She coughed a lot. She lost.

But she was still the Queen. But the truth and reality continued nonetheless.

She IS the kiss of death. And now she is slowly being pushed aside by her once ever so loyal minions.


'Kiss of Death': Democrats keep Hillary away from campaign trail

Hillary Clinton was once the face of the Democratic Party, a celebrity name who could draw thousands to rallies and was the all-but-certain first female president of the United States. Now, she is viewed as "the kiss of death" for candidates.

As the midterm election campaigns enter the home stretch, the former secretary of state, first lady, senator, and 2016 Democratic nominee is almost completely absent from the campaign trail. Most Democrats are keen to keep it that way, fearing that her reappearance could cost them a golden opportunity of winning back control of Congress.

Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, are due to go back on the road next month, embarking on a 13-city tour in which they will conduct “one-of-a-kind conversations" about "the most impactful moments in modern history". But Democratic strategists are relieved that their first event will be 12 days after Americans go to the polls on Nov 6.

"I think they're measuring how they can have the best, positive impact and have kind of decided to wait until after the election," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.

One House Democrat said the Clintons were not missed. "I have not seen Hillary or Bill at all — and I’m very grateful for that," he said. "When I think of people who have been part of our push to retake the House, I just don’t think of them at all. ... I think it’s a very good thing that they’re not being visible. It wouldn’t help our candidates."

With under four weeks until Election Day, Hillary Clinton's footprint on the 2018 scene has been remarkably light, with her involvement focused on fundraising behind closed doors rather than being seen by voters. She is slated to headline a pair of fundraisers in New York for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Monday, alongside House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Additionally, Hillary Clinton is set to headline a fundraiser for Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Monday evening.

Rest - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/democrats-keep-kiss-of-death-hillary-clinton-away-from-campaign-trail

10-12-2018, 08:13 PM
The GOP should hire her to campaign for the Dems :)