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View Full Version : Cut ties with someone over 1 meeting with Trump

10-13-2018, 04:39 AM
The first example is "T.I." - who is another rapper in the game, who now claims he is "done" with Kanye and cutting all ties.

But can you imagine ANYONE having to endure this crap for simply having a meeting? Would the outcome be the same if it were a white person meeting up with Trump?

For example, suppose it were someone like Tim Tebow? Who and how many people out there would be dropping him like a hot potato & cutting all their ties with him? And how would the public handle such announcements from others?

Or, suppose while it were when Obama was in office & he met with someone like Kid Rock, who was also there today but for a separate meeting. And then a bunch of rock n rollers, after the meeting, turned around and said they were cutting all ties with Kid Rock, and it was because of his support of Obama - and that because of the fact that Obama was racist. I wonder if the public and/or the media would see things differently?

10-13-2018, 03:20 PM
The Dixie Chicks got dumped faster than that in 03. They went from top of the country charts and local "heroes" to mud in a day. 20 times a day on the radio to zero. I don't think I heard them on the radio for 10 years, and that was once, and that station didn't repeat the error. They are STILL persona non grata around here and in real country music.

They deserved it as far as I'm concerned. Know your audience. Dopehead leftwingnuts generally aren't country music fans. Conservatives are. Sure, Billboard propped them up and made then entertainers of the year the following year but it was nothing more than political ploy from the left and most country artists could give a shit what Billboard thinks of them.

If Kanye doesn't know his audience, that's his bad. Having some thug cut ties with me wouldn't mean jack to me. Kanye is one of the most successful PRODUCERS, not just artist, in his genre. Meaning: filthy rich. As a business man is quite intelligent. I'm pretty sure he weighed the risks.

10-14-2018, 09:00 AM
Jim this shows you don't understand Kanye's history. He's been pulling crap for almost a decade now. The meeting was just the straw the broke the back.

10-14-2018, 09:23 AM
Jim this shows you don't understand Kanye's history. He's been pulling crap for almost a decade now. The meeting was just the straw the broke the back.

Ummm, no. I've followed Kanye for years and know all about him and his antics. Way more knowledge than you, guaranteed. But he was loved for his "antics" and his elevated stage moves and what not within the last year. Hell, he was also applauded for how he handled his bipolar by many. But meet with Trump? All over! I can see if actions were taken as a result, but this was simply a meeting. And those whop supported him dropped him like a hot potato.

And yes, his "pulling crap" that has made him a billionaire. And folks like TI and others talked about what a genius he was. I guess not anymore! LOL

10-14-2018, 10:33 AM
Jim this shows you don't understand Kanye's history. He's been pulling crap for almost a decade now. The meeting was just the straw the broke the back.

Define "pulling crap". It's "crap" now because some light and oxygen may have seeped through his brain to see how the Dems/left have played blacks for almost a century with a lot smoke and mirror promises? I assure you, it doesn't take any kind of genius to see the "crap" the Dems/left have been pulling for years. Two brain cells and one, half-blind eye will suffice.

Or is it crap because he "dared" meet with the arch nemesis of the people who believe all that smoke getting blown up their asses?

As I've oft stated ... I don't trust the guy. BUT, if he can use his leverage and following to put the screws to the Dems just by telling the truth? I'm not going to sit here and piss all over something he's doing I agree with.

10-14-2018, 10:42 AM
Simply put, just more hypocrisy from the angry democrat MOB.

10-14-2018, 03:18 PM
Simply put, just more hypocrisy from the angry democrat MOB.

lol you want to talk about hypocrisy? You guys look like clowns for blindly backing a mentally ill man that has acted like a spoiled brat for nearly ten years now talking crazy. You guys obviously never listened to his music which is full of anti police lyrics. Just hilarious that a bunch of old white men jump on his bandwagon yet don't know him at all. If Obama or HIllary suddenly put on a MAGA hat you'd all forget everything they stood for.

10-14-2018, 03:30 PM
lol you want to talk about hypocrisy? You guys look like clowns for blindly backing a mentally ill man that has acted like a spoiled brat for nearly ten years now talking crazy. You guys obviously never listened to his music which is full of anti police lyrics. Just hilarious that a bunch of old white men jump on his bandwagon yet don't know him at all. If Obama or HIllary suddenly put on a MAGA hat you'd all forget everything they stood for.

And silly Leftist (Liberals) followed Blindly Failed Obama and corrupt Hillary...To stupid to know the difference between right and wrong... still hanging tough with the "old" white corrupt Liberals ....(Democrat) Party....

10-14-2018, 09:53 PM
lol you want to talk about hypocrisy? You guys look like clowns for blindly backing a mentally ill man that has acted like a spoiled brat for nearly ten years now talking crazy. You guys obviously never listened to his music which is full of anti police lyrics. Just hilarious that a bunch of old white men jump on his bandwagon yet don't know him at all. If Obama or HIllary suddenly put on a MAGA hat you'd all forget everything they stood for.Who is blindly backing him? I think all of us to a person has expressed our reservations regarding Kanye West.

Now he's "mentally ill" huh? Not so much though when he proclaimed Bush was "killing people out there" during Katrina, right?

A bunch of "old white me" suddenly supporting him is different than those who supported him for decades "suddenly" turning on him HOW, exactly? Which "old, white men are you referring to, anyway? You being racist towards members of the board?

Nobody's blindly hitching up to anything. It's just easy as Hell to identify with being treated like shit by leftwingtards.

10-14-2018, 09:58 PM
Who is blindly backing him? I think all of us to a person has expressed our reservations regarding Kanye West.

Now he's "mentally ill" huh? Not so much though when he proclaimed Bush was "killing people out there" during Katrina, right?

A bunch of "old white me" suddenly supporting him is different than those who supported him for decades "suddenly" turning on him HOW, exactly? Which "old, white men are you referring to, anyway? You being racist towards members of the board?

Nobody's blindly hitching up to anything. It's just easy as Hell to identify with being treated like shit by leftwingtards.

No he's been diagnosed for years and refuses treatment. See, ya don't know who you're supporting.

10-14-2018, 10:08 PM
No he's been diagnosed for years and refuses treatment. See, ya don't know who you're supporting.

Not entirely true. His treatment has been back and forth, both medicinally and via rehabs. Know what you're talking about before condemning others.

10-14-2018, 10:21 PM
No he's been diagnosed for years and refuses treatment. See, ya don't know who you're supporting.At least I can read. You apparently can't. Where did I say I was supporting Kanye West? I think I've made it pretty clear I don't like nor trust him. I also said I'm not going to complain if he actually does something to get people to turn from your party of evil and support its defeat who am I to bitch if he's doing something I agree with? THAT is IT.

My granddaughter is bipolar and she'd run circles around you so fast you'd break your own damned neck. I deal with her every single day, and guess what? She's still a person. AND, if for something as stupid as politics someone was to call her anything less in front of me there's a damned good chance that violence you always speak of would rear it's head in a REALLY ugly manner. She's my oldest grandchild and I don't get to throw her in the trash when I don't agree with her.

Must be the kind, loving, giving liberal side of you that suddenly has decided that because of politics a mental illness makes someone less than you. The DNC must be proud :rolleyes:

10-14-2018, 10:45 PM
Not entirely true. His treatment has been back and forth, both medicinally and via rehabs. Know what you're talking about before condemning others.

Nope, he's talked about how his mental illness is his superpower. Dude has no intention of treatment. The rehab was for drug addiction.

10-14-2018, 10:54 PM
Nope, he's talked about how his mental illness is his superpower. Dude has no intention of treatment. The rehab was for drug addiction.

More evidence of his genius. He is able to use his mental illness to fully understand the liberal mind!

10-15-2018, 05:39 PM
More evidence of his genius. He is able to use his mental illness to fully understand the liberal mind!Isn't there something very wrong and funny as Hell at the same time about ANYONE on the left discussing "mental illness"?

Speaking of bigotry ... so far Pete has stereotyped/ profiled people as "mentally ill" and "old. white males". If Kanye was sill a leftard he'd ne "bravely coping with a problem in his own way" and us "Old. white men" would be "experienced sages". :rolleyes:

10-15-2018, 06:04 PM
Nope, he's talked about how his mental illness is his superpower. Dude has no intention of treatment. The rehab was for drug addiction.

I'll meet you half the way - I will GUARANTEE you that he has taken various medications for his bipolar in the past.


(The rapper, 41, also recently revealed that he is “off medication” he had previously been taking to treat the disorder.)

Since West disclosed that he is no longer taking his medication, people in his inner circle have been “telling him that he needs to get back on his medication, that he’s not doing well, that he’s not making any sense,” an insider told PEOPLE earlier this week.

On Thursday afternoon, during a meeting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, West — who avidly supports and voted for the president in the 2016 election — claimed during a lengthy, televised discussion that he was “misdiagnosed” with bipolar disorder. (The rapper, 41, also recently revealed that he is “off medication” he had previously been taking to treat the disorder.)


And while I was as positive as one can be, I can't find any reference to his rehab stays being due to his mental illness. They don't say the specific medications he was taking, but nor would they.

10-15-2018, 06:46 PM
I'll meet you half the way - I will GUARANTEE you that he has taken various medications for his bipolar in the past.


(The rapper, 41, also recently revealed that he is “off medication” he had previously been taking to treat the disorder.)

Since West disclosed that he is no longer taking his medication, people in his inner circle have been “telling him that he needs to get back on his medication, that he’s not doing well, that he’s not making any sense,” an insider told PEOPLE earlier this week.

On Thursday afternoon, during a meeting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, West — who avidly supports and voted for the president in the 2016 election — claimed during a lengthy, televised discussion that he was “misdiagnosed” with bipolar disorder. (The rapper, 41, also recently revealed that he is “off medication” he had previously been taking to treat the disorder.)


And while I was as positive as one can be, I can't find any reference to his rehab stays being due to his mental illness. They don't say the specific medications he was taking, but nor would they.I am by no means an expert on the topic; however, this is my experience with mood-altering medication. It is designed first and foremost to dumb the person down to a controllable level. They constantly dick around with the dosage and generally turn the person taking it into a fruitloop.

Of course there are people the medication works for and of course there are people who cannot go without it. I am not addressing that because my experience is with a person as I initially described.

Society, ESPECIALLY leftwingnut society "are looking for a few good sheep". Nice, compliant, docile and easily led. My grnddaughter is all of that when they dope her up. I would like to think I am instrumental in them taking her off that shit, and whether I deserve credit or blame remains to be seen. She may be more moody and pissy off of it, but she's a hundred times more intelligent.

If Kanye West has the ball and the ability to tough it out without the drugs, all politics, music genres or whatever aside, power to him. Doesn't matter whether or not anyone else like the answer nor the outcome so long as it works out for him.

And a reminder to pete, as I mentioned in another thread, don't mistake what YOU see as a weakness, or a real weakness, for the strength of the entire person. What you don't see -- the strength that is actually here -- IS what will kill you.

10-15-2018, 07:18 PM
lol you want to talk about hypocrisy? You guys look like clowns for blindly backing a mentally ill man that has acted like a spoiled brat for nearly ten years now talking crazy. You guys obviously never listened to his music which is full of anti police lyrics. Just hilarious that a bunch of old white men jump on his bandwagon yet don't know him at all. If Obama or HIllary suddenly put on a MAGA hat you'd all forget everything they stood for.

At NO time, have any of us ever talked about your mental illness. We do not stoop as low as you, bringing all of your constant BULLSH*T here, and expecting us to feel sorry for your lack of intestinal fortitude to face your own misery like a Human.