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View Full Version : Just Shut Up, Go Home, And Take Your Kid With You

08-26-2007, 01:47 AM
You would have thought the United States had committed some unforgivable crime against humanity if you listened to the howls of rage emitting from a horde of liberals whining over the fate of an illegal alien who played them for suckers.

Her name is Elvira Arellano and whatever else she may be, she's a master propagandist who knows full well just which buttons to push to unleash a flood of liberal do-gooder tears from those who don't recognize a con man (or woman) even when the con is so obvious a ten-year-old could see it.

In case you haven't been paying attention, for the past year Sra. Arellano has been playing the part of a victim of heartless U.S. immigration laws that demand that she be deported just because as a serial illegal alien she just plain doesn't belong north of the U.S.-Mexican border, which she has long used as her own personal revolving door.

As part of her con game she managed to find a clergyman who was willing to offer her sanctuary in his church, which she used as a pulpit to preach about the injustice of being persecuted by a brutal government that wanted to ship her south of the border. She wailed it would separate her from her 8-year-old son, the by-product of some furtive sexual encounter with a man she either refuses to identify or whose identity has somehow slipped her mind (if she ever knew in the first place).

Elvira has made herself into the poster girl for amnesty for all illegal aliens, and it's been a spectacle to watch how she's done it. Especially since neither she nor her son can speak a word of English.

Safe from the grasping hands of the immigration cops who risked being boiled in media oil had they violated the alleged sanctuary, she created a flood of stories depicting her plight at the hands of the heartless Feds.

Needless to say, the woody-headed liberals who dominate the media managed to avoid writing about or broadcasting the sordid tale of the real Elvira Arellano. As a result, when justice finally prevailed and she was sent packing by the immigration authorities, a great cry of agony arose from the left and from the illegal immigration community, which cannot understand why most Americans labor under the false belief that people here in the U.S. should obey the law, especially when the law says those wishing to reside within our borders should abide by the laws that restrict immigration to those willing to obey the immigration laws.

Elvira was not among their number. She had one rallying cry -- she would not leave the U.S. because to do so would separate her from her beloved love-child, who is legally an American citizen since he was born here.

Who is this woman who has tugged so successfully at the heartstrings of the nation's liberals?

She snuck into the U.S. years ago, was caught and sent southward in the late '90s.

That was just a minor setback in her career -- in a matter of a few days she was back in the U.S. where she got pregnant and got a job as a cleaning woman at an airport thanks to a phony Social Security card -- a rather serious offense for which would be a sure ticket to the slammer for most people. But not for Elvira. It took 9/11 to get her charged with the crime and ordered out of the U.S. -- again.

She didn't go. Instead she conned a church into giving her sanctuary where she stayed until she rashly ventured forth to promote the virtues of illegal immigration. The Feds nabbed her and promptly deported her, offering to let her take her son -- you know, the one she insisted she could not be separated from.

She said no. After all, the kid is a better propaganda tool here in the U.S., allowing her to bewail her "enforced" separation from him.

Liberal tears flowed, all of which proves that there's more than one sucker born every minute here in the U.S.

LINK (http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/mreagan/2007/mr_08241.shtml)

08-26-2007, 10:52 AM
And there are no Anglos who have ever pulled off scams, right?
Stop with the hate.

08-26-2007, 11:00 AM
She was in this country illegally, she stole someones SS#, she evaded departaion order, are we supposed to love her? I am sorry but I would have put her in jail, and make her life hell. You want to be here, you do it legally, and do not bemoan your fate when you break the law. And as for the kid, it is not against the law to take him with you. So as far as I am concerned she is a lawbreaker, and I hope she never-ever steps on American soil again.

08-26-2007, 11:04 AM
And there are no Anglos who have ever pulled off scams, right?
Stop with the hate.

Typical liberal response. Thanks for justifying criminal behavior. BTW, don't try to label me as a racist. I don't play that shit.

08-26-2007, 11:06 AM
I am not labeling you as a racist. I am flat out calling you a racist.

08-26-2007, 11:08 AM
Typical liberal response. Thanks for justifying criminal behavior. BTW, don't try to label me as a racist. I don't play that shit.

But 82 marine, she has a kid, and we are such bad people for not putting her in jail for identity theft, and how dare we seperate her from her child!!! We are just evil!!! We all need to just hug illegals no matter what they do, becouse its ok that they break the law, they are just helpless little stupid human beings who cannot understand english, therefore the laws are not applicable to them. See I just explained everything for ya :)

08-26-2007, 11:09 AM
Would it be racist to disagree with any law breaker?

08-26-2007, 11:10 AM
I am not labeling you as a racist. I am flat out calling you a racist.Because he wants someone who broke the law punished. What your attmepting to say is that if anyone of color breaks the law WE cant prosecute them because we are racist!!!

Give me a freaking break by your standards the only people that we can prosecute and throw in jail will be able bodied white people.....:lame2:

08-26-2007, 11:11 AM
re: this story - the lady in question is a racist. She hates Mexicans and Mexico maybe?

She seems to have NO LOVE for her child - much like Cindy Sheehan, she seems to only want to use him to further HER cause. She's a criminal, and everyone who supports her is party to a crime.

08-26-2007, 11:11 AM
Would it be racist to disagree with any law breaker?

...only if the law-breaker is not white. If the law-breaker is white, it's GWB's fault. If they are NON-white, they are mere victims of the White Man.

08-26-2007, 12:16 PM
I watch news all day and read news all day on the internet and muc=st have missed the great hue and cry you claim is coming from the "left".

08-26-2007, 01:18 PM
I watch news all day and read news all day on the internet and muc=st have missed the great hue and cry you claim is coming from the "left".

Yes, plesently enough there has been little coverage of this on the MSM.

Maybe the tolerant libs are also getting tired of harbording law breakers.

08-26-2007, 05:52 PM
I am not labeling you as a racist. I am flat out calling you a racist.

this is the problem with liberalism. they would rather label their opponents racists than deal with the arguments.

Illegal immigration is a problem. It doesnt matter what country they are coming from. Doesnt matter if they are mexican, italian, africa, chinese, british, etc. If they are here illegally they should be sent home.

Simply yelling racism every time you dont like to face the truth isnt productive to discussion nor does it help us solve the problem.

08-26-2007, 06:10 PM
this is the problem with liberalism. they would rather label their opponents racists than deal with the arguments.

Illegal immigration is a problem. It doesnt matter what country they are coming from. Doesnt matter if they are mexican, italian, africa, chinese, british, etc. If they are here illegally they should be sent home.

Simply yelling racism every time you dont like to face the truth isnt productive to discussion nor does it help us solve the problem.

Those words have too many syllables for her to understand them.

08-26-2007, 10:52 PM
And there are no Anglos who have ever pulled off scams, right?
Stop with the hate.

This coming from you? Seriously? Why don't you "stop with the hate" before you telling someone else to do the same?

Wonderful. A quartet of Uncle Toms and one Nappy Headed Ho.

08-26-2007, 10:59 PM
I am not labeling you as a racist. I am flat out calling you a racist.

Provide proof if you will. If you can.

08-26-2007, 11:01 PM
I am not labeling you as a racist. I am flat out calling you a racist.

Pot, meet kettle.

Pale Rider
08-26-2007, 11:08 PM
Yes, plesently enough there has been little coverage of this on the MSM.

Maybe the tolerant libs are also getting tired of harbording law breakers.

Even some of the liberals know there is too large of a majority of Americans, on the right and the left, that want our laws enforced.

08-26-2007, 11:21 PM
Provide proof if you will. If you can.

Gabo's proof:

Your're white

08-27-2007, 11:21 AM
And there are no Anglos who have ever pulled off scams, right?
Stop with the hate.

So if there are other con artists around that makes it right then?

08-27-2007, 12:49 PM
So if there are other con artists around that makes it right then?

Originally Posted by gabosaurus
He should be banned from the NFL for life. But of course, he won't be. Because if you got game, you can get away with anything. Some idiot team that needs a name will sign and use him.
Even before the dog fighting incident, Vick had a long record as a detriment to society. Same as a lot of pro athletes. I am sure he will be back. If not as a football player, as a wrestler or a participant of some TV reality show

Funny though she was willing to hang Vick out to dry for abusing animals. But, if you oppose illegals your racist.

Gabbo: Maybe your racist for not wanting a black man to have a living after he pays his dept to society.