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10-13-2018, 02:34 PM
I can believe this. And quite easily too!


Melania Trump says she is one of the most bullied people in the world; distrusts some in the West Wing

First lady Melania Trump told ABC News in an exclusive interview that she has told her husband there have been people in his administration she didn't trust who worked for him.

She also said she believes she is one of the most bullied people in the world.

Asked by ABC News Chief National Affairs Correspondent Tom Llamas whether there are still people in the president’s administration "he can't trust," the first lady said yes.

"It's harder to govern," the first lady said in a clip set to air Thursday on "Good Morning America." "You always need to watch your back."

The first lady's comments come on the heels of a recent op-ed in The New York Times by an anonymous senior Trump administration official who claimed that many senior officials are trying to "frustrate parts of [Trump's] agenda."

Trump blasted the essay on Twitter as "gutless" before sending out a one-word tweet: "TREASON?"

ABC News' wide-ranging interview with the first lady took place in Africa, where she traveled to promote her "Be Best" campaign, which raises awareness about online bullying.

The first lady explained how her experience being bullied led in part to her "Be Best" initiative.

"I could say that I'm the most bullied person in the world," Melania Trump said.

Pressed by Llamas on that assertion, she responded, "One of them -- if you really see what people are saying about me."


10-13-2018, 06:25 PM
I of course agree she is bullied above and beyond the norm. I'm just not sure where the line is between bullied for being the First Lady which goes with the territory, bullied for being a Republican First Lady that goes with the territory, and being bullied above and beyond for being Donald Trump's wife.

Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if it had been Michelle Obama treated as Melania has been? The entire cast of the vast right wing conspiracy would be racist :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
10-13-2018, 09:12 PM
Breaks my heart to see how this sweet woman is treated.
Just the umpteenth example of the hypocrisy of the Left.

10-13-2018, 09:20 PM
Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if it had been Michelle Obama treated as Melania has been? The entire cast of the vast right wing conspiracy would be racist :rolleyes:

You are very correct!

Michelle injected herself into politics, slammed the nation: "I have never before been proud of this Country",
and helped Obama ignore the chaos in the inner cities.

Melania has been gracious and caring.

Leave her alone, leftists!

10-13-2018, 09:21 PM
Breaks my heart to see how this sweet woman is treated.
Just the umpteenth example of the hypocrisy of the Left.

You are correct..See my above opinion.

10-13-2018, 09:26 PM
Breaks my heart to see how this sweet woman is treated.
Just the umpteenth example of the hypocrisy of the Left.I don't think she's done anything to deserve the way she's treated. That was kind of my point. Of my previously stated choices, I'd say she is picked on more for being Trump's wife than anything else.

It's one of those things that has always ticked me off. Dem First Ladies can meddle in politics all they want and the right best not say a word. We were a 'vast right wing conspiracy" and equal rights haters when it was Hitlery, and racists when it was Michelle O-Blah-blah.

But when it's a Republican First lady? No rumor is too cheap or low, no lie to big, and no insult harsh enough or we're "against freedom of speech".:rolleyes:

The MSM won't even go after these nutcase female Dem politicians who hold office and SHOULD BE held accountable. They were ready to elect a former First Lady who is a criminal with a complete pass.

They're such liars. I've never understood why people haven't seen right through their BS.

10-14-2018, 05:36 AM
I have to agree with all regarding how Melania has been treated, have said so from the start. Unlike many first ladies, she really has kept out of most of it. I think she's been pretty forthcoming on how she got involved with Trump and what they both got out of it.

The left are bullies, especially the media.

I've not changed my mind on Trump, nor the good things that he's ushered in. I still wouldn't vote for him, but 100% agree that the wife and little kid should be left alone.

10-14-2018, 09:02 AM
Like how you guys leave Michelle alone right? You are a awful to her.

10-14-2018, 09:29 AM
Like how you guys leave Michelle alone right? You are a awful to her.

And that has WHAT to do with Melania being bullied?

I won't bully Michelle, don't have her on social media and never once interacted with her. But I will say, she's simply 1/11128123761376th as classy as Melania.

You'll come back with your dribble about me or others, since you're incapable of discussing the subject, but it's a fact. And one is respected and the other scoffed at.

The funny thing is, Melania doesn't barely engage the public - and she's considered one of the classiest ever. Michelle liked to think she was a politician and try to make her own little headlines. Could be why one is considered classy. Or perhaps because one is beyond beautiful, and Michelle is just a plain jane complainer.

10-14-2018, 09:43 AM
Like how you guys leave Michelle alone right? You are a awful to her.

she reaps what she sows....


10-14-2018, 10:06 AM
Like how you guys leave Michelle alone right? You are a awful to her.

She stuck her foot in her mouth from the get-go. See the post above.

Hillary did the same damn kind of thing when Bill was elected, saying "WE are the President".

Never heard Melania say anything of the sort, have we?