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View Full Version : The Left Loves to Point Out That Hillary Won the Popular Vote by Over 3 Million Votes

10-17-2018, 02:48 AM
Voter Fraud Anyone? U.S. Has 3.5 Million MORE Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults

Riddle me this: Why does the United States have has 3.5 million more registered voters than it has living adult citizens? That’s impossible after all the Democrats say there is no reason for Voter ID laws or purging the voter rolls. They anyone who wants to ensure only people who are supposed to vote are allowed to vote are trying to suppress voter turnout. And in a way they are correct, we want to make sure that none of those 3.5 million extra voters get to cast ballots, that would be voter fraud.
The Election Integrity Project of Judicial Watch — a Washington-based legal-watchdog group — analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011–2015 American Community Survey and last month’s [July] statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information. Pennsylvania’s legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold.


10-17-2018, 08:50 AM
Riddle me this: Why does the United States have has 3.5 million more registered voters than it has living adult citizens? That’s impossible after all the Democrats say there is no reason for Voter ID laws or purging the voter rolls. They anyone who wants to ensure only people who are supposed to vote are allowed to vote are trying to suppress voter turnout. And in a way they are correct, we want to make sure that none of those 3.5 million extra voters get to cast ballots, that would be voter fraud.
Good Lord... no way in hell anyone could have even attempted to EDIT that for grammatical errors and punctuation.

Takes away from the importance of the topic.

10-17-2018, 10:44 AM
Voter Fraud Anyone? U.S. Has 3.5 Million MORE Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults

Riddle me this: Why does the United States have has 3.5 million more registered voters than it has living adult citizens? That’s impossible after all the Democrats say there is no reason for Voter ID laws or purging the voter rolls. They anyone who wants to ensure only people who are supposed to vote are allowed to vote are trying to suppress voter turnout. And in a way they are correct, we want to make sure that none of those 3.5 million extra voters get to cast ballots, that would be voter fraud.
The Election Integrity Project of Judicial Watch — a Washington-based legal-watchdog group — analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011–2015 American Community Survey and last month’s [July] statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information. Pennsylvania’s legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold.


The Dems have no plan to actually win in 2020. They will try and steal it. If the right and the government lets them, they will. Winning fair and square by the numbers is NOT in their game plan. "Get the power back by whatever means necessary no matter how dishonest" is.

That is one of THE big reasons I keep preaching there can be NO complacency on the right.

Something the left hasn't mentioned since ... Hitlery beat Obama in 08 in the primaries. Two Dem superdelegates screwed her and voted against the wishes/votes of their constituents to put Obama over. They'll eve f*ck themselves.