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View Full Version : WHITE LIBERALS ON CNN: “Kanye Betrayed the Hip Hop Community”

10-13-2018, 05:16 AM
So it's of course instantly a race issue. Kanye will be disowned! LOL And of course he'll also be disowned within the hip hop community and his career.


INSTANT CLASSIC=> WHITE LIBERALS ON CNN: “Kanye Betrayed the Hip Hop Community”

Oh, this is rich.
Kanye West visited President Trump in the Oval Office today.

Democrats did not take this well.

White liberal hacks Bill Kristol Jeremy Diamond, Jake Tapper, Julie Kucinich and Nayyera Haq, on CNN agreed that, “Kanye betrayed the hip hop community.”

And not a one of them batted an eye at the outrageous statement.
Thank you white liberals for setting the hip hop community straight!

But, isn’t this cultural appropriation?



10-13-2018, 05:20 AM
He "betrayed" the Hip Hop Community"? And CNN brings up the guys deceased mother? :rolleyes:


THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West’s Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting

Nothing is too low for CNN.

CNN not only suggested Kanye West must seek help for meeting with Trump, Don Lemon brought up the rapper’s deceased mother.

CNN’s Don Lemon went after Kanye West’s deceased mother Thursday after the rapper met with President Trump in the Oval Office sporting a red MAGA hat.

Kanye West used some colorful language in the Oval Office; he praised President Trump as his “hero” and gave him a huge hug.

The left melted down.

Don Lemon said later Thursday that Kanye West changed after his mother passed away and that she must be “rolling in her grave.”

“Him in front of all these white people, mostly with people, embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones, watching this, cringing. I couldn’t even watch it. I had to turn the television off because it was so hard to watch,” Lemon said.

“This was an embarrassment. Kanye’s mother is rolling over in her grave. I spoke to one of her friends today or texted with one of her friends today from Chicago, Donda’s friend. I used to live there,” Don Lemon said, adding “Kanye, back away from the cameras, go get some help.”


Earlier this week, CNN said the following of Kanye West:
** A result of when negros don’t read
** “Is a token negro”
** An attention wh***’
** Has mental issues


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-13-2018, 08:53 AM
He "betrayed" the Hip Hop Community"? And CNN brings up the guys deceased mother? :rolleyes:


THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West’s Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting

Nothing is too low for CNN.

CNN not only suggested Kanye West must seek help for meeting with Trump, Don Lemon brought up the rapper’s deceased mother.

CNN’s Don Lemon went after Kanye West’s deceased mother Thursday after the rapper met with President Trump in the Oval Office sporting a red MAGA hat.

Kanye West used some colorful language in the Oval Office; he praised President Trump as his “hero” and gave him a huge hug.

The left melted down.

Don Lemon said later Thursday that Kanye West changed after his mother passed away and that she must be “rolling in her grave.”

“Him in front of all these white people, mostly with people, embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones, watching this, cringing. I couldn’t even watch it. I had to turn the television off because it was so hard to watch,” Lemon said.

“This was an embarrassment. Kanye’s mother is rolling over in her grave. I spoke to one of her friends today or texted with one of her friends today from Chicago, Donda’s friend. I used to live there,” Don Lemon said, adding “Kanye, back away from the cameras, go get some help.”


Earlier this week, CNN said the following of Kanye West:
** A result of when negros don’t read
** “Is a token negro”
** An attention wh***’
** Has mental issues


Don Lemon is a joke, a moron. I would it if Kanye turned his attention on what that ffing maggot had to say while referencing his mother!
Lemon as if he knew Kanye's mother than her own beloved son did!
Yet again we see the arrogance and gall of idiots like Don Lemon, that step across any boundary in their hatred and desire to destroy a duly elected and very fine President. And do so after they demanded decent people accept and never dare criticize that lying piece of shit obama- with his nation weakening/destroying policies.
Had that pos Lemon spoke such about my mother, I'd be thinking of ways to get justice, the kind that leaves a most definitive and very, very long lasting impression..-Tyr

10-13-2018, 11:39 AM
No couth or manners.

Attacking a man's departed mother?

He needs that microphone shoved down his throat.

10-13-2018, 12:19 PM
So it's of course instantly a race issue. Kanye will be disowned! LOL And of course he'll also be disowned within the hip hop community and his career.


INSTANT CLASSIC=> WHITE LIBERALS ON CNN: “Kanye Betrayed the Hip Hop Community”

Oh, this is rich.
Kanye West visited President Trump in the Oval Office today.

Democrats did not take this well.

White liberal hacks Bill Kristol Jeremy Diamond, Jake Tapper, Julie Kucinich and Nayyera Haq, on CNN agreed that, “Kanye betrayed the hip hop community.”

And not a one of them batted an eye at the outrageous statement.
Thank you white liberals for setting the hip hop community straight!

But, isn’t this cultural appropriation?



True definition of statement(s) from the left on Kanye: Fear.

I've been clear about my position on Kanye. I don't like him nor do I trust him. He does however have one song I like. Go figure.

HOWEVER, IF Kanye West is sincere, he can do some REAL damage to the left. One, he is rich enough to be untouchable by the media. Two, he has a following that DO listen to him whether or not what he's saying is a negative, stupid or a positive. We always get all jacked out of shape when people listen to the Michael Moore's, but some dumbasses do.

IF that takes away Dem votes, good. I'm willing to accept any and every vote taken from the them. Still not going to ever be Kanye's new best friend, but the enemy of my enemy can be my "acquaintance" if it helps the cause.

10-13-2018, 01:47 PM
I don't like him nor do I trust him. He does however have one song I like.

Well how about that... Kanye edited out "nigger"... can't find it either on youtube, unless it's some weird remix not posted by Kanye. Spotify has the unedited version...


10-13-2018, 03:24 PM
Well how about that... Kanye edited out "nigger"... can't find it either on youtube, unless it's some weird remix not posted by Kanye. Spotify has the unedited version...


Nobody really knows what he is doing but him. I look at him the same way I used to look at this village chief in Kuwait. He was neither shi nor sunni so far as anyone knew, nor was he a pro-Saddam Iraqi.

Wait and watch. He'll show his hand sooner or later, even if it's nothing.